Every word of this tweet from the Governor of Illinois’ twitter account, posted during the debate he lost on Thursday night, is false.
Here’s what it should say:
Since he won’t resign, there’s only one solution to ending his reign and helping Illinois move on from his disastrous pandemic-response policies:
Vote. Him. Out.
UPDATE: Posting Illinois Hospital data, by request. Remember, a “covid hospitalization” or “covid patient” is a person who tested positive for covid upon hospital admission or at some point during his/her stay. It is not someone who has been hospitalized because of or due to covid.
Source: HHS
https://healthdata.gov/resource/g62h-syeh.csv?state=IL&$where=date between %272020-01-01%27 and %272022-10-07%27&$order=date%20DESC
Source: IDPH (images pulled from tweets I posted)
IDPH data do not disaggregate covid-positive patients from PUI patients. (PUI = patients under investigation, i.e., awaiting a test result). HHS data for Illinois indicate PUI is anywhere from 5-10% of the total “Covid Patient” number, on average.
Illinois legislators, media, and residents should demand the Governor release capacity & occupancy data from January 1, 2017 - March 30, 2020, for comparative purposes.
There’s a reason jb was never entrusted with the responsibility to run any of the vast Pritzker empire built by his ancestors which made him so fabulously wealthy without ever lifting a finger himself. He’s grossly, stupendously incompetent. He’s the Fredo of the Corleone family. “I can handle things! I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart and I want respect!” Imagine if he were to run Hyatt. The true Pritzker patriarch’s did, and it scared them to death. So they gave him a few billion and told him to go play. How long would Hyatt have remained in business with Fredo in charge? Guests subjected to crime-infested, crumbling, filthy hotels with terrible service or no service at all; required to comply with absurd and dangerous rules and restrictions on activities and movements. Criminals freely roaming the halls assaulting, robbing and killing guests without fear of consequence. Employees who cannot be fired regardless of whether they do any useful work or not, and who collude with a corrupt and incompetent manager to be paid exorbitantly for less and less work. And when the hotels don’t earn enough to pay unjustifiable employee wages and benefits with money the company doesn’t have, they simply tap into the vast Pritzker trust fund to make up the difference. The rates charged by the hotels to stay in such a distopian “nirvana” are exorbitantly high - far higher than nicer, safer, well-kept, well-run nearby hotels with outstanding service, so people increasingly leave and choose to stay elsewhere.
To top it off, when guests complain and threaten to leave or actually do so, Fredo mocks them and says good riddance. No attempt to find and address the problems. No attempt to make things better so they might return. Just disdainful contempt, stating they don’t know what they are talking about - things are great and Hyatt never needed you anyway.
How long do you think Hyatt would remain in business? No wonder he never ran Hyatt or anything else in the empire. The true patriarchs of the family labeled him early on as a fool.
But he’s showed them. He may have been denied the opportunity to destroy the family business, but he’s gotten his revenge. He’s destroyed an entire state and the lives of millions who live there. And if anyone wants to leave - good riddance.
Fredo has done everything in his power to prove the patriarchs correct. He’s a dangerously incompetent fool. They may have saved the Pritzker empire by keeping him on the sidelines, but millions in Illinois are paying the price instead.
Thanks Fredo.
They put snow-fence around playgrounds and taped off the garden centers. They built zero permanent ICU capable beds but spent billions while we waited months for the two weeks to flatten the curve. They stopped testing for flu and a lot of people died.