Apr 3Liked by Jessica Hockett

Everything about covid was visual and descriptive, we watched it on our tv screens or read about its devastation in newspapers, the visual reminders followed us everywhere the government made sure of that, lest we forget. It was overwhelming, we have been manipulated for a very long time as seen by their slick propaganda, they inserted the virus as our enemy and then ran with their war theme, only this time we were at war with an invisible adversary, how convenient. We now seem to be entering the era of the virus, our invisible enemy, we will never see it unless we are told about it by our nefarious leaders, covid has been a taster at how easy the populations have been pushed into a state of fear and hysteria where they were told the enemy was all around them, even in fellow humans.

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Apr 3Liked by Jessica Hockett

Printing this. Ever grateful, you’re over the target.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3Liked by Jessica Hockett

Jeffrey Tucker just wrote a piece for The Epoch Times where he argues the "Deep State" is definitely real and as nefarious as many of us think. There's no doubt - the NY Times is a key soldier for the generals who are creating the Deep State's myriad strategies and agendas. This NY Times article definitely advanced the goals of the Deep State.

Jessica's entire article is excellent. This was my favorite sentence:

“We … are expected to believe a dangerous virus was nowhere…until it was everywhere — which makes no epidemiological sense.”

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Apr 3Liked by Jessica Hockett

When this sloppy directive came out from the National Vital Statistics Division on March 26, 2020, I screenshot it as proof of why we’d never know the truth. “Assumed” and “contributed to.” Organized and directed falsification?

Should "COVID-19" be reported on the death certificate only with a confirmed test?

COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc. If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II. (See attached Guidance for Certifying COVID-19 Deaths)

Steven Schwartz, PhD

Director - Division of Vital Statistics”

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Apr 3Liked by Jessica Hockett

"The real war was psychological, waged by government & media against We the People — not epidemiological, waged by a virus."


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Apr 3Liked by Jessica Hockett

The Old Gray Lady loves to spin grim bedtime stories. She has a long long track record of serving up manipulative bullshit. Good holding her feet closer to the fire.

Just a minor quibble: it might be helpful to change the color scheme for Figure 3. The black and dark blue tend to blend together.

Thank you for staying on this beat. It’s a keystone.

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Apr 3Liked by Jessica Hockett

same newspaper which ran a 4/1/20 front page article quoting the pr spokesman for the northwell hospital chain who stated that his hospitals had stopped testing patients for flu. if the reporter who wrote the article questioned it, that question didn't make it to the print edition

also the same newspaper whose 11/25/20 edition made sure to include the word "pandemic" in every single article, from the sports page to the business section and marriage announcements.

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Apr 3Liked by Jessica Hockett

My eyes fell on an 86 yr old from NJ who "widely surmised he could have played Major League Baseball" ... huh? Has anyone at any time actually ever "widely surmised" about anything?! Back in the day, at least the NYT was well written or at least there were editors; true, that dense page would be a herculean task for a team of editors, but you get a sense, no one at the NYT saw a need to do that. The page - the entire effort, as our author here notes was part of a PsyOp and was effective as such.

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Apr 3Liked by Jessica Hockett

I was among those who said RFK needed to avoid this since he’s been relentlessly branded a conspiracy theorist by the media but I now agree with you. He needs to call this out and shout it from the rooftops.

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Frankly, if I was Alexandra Petri of the Washington Post and stumbled upon this substack, I'd just quit journalism altogether.

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Terrific example of propaganda. The NYT lives up to its well-deserved reputation amongst those few of us with the ability to discern truth from lies.

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Apr 3Liked by Jessica Hockett

On the point of privileging, or showcasing, certain causes of death, as the Times' 9-11 and covid features did, there's a very relevant paragraph from Gustave Le Bon's circa 1890 book, The Crowd:

"The epidemic of influenza, which caused the death but a few years ago of five thousand persons in Paris alone, made very little impression on the popular imagination. The reason was that this veritable hecatomb was not embodied in any visible image, but was only learnt from statistical information furnished weekly. An accident which should have caused the death of only five hundred instead of five thousand persons, but on the same day and in public, as the outcome of an accident appealing strongly to the eye, by the fall, for instance, of the Eiffel Tower, would have produced, on the contrary, an immense impression on the imagination of the crowd."

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Apr 3Liked by Jessica Hockett

This is one to save! This is a great analysis…just a shame so few will know the truth about the histrionic reporting!

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Apr 3Liked by Jessica Hockett

Thanks for the mult-faceted critique of a journalism most yellow.

Would love to get affidavits from next-of-kin regarding listed cause of death of some of these obitees.

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Apr 3Liked by Jessica Hockett

I saw something similar in the UK. On May 6th 2020 the BBC showed this web page:


The headline of course was sensationalist, with an arbitrary number not set in context . That context would have been that in the seven or so weeks on their charts there would have been of the order of 70,000 deaths in any case, novel virus or not, and with a substantial demographic overlap.

The kicker was at the bottom, a chart showing the daily reported covid deaths. It made obvious that the death rate had been falling for more than two weeks, i.e. the worst was over. However, it was at the bottom, and unlikely ever to be seen, unlike the headline.

I concluded that it was designed as propaganda to terrify the proles, and became confirmed in my suspicion that 'they' were not being honest. All trust destroyed by a two-minute read.

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Apr 3Liked by Jessica Hockett

Dear Jessica,

As ever, brilliant carefully considered analysis. Thank You.

It is absolutely astounding that no one else has stepped up to challenge your analysis of NYC 2020 Q1-2 data, and deliver their own explanation with supporting facts.

Thank you for all you have done, asking smart Questions on behalf of all of us.



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