Can Anyone from Stanford Explain This?
It's past time to talk about "the pandemic pathogen" in New York City hospitals
I don’t usually post twice in one day but going through some of my many graphs just now turned up this ridiculous thing. ⬇️
I would really, really, really love for anybody from Stanford, another university, or coalition like Collateral Global or Brownstone Institute to explain why this model of a ? New York City hospital event in spring 2020 should be characterized as even partly the work of a pandemic (or “next pandemic”) pathogen. It would also be good to know why practically nobody has called for a federal inquiry into what exactly occurred and why/how.
Because all I see - and can defend with enough evidence to generate reasonable doubt in the Official Stories & their variants1 - is Democide and fraud.
Pun intended
The red line in particular is not a curve--it's more like a very brief buildup to a volcano blowing up as Mt. St. Helens did.
Sadly it appears you, Dr Engler and a few (hopefully increasing) others are modern day Diogenes. I’m not optimistic