The Presumptively-Pardoned Anthony Fauci Did Not Help Create a Pandemic
Simply accepting he did prevents We the People from questioning whether a pandemic occurred
Reacting to Michael Shellenberger, whose tweet this week is emblematic of sentiments expressed by many others….
Biden pardoned Fauci. He says it’s not an admission of guilt. But if Fauci were innocent, no pardon would be needed. The evidence suggests Fauci helped create the Covid pandemic and then covered it up. The investigation must go forward. All Covid and Fauci Files must be released.
Joe Biden presumptively pardoned Anthony Fauci.
Presumptive pardons for people who have not been charged with a criminal or civil violation are unconstitutional and illogical. An amendment or lawsuit is needed to resolve the question of whether “offences” under presidential power to “grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment,” must involve a formal charge having been brought or filed, versus a recommendation from a legislative committee that a charge be made.
Entertaining as they were, the rhetorical battles between Rand Paul/Fauci battles were more show than anything else. Both men deserve Academy Awards and should take a bow.
Whether Tony Fauci perjured himself during the hearings is debatable. The time he said to Senator Paul, “You are entirely and completely incorrect that the NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain of function research,” has always struck me as very strategic.1
In the grander scam scheme of things, Anthony Fauci telling Gain-of-Function Funding Fibs is only a big deal if the experiments resulted in a transmissible, virulent pathogen that gave the world a pandemic, as claimed. If they did no such thing, then the pardon (and associated “outrage” over the pardon) serves the government narrative about a pandemic having occurred very well. Indeed, the anger is exactly what the perpetrators and enablers of the COVID event want.
Do we really want a man like Fauci, who is guilty of other and worse crimes over the course of his career, to be indicted on a minor perjury charge and be able to plead the 5th amendment? I don’t. It’s like Al Capone’s middle manager getting a speeding ticket for going 3 miles over the limit. No real justice is served, no truth is told, and the real perpetrators & massive public/private criminal enterprises carry on.
Whether Gain-of-Function experiments should exist at all, or be federally funded, are different questions altogether which, for the sake of scientific inquiry, should be untethered from the GoF Gave Us a Global Pandemic storyline.2
Let’s be honest: It isn’t Tony Fauci who was pre-pardoned this week. It’s the Trump administration and every member of Congress who accepted the WHO pandemic declaration, issued or consented to a National Emergency decree, and endorsed the human rights heist in March 2020. Biden administration too.
The pardon is essentially a mechanism for the Uniparty and private/public partnerships to maintain illusions and divert or avoid substantive & basic questions about what threat the thing called SARS-CoV-2 posed.
Drawing also on points I’ve made in previous articles, the essence of what I’m asserting is this:
Tony Fauci is a bad man who absolutely should face a tribunal, but not because he helped create a pandemic via GoF funding.
There was no pandemic and pandemics involving spreading viruses are not possible.
As long as We the People simply accept that a pandemic occurred, it matters very little if Tony Fauci is prosecuted. Were he sent to prison tomorrow, we’d still be left with ‘Next Pandemicism’ and a preparedness industry that is all-too-happy to be funded - and will be, if the House Select Sub-Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic has its druthers.
Gain-of-Function experiments did not & cannot give the world transmitting deadly pathogens that leak or escape from labs into thin air and get very far.3 It empowers the Perps when we believe something impossible is possible, actually happened, and could happen again.
Investigations are needed. Real ones, not more limited hangouts involving the Twitter Files and emails written by public officials who knew they were on the record.
Substantiation of the all-cause daily death curve for the New York City mass casualty event of spring 2020 would be a good start.4
“Fauci helped create the COVID pandemic” is a dead end.
Correction: Pre-emptively/pre-emptive changed to presumptively/presumptive. | Some stylistic & semantic changes also made post-publication.
GoF needs to go away for reasons I outlined in this reaction to Sunetra Gupta’s view about the experiments and whether such experiments yielded SARS-CoV-2.
h/t to my friend Shannon Adcock, president of Awake Illinois, who said in an endorsement of RFK, Jr’s nomination to HHS Secretary today, “Americans await federal investigation of the New York City mass casualty event in Spring 2020 that saw eight World Trade Center disasters' worth of excess death in six weeks.”