I saw A Quiet Place (2018) last night for the first time.
This (er, these) caught my eye:
…which reminded me of this…
…and this…
…and (more broadly) this…
(…for more about THAT see this)
…and, of course, I couldn’t help but think of this…
The End.
I saw A Quiet Place (2018) last night for the first time.
This (er, these) caught my eye:
…which reminded me of this…
…and this…
…and (more broadly) this…
(…for more about THAT see this)
…and, of course, I couldn’t help but think of this…
The End.
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“Who was Snohomish Man?” would make a fantastic documentary short film.
Re: "COVID-19 is spreading, and you may not know you're infected until you've already infected others."
Honestly...you could not make it up...
The 'deadly virus' you don't even know you have...
The 'deadly virus' that doesn't kill most people...
Meanwhile, the actual needles and contents unambiguously going into arms, repeatedly, who knows what might be in them...and they were MANDATED!!!
Voluntary informed consent was trashed.
This is what happened in Australia...
But...after the mandates were imposed, I received a letter from the Australian Government in November 2022, which confirmed: "Informed consent should be obtained for every COVID-19 vaccination, as per usual consent procedures for other vaccinations." https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2022/11/mc22-018819-signed-highlighted-1.pdf
But the Australian Government knows very well vaccination mandates were imposed, millions of people were injected without valid voluntary informed consent. So what now?
Voluntary informed consent for COVID-19 vaccination was destroyed by the National Cabinet - the then Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, and the Premiers and Chief Ministers in National Cabinet. They overruled the advice of the Chief Medical Officer, Paul Kelly, and the AHPPC, AGAINST compulsory vaccination for aged care workers.
CMO Paul Kelly and other members of the AHPPC who were medical practitioners capitulated to the demand of National Cabinet, and collaborated with trashing voluntary informed consent for aged care workers, even though they should have known about the obligation for voluntary informed consent for vaccination.
They broke the bedrock medical ethical principle of voluntary informed consent, opening the floodgates to mandatory vaccination being imposed around the country, with people at risk of losing their livelihoods and participation in civil society for not complying.
What has happened in Australia is UNBELIEVABLE... Most people still don't comprehend the seriousness of the matter.
For more background, see my substack article: The destruction of voluntary informed consent via mandatory COVID-19 vaccination. "A political decision, not a health decision": https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed