I would add one more question for the senator: Why isn’t the very first reaction of a sitting US Senator to the fact that a mass casualty event purportedly occurred again in our largest city, this time 10x the size of the previous World Trade Center disaster- I repeat: 10 TIMES:

“My God!! How could this possibly have happened on my watch as a US Senator sworn to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic” without my being aware??!!”

“By God, the first thing I’m going to do is find out how this happened. I will not rest until that is accomplished. I also vow, just as we did with Osama bin Laden, to then send our finest patriots to track down those responsible and hold them accountable no matter how long it takes nor whom we determine was behind such a heinous act. Can someone tell me how I get in touch with Robert J. O'Neill? Lastly, I will demand that a fitting monument be built even more grand than the magnificent one created to solemnly commemorate the previous largest mass casualty event on US soil, which also will include engravings of all the names of those tragically lost.”

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Mar 15Liked by Jessica Hockett

How much you want to bet that it's all classified under National Security?

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That was my first thought when I heard the recording of what happened in the Space.

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Then they’ll forever use the euphemism “national security” as propaganda against the American people.

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They have been...

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Sadly Johnson is just part of the cleanup crew.

He's not supposed to expose the scam demic.

His job is the release valve.

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Mar 15Liked by Jessica Hockett

Thanks Jessica and everyone else for speaking about this issue. I felt early on that people would obsess about this thing, because of the way it was handled. I do recall early on the Senate in the US had video they shared to rumble about the lab leak. So this was probably their position from the get go.

Also I love the term human rights heist of 2020. Good one!

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Mar 15Liked by Jessica Hockett

I can't stop laughing that all of this came about by chance. So glad to know you, girl.

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Mar 15Liked by Jessica Hockett

It looks as though Rebel created a Substack account specifically to post the comment on your Spaces post.

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Mar 15Liked by Jessica Hockett

Deletions bother me. Except for uneditable mistakes, why have they deleted posts? Did he overpromise then discover their office could not deliver?

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Mar 16Liked by Jessica Hockett

watch, they only want your emails to understand how *much* does the public really know.

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Doesn’t matter. Everything I’ve done is already public. No secrets about that.

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Good luck. Hope you get some good answers.

Off topic or another Covid topic, Jessica's readers might be interested in my in-depth feature story on Richard Hirschman, the famous/infamous embalmer who first showed the world images of the “horrifying” clots he was seeing in up to 50 percent of the bodies he embalmed.

If you read or skim the story, please note the link I added about a medical professional who recently became a whistleblower and reported that doctors and nurses are removing these worm-like substances from patients “three to 10 times every week.” They are NOT forming only “post-mortem.”


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Yes Mr Rice! Your story is so important for Everyone to Know. Jessica, blow this up. This would definitely be something to talk about with Sen Johnson! It's the smoking gun in my opinion. Let 'er Rip!!! Everyone needs to know about this. Please, and Thank You:)

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It appears to this reader that you and Sen Johnson's staff are talking past one another. I'm not aware that Sen Johnson (or his staff) follows your Substack. You have the attention of his staff, possibly at his direction. It may be a good idea to take advantage of that attention and spell out for him/them exactly what your research shows and why you think he should investigate it.

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Mar 15·edited Mar 15Author

Hi. Thanks for giving me your impression.

From my perspective, we are not talking past each other and the conversation is continuing. The situation arose from trying to "manage" something that occurred on social media -- not (for example) from the Senator seeing something I said and wanting to know more, or me reaching out to him or his staff. I'm not unaware of where Senator Ron Johnson stood and what he was saying in spring of 2020.

A staffer created a Substack account to reply to my previous post and subscribed. I would like Senator Johnson to reply publicly to the comments/questions I sent, as the staffer indicated Senator Johnson would do. https://open.substack.com/pub/woodhouse/p/im-not-hearing-anything?r=jjay2&utm_campaign=comment-list-share-cta&utm_medium=web&comments=true&commentId=51645900 I don't consider the Comms director's response a statement from the Senator.

