Martin Neil: "We Question Whether There Was a Pandemic Itself."
Freedom Research interview addresses an Elephant in the COVID Dissident Room
In a new interview with
, Professor addresses the critical question of whether there was pandemic at all in 2020. Martin and co-author recently published Fighting Goliath: Exposing the flawed science and statistics behind the COVID-19 event, a book drawn largely from four years of research & analysis posted to their Substack Where Are the Numbers?1Martin’s perspective is consistent with his response to Jay Bhattacharya’s “Next Pandemic” post on X earlier this week and stands in contrast to that of the Norfolk Group and presenters at an upcoming Stanford University symposium who presume a pandemic occurred.
Transcript excerpt follows. (Inserted links to related content are mine.)
Martin Neil: …not only do we question the vaccines, but we question whether there was a pandemic itself.
Freedom Research (Hannes Sarv): So you don't think there was a pandemic at all? So can you explain it?
Neil: Yeah, okay. So let's say there's very sort of technical definitions from the WHO that defines a pandemic and those have been adjusted over the years. But it's certainly not what, you know, a normal person - a layman - would understand a pandemic to mean. Pandemic to an everyday person would be equivalent to what you would see in the movie Contagion….it was really released in 2020 for everyone to see. It's a real apocalyptic virus that spreads through the globe and kills billions. And that idea of this sort of sweeping wave of a virus that spreads throughout the globe.
And that's what we saw in the dashboards on TV. You would see these red, almost like nuclear bomb type, you know, you have a graph of the, you know, a map of the country or the world. And you see these red spreading blobs of a virus moving out.
You see a city and it would, the Wuhan and the blob would be there and then it would move to, Hong Kong or whatever, and then Europe, then New York and so on. So that's what we expect, this wave of contagion would move around. But that's not actually what we've seen.
We saw what I characterise as a pinpoint pandemic, that we had significant excess mortality, but only locally, not globally. So even within an individual country, we'd seen a spike in excess mortality locally in some areas, mainly London in March, April, May 2020, but nowhere else. So completely absent.
So nothing in Northern Ireland, nothing in Scotland, no sign of anything unusual going on. Italy had a huge panic about the virus in the West that was mainly pushed from the experience supposedly in Bergamo in Northern Italy, in Lombardy. And there was a big spike in excess mortality. But again, it was local, it was a pinpoint.
The whole of southern Italy saw nothing.2 Germany saw nothing. Huge parts of France saw nothing. Same in the USA. The vast majority of states saw no excess mortality, no sign of anything unusual going on, except for New York. So in New York, again, there was a spike, a significant spike, to about, I think, off the top of my head, about 30,000 people supposedly dead.3 And that doesn't make any sense. That would be more akin to to some sort of you know natural disaster or a war right? Rather than a pandemic.
So you know you move 100 miles from New York there's nothing, there's no sign of any excess mentality or morbidity. So that early period doesn't show that there was a lethal spreading virus that could be characterised in the way that we were told Covid was spreading. So that didn't make any sense at all.
This idea of a global spread that had a unique footprint that was completely unusual and it was different from any other respiratory disease? No, there's no evidence of that at all.
Martin Neil & Norman Fenton aren’t the only scientists who question the pandemic declaration. Denis Rancourt & colleagues, Wolfgang Wodarg,
, Thomas Binder, and Jonathan Couey are others.4As far as organizations go, UK-based HART Group and international PANDA are the only ones I know of that have formally challenged (what I’m now calling) The Presumptive Pandemic.
I’m unaware of any U.S. organization expressing doubts about either the existence of pandemic in 2020 or whether the concept of a pandemics is even possible and would very much like to see more American “COVID dissidents” acknowledge that a range of viewpoints exist and should be engaged.
Short clip from the Freedom Research interview here:
See image at the bottom of this article.
Per federal data, during the 11-week “emergency period,” New York City reported 27,015 more resident deaths than the previous year. 20,526 deaths list COVID-19 somewhere on the death certificate (figure 1); 2,104 of those deaths list COVID-19 as the only cause of death - which renders them incomplete death certificates.
This list is not comprehensive. Any obvious omissions are unintentional.
You would think that the question of how mortality in New York City could increase by a factor of SEVEN within a few weeks without that happening anywhere else in the US would be the most fascinating topic in epidemiology. There would be many different hypothesis, and maybe one would prove most likely.
But to my knowledge, nothing. Why don’t any of these supposedly smart people even seem interested? And there has been no offsetting mortality deficit. How can that be if almost all of the covid victims were very old or very ill?
Why have all the people who claimed they knew so much a few years ago turned stupid?
It begins with a trickle. What is needed is a true pandemic - a pandemic of reason and true scientific questioning and inquiry spreading across the globe.