A reader of
’s Substack wrote,The 5G association hasn’t got much attention, people don’t remember the cases of Leukaemia and cancer caused by over head power lines in the US.
So the possibility of high 5G emitters in populated areas. The high voltage cables were found to negatively effects pollutants in the air. Then add the Geo-engineering spraying of metals and goodness knows what. Not a believer but needs an investigation.
My response may be helpful to Woodhouse 76 readers who have wondered where I stand on the role of 5G or a ‘poisoning’ in the events of spring 2020 and haven’t seen other places I’ve addressed it:
The 5G association was, in fact, a narrative present (planted) during the spring 2020 event. In general, I have found that if the explanation was "allowed" to surface on mainstream/Alt/Independent media, or via the so-called Intellectual Dark Web, it was very likely govt/intelligence directed and is not the truth and/or is mis-directive in some way. (e.g., https://www.npr.org/2020/04/19/838195056/5g-conspiracy-theories-trigger-attacks-on-cellphone-towers) I had a rather unsettling exchange with Frances Leader on this matter via Substack Notes that I'm not able to locate right now.
There were also many narratives that were encouraged/allowed at that time that were from people who are experts in a certain field and (for whatever reason) were permitted, asked, or who-knows-what to link their area of expertise to COVID-19. This paper by Stephanie Seneff (promoted by many back then, including Naomi Wolf) is a great example of what I'm referencing. https://jennifermargulis.net/glyphosate-and-covid-19-connection/
Is Dr. Seneff very knowledgeable about glyphosates? Yes.
Are glyphosates a problem regardless? Yes.
But the link between glyphosates, COVID-19 (a fraudulent disease), and the events of 2020 is contrived, at best.
I am extremely time-and-data aware when it comes to the events of late 2019 and early 2020 - and tolerant of even the wildest speculation.
I have yet to hear or see a reasonable, time-and-official-data-conscious hypothesis re: 5G and the successive spikes observed in Lombardy, then NYC and/or to near-simultaneous spikes in cities at the end of March/in April.
"Poison release!" is a commonly-wielded allegation regarding Lombardy and NYC in particular. Those who wield it loudest on Substack have not shown themselves to be able to go beyond hand-waving. If they suddenly become able to robustly explain their suspicion, I'm all ears. People like myself who hold a "No Pandemic" view would be wise to exercise caution and discernment with those for whom "poison release"* is a very blunt sword in need of sharpening.
*My own speculation about the use of a 'poison' in NYC - or an infectious clone - has been very specific and time/data conscious. So I am not setting a standard for others to which I have not myself tried to adhere.
Jonathan’s response to the reader takes a different tact and I agree with everything he said:
But this is an all-or-nothing question surely: did a singular novel pathogen emerge and traverse the world causing waves of excess deaths?
If that - including its constituent elements - did not happen, we did indeed witness a total hoax.
You yourself appear willing to identify alternative explanations for observed phenomena. If those are in fact what happened, then the pandemic was a total hoax, as it wasn’t directly caused by a newly emergent pathogen spreading across the world.
If the definition of a pandemic was just “something spread widely and harm resulted”, however indirectly, then I would say we did in fact have a pandemic.
Protocols, orders and tests spread across the globe, facilitated by the existence of global entities, certain ideologies and the internet. And harm resulted thereby.
But that’s not a pandemic in the sense generally understood, nor as sold to humanity by the powers that be.
UPDATE 2 Feb 2025: When I wrote the above post I had not seen this article by Francis Leader, which puts forth a general hypothesis for 5G and the events of late 2019/early 2020. Leader’s sequence is discordant with official data and contemporaneous events but is a seriously-written piece and may be something I respond to formally in the future.
I may add to this post as warranted/appropriate…especially if I locate the exchange with Frances Leader I referenced above.