Since publishing the current post, Ms. Pels responded again, and I am referring her to several articles as a start. It's not reasonable to expect the Senator's staff or Senator to grasp the totality of what I'm showing simply by reading those articles. Especially because what I am saying is in direct contradiction to everything the Comms Director says the Senator currently believes.

In April 2020, Senator Johnson believed there was a deadly virus spreading in New York City and was de facto a part of the federal government's communications around what was occurring:

https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2020/04/01/a_new_york_doctors_antidote_to_fear_of_covid-19_142822.html For this and other reasons, I do not expect him - or any member of Congress - to lead an inquiry.

Arguably, it is the federal government that has certified this event and was also involved in what occurred in the city (e.g., by sending in the military, deploying FEMA, etc). So "federal inquiry" may not be the path at all.

We are in an unfortunate "dilemma" because citizens did not demand that the government substantiate or prove its claims about the number and occurrence of deaths at even the most basic level, as the event was purportedly occurring.

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Mar 18Liked by Jessica Hockett

The American people have become accustomed to the idea of an 'emergency'. I swear most think that we need an emergency so that (all those *other*, stupid) people don't drive in a blizzard.

Also, think of Chris Christie sucking up to Obama to get FEMA disaster money: the emergency must be declared to send the money to all those poor people. etc.

We have to end all emergencies. All of them. FEMA should not exist. The states can do it, and you can get surrounding states to help.

If we don't get rid of it all, we're not getting the Constitution back. Period.

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United States of Emergency

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Good point. Everything is an emergency these days. Female should be abolished.

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Yes, fema and the red cross didn't do anything to help those people in Maui. In fact they hindered any other assistance. Very suspicious, and telling.

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Mar 15Liked by Jessica Hockett


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yes, i cant see any reason for taking a suspicious or hostile approach right off the bat. what is there to lose by assuming good faith and patiently directing them to the most concise presentation of your findings? they have expressed curiosity, have not dismissed...could be an opportunity, you never know.

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You may inherently trust elected officials, including U.S. Senators who held office when the Human Rights Heist of 2020 kicked off, but I do not. :)

Further, in case I wasn't clear in the comments on the post immediately preceding this one, I do not find staffer's explanations of what occurred in the Space persuasive. I am glad they reached out, but let's be honest: the reason they did is because I Tweeted and Substacked about what occurred--not because the Senator was intrigued by or concerned about what Shannon was trying to tell him.

What you see as "curiosity" I see as part of them managing the situation.

I understand you may see it differently, but everything I'm saying and showing directly contradicts what the Senator apparently believes about what occurred.

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i did not and would not advise trusting them...trust implies allowing yourself or your project to be vulnerable and relying on them to behave in a certain way... I would do nothing of the kind. Im saying you lose nothing in this situation by adopting a posture of cooperation -- that way, if they behave in bad faith it only makes it all the more clear. whereas an antagonistic approach has the opposite effect, giving them every reason to dismiss.

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Yep, but it helps to be skeptical of their response and challenge it appropriately.

These aholes are spoiled in that they can use some word magic to quell many.

Jessica and the rest of us should not be quelled by pandering. Keep on standing up for the truth.

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They can “dismiss” all they want.

The Feds have certified an event that they dedicated massive manpower and resources to — and have offered Americans no proof the event occurred.

Senator Johnson had avoided his spring 2020 record - or even talking about the New York event. No matter which we we slice it, investigating this event puts his narrative at risk.

It’s absurd to pretend he is naive on this matter.

He may be naive to what various kinds of data show, but it’s been four years and we hear no federal official veering from the core story about a sudden/spreading deadly coronavirus attacking in spring 2020.

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Wasn't he the one who bellowed "What happened in New York?!" During a hearing? And then that statement got deleted?

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We have a different perception of my response(s) and theirs.

“Cooperating” is a verb better used with perpetrators/victims of a crime with respect to executive or other authorities in a specific circumstance

No one needs to “cooperate” with a U.S. Senator. He and his staff works for the people — not the other way around.

Remember, it is not I who sought their attention per se. It is their attempt to manage an incident that was very odd, at best - and even then, only because I posted about it.

