Nov 5, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Do you know what is incredible ironic here? When IL was mandating these vaccines for healthcare workers, the survey (inspection) nurses from IDPH were exempt. So they could walk into a skilled nursing facility, hospital, etc *unvaccinated* themselves, and levy fines for any worker who didn’t have a “sufficient excuse”.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Since the state law only allows vaccines against “preventable” diseases, and it is clear now and admitted by public health authorities that the Covid vaccine does NOT “prevent” infection, seems like any decent lawyer for parents should be able to argue it doesn’t qualify for the childhood schedule in Illinois. The argument from public health authorities now is only the dubious “well it reduces risk of hospitalization and death” but that is not prevention.

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I’m guessing the govt purchased too many vaccines for pediatric age groups, and that blue states are being relied-upon to use up the supply

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

... and I'd like to know who in lord Pritzker's gravitational sphere (staff, family, friends, etc) has investments in the vax path.

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As a billionaire, the reach of his investments absolutely includes all manner of industries that have done very well with the pandemic response.

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Yet there is no data that Pediatric COVID vaccines reduce severe disease such as hospitalization as the trials never looked at this outcome since it was so rare. It was not powered to do so. Instead it looked only at antibody levels and compared these to adult levels. Do you know that in the 5-11 yr Pfizer study ZERO kids in the placebo arm were hospitalized.

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Our governor is no doubt being counted upon by Pfizer to help get rid of a massively underused stockpile of vaccines.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

When all you’ve ever know is a life of isolation, wealth and privilege; when no has ever told you no; when no one has told you the truth or expected you to tell the truth; when you’ve never had to work for anything; when you’ve never had to convince anyone of anything through the power of your thinking rather than simply making demands of those you control and want to please you; how can you be expected to have any concept of truth or wisdom or governance in a democratic republic? When you have been totally isolated from the suffering imposed by devastating crime, disastrous schools, economic hardship and more; when all you’ve ever known is power by fiat rather than the power of reason; when you’ve never had to build anything yourself; when you believe in no higher moral authority than yourself; how can you possibly understand the problems faced by people? How can you possibly understand how to fix those devastating problems? You can only cause pain and suffering and destruction. It cannot be otherwise. Richard Feynman famously said, “When you are dead, you don't know you are dead. It's pain only for others. It's the same thing when you are stupid” The pain is exponentially worse for millions of others when you are a stupid, privileged, elitist egomaniacal, narcissistic, tyrannical governor.

Feynman also said, “The stupider you are, the smarter you think you are.” JB Pritzker: QED.

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Thank you for the gracious words. You are too kind. I do not post other than select replies such as this. There are many brilliant posters already, such as Wood House. Best.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

I am overwhelmed by the evil on full display

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Sadly, I'm not, because this is how they've rolled the whole time.

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Example number 3652 of why it should be illegal for the legislature to, truly, delegate legislative powers to executive agencies.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Emma are you back on twitter yet? Or will you go back?

I’d like to be able to reach out to you. (Not in a stalker way, fyi)

Regardless - thank you for being in this relentless fight!!!

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My account hasn’t yet been restored. You can reach me at WoodhouseSub@proton.me

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Emma, I was banned for almost 3 yrs but appealed again when Musk first announced his intention to purchase Twitter in May. I was a little surprised they let me back but I think it's because they feared what he might do. Give it a try.

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I did too. No reply

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

J.B.'s comrade in arms, our very own Gavin Newsome, will most likely pursue this course of action too. If they succeed, middle & upper middle class families will leave the school systems in droves, even more than they already have during the lockdown period, leaving public schools as the indoctrination centers for lower-income & immigrant kids, being trained to serve their betters. Prof Joel Kotkin called this an aspect of Neo-Feudalism, as the divide between the have and have-nots accelerates.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Thanks for your tenacity in fighting for our kids! God bless!

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

How much money is Jay Bob getting from the medical establishment to attempt to do this?? It’s always about money in the end.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Washington was going to have its Vaccine Advisory Committee meet remotely on Thursday, but a Zoom outage cancelled the meeting. Covid was on the agenda, of course. It's pretty clear that people in Democratic-governor states who don't want a requirement to happen are going to have to be vigilant for many months to come.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Thank you for your work here. Of course he will try to mandate them - consistent with all other actions.

Nice to have you shine the spotlight on it.

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You’re welcome. Gracia Livie requested the emails and shared with me. (See footnote.) Kudos to Amy Jacobson for getting Pritzker on the record.

There’s no question he wants to require this shot for school attendance. I don’t see how it would be justified as necessary or beneficial, especially when the flu shot isn’t mandated for schoolkids (and shouldn’t be).

But the point isn’t whether an attempt to add the Covid vax to the school schedule would be successful. It’s that Pritzker doesn’t respect children’s bodies, parental authority, or the law.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

First, difficult to think they would legally mandate EUA vax (< 12).

Second, can they claim this is a "preventable communicable disease?" as per Pfizer, was not tested for that. If not, won't pass legal muster.

Hearings will surely be difficult.

Inboxes will be full.

All these useful email addresses to direct feedback directly to those attempting to shove these down throats.

If they do attempt to push this through, they should expect a response that far surpasses that of last November for the conscience objector rewrite.

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The point is less about whether it would pass than it is about this administration wanting to do it. Pritzker has no respect for parental rights.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Pritzker appears to only respect the rights he agrees with and can use for his political / power trip benefit.

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

It is because he(Pritzker) is EVIL and evil will, eventually , meet it's end.

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Our family had hoped to limp through the high school years of our special needs son. If this comes to be - we will be moving out of Illinois several years before our original plans. I expect JB will be quite content to rule over an empty kingdom of declining property values!

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Also, this would be the first vax required that you have to get every single year!

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Heidi’s husband is running for judge in Schuyler County!

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