Great summary of your exhaustive work. Good to have it all in one place! Even to someone previously unfamiliar, It should clearly demonstrate that the NYC event, whatever it was, was not as portrayed, and that officials and researchers have no interest in helping clear things up. The entire “pandemic” narrative rested on, and still rests on NYC Spring ‘20 as a foundation. Your work, even without the crucial data intentionally hidden from you, shows just how shaky that foundation is.
But it's enough for a "start here" page and does capture many of the main issues on the data side. The "show"/staging side is a different (if related) animal...
Certainly anyone living in a US metro area remembers how "Live from New York!" was used to sell "Big Apple Under Attack! Virus From Afar Coming Soon to a City Near You! Stay Home, Save Lives!! Body Bags! Morgue Trucks! Mass Graves!!"
Sadly, I feel like got what we had coming to us: The Truman Show on steroids with us as the audience, actors, and Truman himself - all at the same time.
I'm not even sure people WANT to know how real (or not) that spike is. Whether it is or it isn't, it's an indictment of what We the People value most...
As Mark Twain said “it’s easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled”. This I believe is true not only of the general public but most healthcare professionals, although the doctor you referred to (obviously Pierre Kory) is possibly (likely?)in a different category. He’s besmirched himself enough so I won’t label it.
Your absolutely tireless and brilliant work has to lead to the ultimate question which as you’ve said is not your objective, but it has to be THE objective: who are the puppeteers? And how was it coordinated?
And, finally, even those of us who have long had an inherent distrust of authority, esp government authority, find it so incredulous that this could be perpetrated (and it was!), how can we ever trust authority of any stripe ever again. I’m pretty old, but even at my advanced age, it feels like a kind of end of innocence.
In Sherlock Holmes, it was “The Dog That Didn’t Bark”. Here, it’s the CDC’s lack of interest. Why aren’t they all over trying to understand how deaths can increase 7x in NYC but nowhere else? Wouldn’t that be the most important thing to research?
Either all those PHDs are too stupid to propose a hypothesis or they are smart enough not to ask the wrong questions.
Looking at the summary of all your requests for information it's hard not to feel like many want any investigation to just disappear. All your points make it seem likely that a lot of data is being covered up or just made up. The money generated by various parts of "health care" during the so-called pandemic makes it difficult to imagine there isn't some conspiracy.
Thinking back, I recall how it struck me as odd that the NYT ran an entire front page of the names of the dead, but it turns out to be only 10% of the claimed total, and the details of the rest are still unverified. Something is fishy.
[And he posts this-here article by you in his tweet.]
Great summary of your exhaustive work. Good to have it all in one place! Even to someone previously unfamiliar, It should clearly demonstrate that the NYC event, whatever it was, was not as portrayed, and that officials and researchers have no interest in helping clear things up. The entire “pandemic” narrative rested on, and still rests on NYC Spring ‘20 as a foundation. Your work, even without the crucial data intentionally hidden from you, shows just how shaky that foundation is.
Thanks! Wish I could say this is all of it! 😂
But it's enough for a "start here" page and does capture many of the main issues on the data side. The "show"/staging side is a different (if related) animal...
Certainly anyone living in a US metro area remembers how "Live from New York!" was used to sell "Big Apple Under Attack! Virus From Afar Coming Soon to a City Near You! Stay Home, Save Lives!! Body Bags! Morgue Trucks! Mass Graves!!"
Sadly, I feel like got what we had coming to us: The Truman Show on steroids with us as the audience, actors, and Truman himself - all at the same time.
I'm not even sure people WANT to know how real (or not) that spike is. Whether it is or it isn't, it's an indictment of what We the People value most...
I agree most people don’t want to know.
As Mark Twain said “it’s easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled”. This I believe is true not only of the general public but most healthcare professionals, although the doctor you referred to (obviously Pierre Kory) is possibly (likely?)in a different category. He’s besmirched himself enough so I won’t label it.
Your absolutely tireless and brilliant work has to lead to the ultimate question which as you’ve said is not your objective, but it has to be THE objective: who are the puppeteers? And how was it coordinated?
And, finally, even those of us who have long had an inherent distrust of authority, esp government authority, find it so incredulous that this could be perpetrated (and it was!), how can we ever trust authority of any stripe ever again. I’m pretty old, but even at my advanced age, it feels like a kind of end of innocence.
Cue Don Henley...
In Sherlock Holmes, it was “The Dog That Didn’t Bark”. Here, it’s the CDC’s lack of interest. Why aren’t they all over trying to understand how deaths can increase 7x in NYC but nowhere else? Wouldn’t that be the most important thing to research?
Either all those PHDs are too stupid to propose a hypothesis or they are smart enough not to ask the wrong questions.
The reason they work for the CDC is because they are not the kind of PhDs who ask and seek to answer questions that are not dictated for them.
A FB friend of mine, Steve Templeton, who wrote ‘Fear of a Microbial World’, worked there for a while and said exactly the same thing.
I know who he is.
Ask him what he thinks happened in New York
More Sherlock Holmes: When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
Taylor Swift: No bodies, no crimes?
Looking at the summary of all your requests for information it's hard not to feel like many want any investigation to just disappear. All your points make it seem likely that a lot of data is being covered up or just made up. The money generated by various parts of "health care" during the so-called pandemic makes it difficult to imagine there isn't some conspiracy.
That's only a sampling of all of the requests I've submitted related to NYC in the past couple of years, but yes.
I'm sure you know this, Ms. Jessica, but just in case and for everyone else:
@jeffreyatucker on X (Sep. 28, 2024, morning):
Thinking back, I recall how it struck me as odd that the NYT ran an entire front page of the names of the dead, but it turns out to be only 10% of the claimed total, and the details of the rest are still unverified. Something is fishy.
[And he posts this-here article by you in his tweet.]
I appreciate Jeffrey sharing the article. His tweet isn't quite accurate as phrased.
The NYT "Incalculable Loss" analysis I did is linked in 4) No Proof
It was four pages of names, not just the front page. The headline said 100,000 deaths and was referring to the whole U.S.
1,000 names were printed and only 94 were NYC residents.
94/38,000 deaths claimed is not enough. Adding names gathered by The City and shown in the Hart Island database gets us to ~10% of the total, at most.