As you’ll see from the emails from the afternoon, I gave the staff the opportunity to review things to which Shannon was trying to direct them.

Nothing about what I have been doing is “secret.” This is an open inquiry and anyone can look at what I’ve posted on substack or twitter anytime. In other words, I am not “withholding” something.

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I certainly believe that EVERYONE - incl "senators" - is curious about THE TRUTH. Which doesn't mean EVERYONE is equally determined to find THE TRUTH! Which is what I believe explains the difference between your and other's perception.

It never hurts to be patient because THE SYNAGOGUE OF LIES/HALF-TRUTHS will eventually expose itself over time, one way or another. Pointing out inconsistencies will suffice as an incentive.

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We need to start with basics.

Covid is a bioweapon created and funded by the US government.

Covid "vaccines" are also bioweapons created and funded by the US government.

Until acknowledgement happens, everything is kabuki theater.

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Mar 15·edited Mar 15Author

Thanks for responding.

A few points:

1) I disagree with your definition of "Covid" (WHO ICD Code U07.1 COVID-19). I've discussed alternate/backstage meanings of COVID-19 elsewhere; none of those involve it as a "bioweapon." Per WHO, CDC, etc. COVID-19 is the disease which can result from SARS-CoV-2 infection.

2) I avoid the term "bioweapon" because I think it has become meaningless and has created (intentionally, on the part of some) a cacophonous polysemy that doesn't get us far - and that lets governing officials and other responsible parties off the hook, due to imprecision of language. Related thoughts: https://x.com/Wood_House76/status/1732455844103516412?s=20 https://x.com/Wood_House76/status/1738357136265040293?s=20

3) We agree, I think, that a) the shots developed for COVID were weaponized in multiple ways, literal and figurative, b) the U.S. government has told no truths about the Human Rights Heist of 2020 (& everything that followed), and c) we are still watching kabuki theater

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Mar 15Liked by Jessica Hockett

Hey! "polysemy" Word of the Day! I had to look it up (my guess was close) (and the Substack spell checker is struggling as well).

My two cents is: more polyphony, less polysemy!

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Fair point :)

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The EUA law is also very ambiguous in this regard. The vaxxes can best be described in legal terms as an illicit substance and that's being charitable.

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I think they call it a 'prototype' product.

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Prototype, demonstration countermeasures in the OTA contract the DoD executed for 600M "prototypes"....hint, that ain't a prototype...take it from someone who worked in OEM manufacturing in my early professional career.

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"Per WHO, CDC, etc. COVID-19 is the disease which can result from SARS-CoV-2 infection."

Why would you trust or reference anything the WHO and the CDC put out?

Here's my take on things. We have our own bioweapons lab at Ft. Detrick, MD. If a contagion broke out in a shopping mall 2 miles down the road from Ft. Detrick, the first thing locals would ask would be, "what have those idiots at Detrick done now?"

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Mar 15·edited Mar 15Author

It's not a matter of "trust" regarding the existence of the code and what "COVID-19" is first and foremost (U07.1 under "Codes for Special Purposes").

The WHO International Classification of Diseases is a system into which (most/many) countries opt. It's used in public health data collection, medical billing, and for attributing causes of death on death certificates. Here's version 10 https://icd.who.int/browse10/2019/en Think of it like the Library of Congress system for books/materials. :)

The U.S. has many labs, including the one at Ft Detrick.

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Just because covid has a ICD code, doesn't mean it is accurate or true.

My reference to Ft. Detrick can be compared to the proximity of the Wuhan Institute of Virology to the Wuhan wet market.

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I hear you, but since it's there, and it's used, we have an "existence proof" of its use as a code - however fraudulent and misleading that coding is.

COVID-19 is a temporary coding. In theory, it will need to be moved to another chapter and deaths that list COVID-19 as cause reclassified under that chapter or another one.

I contend that we don't know what COVID-19 really means to the government, especially to the U.S. government. A few possibilities I've offered that would provide generality and 'plausible deniability' include "Covert and Overt Infectious Diseases," "Contaminated Opioid, Vapes, and Injectibles Defense/Deaths," and "Coronavirus Operation for Vaccine-Induced Deaths.

