Indeed. It is starting to get lonely there. Data suggests you must either have an active lawsuit against twitter or have your pets post for you to maintain your account.

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Emma, here's a suggestion. Any of your fans who also use LinkedIn can send a message to Twitter's Chief Customer Officer, Sarah Personette, pointing out the injustice here.

Here is the LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarah-personette-4b71125/

They may not change their minds but at least someone other than a cabal of Pritzker-loving idealogues buried in the company will know about it.

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

“Water ain’t gonna clear up till we get the pigs outta the creek.”

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

What rules? Sometimes it looks like there are no rules by which they rule. My first account was suspended so I made another and so far it hasn't been axed. But I have to admit that quoting from the WSJ was a little frightening to me. No doubt, the censoring is out of hand. I can only imagine a child with lots of world experience sitting at the computer/tablet and saying "I'm not letting these old farts (30's-50's) get away with criticizing Fauci, whoever he is!"

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

I miss you terribly on Twitter. You were my news source and nothing comes close to replacing. It’s difficult to go without your daily updates in real time. Have you thought about going on an alternative social media? What about a lawsuit? Your substack just isn’t the same. We need the news!

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I appreciate your kind words.

The sad part is that Chicagoland has so few objective or reliable news reporters. :(

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

As usual, I just tweeted this out and tagged Dr. Bhattacharya (sp?), Mark Changizi, Alex Berenson, etc.

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

I wonder how a user's legal case against Twitter for being suspended and canceled changes if you are selling a "super follow" subscription through Twitter, as Justin Hart and Ian Miller are doing.

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Was bound to happen. If you don’t agree 2+2=5 you are the enemy.

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“Freedom is the freedom to say 2 + 2 = 4.” - Winston Smith

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Would love to see you back. Any luck with the alt? Xtian Rat Ground isnt the same wo you.

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Have not attempted another alt.

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Scumbags. I've been locked out since May 9th. My crime? Someone posted nonsense that abortion isn't murder, so I posted a picture of an aborted baby. I didn't think anything of it at the time. Next thing I know, I get that message. I'm not deleting anything to get back in.

Thanks to you and everyone else at Team Reality. You all really did keep me sane these 2 years. Without all of you, I would not have known anything but the official narrative. I am in Covid Cult Central, Chicago. As you well know, people are STILL masked here, even outside in 90 degree, dripping humidity weather. I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes, every single day.

I've been slowly reading the Team Reality book. It's made me emotional at times. I wasn't expecting that. With all the suspensions and now being locked out, myself, I've lost touch with so many people that I "saw" every day. Many of them I only remember by screen names.

I have never been so alone as I've been these past 2 years. My church was closed for a year. For 1 week short of another year I wasn't allowed in without a mask. I've slowly started going to another church, but I haven't gotten to know anyone and I haven't made any final decisions/commitments. I did have one meeting with my pastor and one of the other leaders. I appreciated that they listened to me and were kind. But at least right now, I don't think they've actually changed their minds on what was done. I can't fully blame them. They were getting their advice from high-up medical professionals. But because of that, I have no assurance that if mandates started again, they would do anything differently. Maybe they are thinking about all that was said. We're supposed to have another meeting at some point.

Again, I mean it very seriously when I say you all kept me sane. I had no church support and no family support. I'm now in this weird in-between, wondering what The Powers That Be in our various cities/states will do to us next. Everyone's pretending none of this ever happened and we can go back to business as usual. But there's been no change of mind and no accountability for anything that was done. School is starting soon and I don't even know if kids in my family will be muzzled and/or injected. I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose my family, too.

I can't get into any details, but in my work, I hear directly from people who were pushed out of jobs due to the mandates. It's one thing to hear it on the news. It's another thing when you hear directly from real life people in this situation. It's bad. And no one talks about it. It's like it never happened at all! But people are still in that situation.

Our leaders and "the experts" need to be held to account for all they did these past 2 years.

I can't forget, because I know it could happen again tomorrow.


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Mo, if you need to connect with like-minded people in Chicago, to actually meet them, there are ways of doing that here, through Substack. I don't know if you can message Emma here, but she or others could post links to, say, the Chicagoland school activist groups that sprouted up in the last 2 years.

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I’m actually stunned you lasted this long on the-green-haired-lunatics platform. I don’t miss it in the least.

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Twitter. Ran by dictators.

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We hope you get another account. We need you! Or join Truth Social.

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They silence the voices of opposition! In Germany they rounded up the outspoken, the academics, those who could be a thorn in their side with THE TRUTH! Today, we are on our way with the Gestapo tactics of the FBI and MSM kool-aid controlled water cooler.

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The takedowns on Twitter the last two weeks or so have increased ferociously. Cleaning house before Elon Musk closes the deal or forces discovery?

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