My overall perspective on Matters COVID is largely represented by this position statement (to which I contributed): https://pandauncut.substack.com/p/policy-review-the-nature-of-the-events

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As I have observed numerous comments harking on the virus/bioweapon theme let me direct you to another can of worms, if you are ready have a look (there are many more reliable sources, but this one seems a good start)



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Ft Detrich has a huge mythology around it.

Sadly, many forget that it's had huge toxic chemical leak issues. The town around it has a super high rate of cancer.

They wanna say it's from bio stuff to cover up the reality that they were dumping chemicals.

Same with DDT which was causing nerve issues which was blamed on the mythical polio virus.

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A bioweapon that is pretty much the flu.

Whenever paid for that research got ripped off... 😂


Con-vid was a fake pandemic, and the lab leak story only promotes this biosecurity state.

If they had a really deadly virus made in the lab, they would have used it in war. No, all that works are chemical weapons and the vaccines are such a weapon. They try to hide it behind the "spike protein" but really it's the lipids and carriers that cause the damage.

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No, the shots, the lipids which are basically plastic or whatever and don't break down.

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::raises hand slowly:: and what are In the lipids and carriers? Are nanobots considered chemicals?

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Don't need bots. The shots flood the body with lipids that are designed to not break down and end up clogging up things. You get clotting all over and the key organs like the liver and spleen end up being loaded with it, causing "garbage piles" like the link you sent.


Chemicals? Sure, but nothing fancy just stuff that clogs up the body.

Nano bots? They can't even get mRNA or gene therapy working. As much as I like sci fi, I've yet to see any data that shows this. Occam's razor, if dumb lipids can clog things up, why would we need nano bots?

From years before con-vid:

"For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients."


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Again : this excellent article by Bill Rice Jr needs to be heard by everyone, to finally stop the shots and investigate why this is happening to people all over the world.


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homes where they infect others, hospital protocols that might have done far more harm than good, etc. ???? INFECT?

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Jessica- you will help SAVE humanity if you report on this. The following video will tell you why NYC was hit so horrifically. Your COURAGE to find the truth is why I started following you. GOD SPEED!!!


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I reject 5G as an explanation. It makes no sense with the data. This is not to say that there aren't health effects of 5G deployment; I have not looked into that.

Even when data could be manipulated theories have to be put forth in a reasonable way, in the context of the bounds of the data (including its limitations and flaws). The 5G theories have been elevated by Substack in the past couple of months. It's not hard to see how the U.S. government benefits from the EMF limited hangout.

When there's a serious analyst who has grappled with and knows the New York City data and timeline of events and has a substantial hypothesis around 5G as an explanation for spring 2020 (NYC and elsewhere), let me know.


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while it's inarguable that EMF exposure produces horrible consequences, 5G was nowhere near close to being fully deployed in nyc in march-april 2020 and still is not today.

and if it had been, there would have been easily identifiable clusters of deaths in very specific locations. i've seen no evidence of that.

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It’s hard to control.

The operation that was pulled off was pulled off “successfully and with confidence. It makes zero sense to rely on anything that wasn’t a sure thing. That includes acts of data manipulation and other fraud.

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Technically, I don’t believe another explanation is needed. No need to change course when you’re already over the target.

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I don't allege a single factor or explanation in the NYC event. I just haven't seen anyone seriously take a 5G theory and apply it to the data etc. for New York.

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Nor have I

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If they can use 5g to induce sickness, why did they not use it to promote the boosters? Turn it up, get people sick and then when they run for the boosters, turn it down.

I'm not saying that EMF is a good thing but in the radio business, turning up the power causes interference issues which means the system cannot handle as many people as it can with the right amount of power.

The worst time for cellphones was back in the day of analog, where they used very strong tramsmitters like those phones that needed to be plugged into the car!

If your phone used a lot of power, the battery would be dead much faster. These days it's the processor that uses the most energy and creates most of the heat, not the radio portion.

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