Oct 4, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

I was working at a prestigious university in upstate NY in 2020. The students I taught were a combination of nationals and foreign nationals. The national students were in the majority from NY City. The foreign nationals were by far comprised of Chinese students.

The relationships I developed with the students was always pretty casual and everyday conversation was the norm.

The semester starts in late January 2020- students returning from both NYC and China had absolutely nothing to say about any health event happening where they lived. Once into February also nothing- no comments aout any health emergency.

Into early March still nothing. The NYC students often head home on weekends and then return to campus particularly at the beginning of the semester.

BTW I am required to take attendance and absolutely no deviations from previous years.

It wasn't until literally a few days before the pandemic declaration came down that students were getting panicky- based on university messages- but everyone was more concerned about what would happen if the university shut down not if they were about to be stricken down with some illness.

Well the rest is the history as they say- and through it all nobody was getting sick.

I also taught in Fall 2020, Spring 2021 and Fall 2021. I did not get sick one single day and was around hundreds of students. How was that possible? Well it was possible because it was all fraud. There's no "covid", no unique imaginary pathogen, no lab leak, no aerosolized anything- there's just pile after pile of fraud and propaganda.

I finally left the university in Spring 2022 when they mandated the poison injection for faculty and staff.

The students were mandated to get the shots starting in 2020/2021. They were all getting sick from these things.

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Thanks, Allen, for this compelling - and sobering - account.

Unfortunately, colleges & universities have become conduits for indoctrinating students in the ways of "The Emergency" - regardless of what the emergency is purported to be. That pre-dates The COVID "Emergency", as you know, but it didn't make the abrupt fealty to public health demands any less jarring.

Regardless of where people stand on the sudden spread of a novel deadly pathogen, I hope more will come to wonder, "Yeah, what WAS The Emergency?" and grapple with how little evidence there is of anything unusual occurring in those early 2020 months.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Jessica, all the universites get money from CHINA. Those that don't, get money from the US government.

The entire academic structure is corrupt as hell and needs taking down.

I want to take their endowments and make reparations to the kids whose lives are

either over or hellishly shortened by these mandatory jabs that DO NOT HELP.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

In my case it wasn't China that was funding the university it was the NIH.

That university received $227 million in 2020, $245 million in 2021 and $271 million in 2022 and $311 million in 2023 from the NIH.

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

🎯 per usual. We the People must decide to whom we give authority and what that means. Too many in our representative republic give it away like candy, and authoritarians know it.

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Oct 3, 2023·edited Oct 3, 2023Author

And we've let them [the authorities] make claims about the number of people who died during an event without having to substantiate the claims with proof.

Release the death certificates of every American who has died since 2015, at least.

Vital records are not private info, not medical records, and the dead do not have the same right to privacy as the living.

Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence.

Thus far, very little actual evidence that an emergency existed and necessitated a response OR that (for example) 20K people died in NYC hospitals in 11 weeks has been proffered.

It’s shameful, but even more shameful is Americans’ unwillingness to hold officials accountable.

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It has certainly been an eye opener. Are they all drugged?

I wonder sometimes ...are we just too soft?

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

I live in the UK and looking back all that I can see is that it was a pandemic of TV watching. We watched pictures of the ill and dying on TV, the TV told us how devastating this pandemic was going to be, it told us our life would never be the same again. We watched on TV the measures that would be brought down on us to keep us safe then came the daily death counts and infection counts on the screen, the relentless reminders we were in the midst of a deadly pandemic. It was always visual and auditory reminders that we were in a pandemic. Go outside and life went on as normal or as near normal as the government would allow. All of it was a deadly manipulation of the masses.

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I swear the tv is the biggest brainwashing operation ever.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Oh my goodness, yes! My daughter and I read those books. Perfect literary illustration of the covid madness.

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Great work! Keep digging! My dad texted me today: "you can go to bla bla website for 4 free at home COVID tests."

My response was: "yea thanks I'm good on all the inflation"

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Some test kits were in a package for one of my neighbors today.

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Added to the reading list, thanks.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

I remember reading journalist reports that the city officials were saying they knew the virus had been spreading around the city in one on one conversations... in January or February 2020 NYC. But everything else was the same at work, socializing, etc. other than rumors.

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No impact on mortality in those months. Nothing til after “15 Days” was declared.

If there was, then it supports the hypothesis that deaths were pushed forward into the spike.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

I understand this was a rhetorical post lmao. Just backing you up

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Yes, I hear you.

Authorities want to have their cake and eat it too.

They want to say the virus was slow before it was cast, not deadly becoming suddenly deadly, etc.

And no one has compelled them to prove their claims.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

So true

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Given the scale of the NY peak and the echoes in neighboring states, I’d think we should see a similar scale bump in newspaper obituaries. Its low statistics, but its victim family reported, so would expect it decoupled from government. Somebody who passes in November, say, I’d expect the family who chooses to do so puts in an obituary within a week or two rather than delay to March. Or if the peak in March was real, we’d see N times more obituaries posted than usual. I tried some free things online but not convinced there was complete data there.

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I know — I liked and dutifully reposted that one to both my followers 😉

Rather than trying to identify names what I’d be curious about is the timeseries. And what is attractive about newspapers is its not city/state sourced (at least wouldn’t think so). Family loses someone and has an obituary written up. We’ve all seen/done this. So OK imagine a smaller newspaper outside NY, they run local stories or whatever, maybe have half a dozen odd obit’s posted each paper… But when that peak happens if its real, you’d see that jump to dozens posted during that March/April, maybe extending a bit into May. If the bit NY peak was fraudulent, you might see a different shape, or no change. So thinking it a sort of loose check on the fraud/delayed reporting possibility.

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Delayed reporting doesn’t figure in to the daily death curve because it’s the number of NYC resident deaths that the city says occurred each day.

In other words, they are asserting that they have death certificates with days of death that correspond with the frequencies given for each day,

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Sure, but I thought one hypothetical explanation was that the city was not quite honest about when those people actually died. (or that a good number of them were fabricated) In absence of having access to the death certificates, one crude crosscheck might be counts of obituaries. If they don’t show a similar peak in time, or similar with some lag maybe, it begs more questions.

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Oct 5, 2023·edited Oct 5, 2023Author

Right, two possibilities I offered in another post were that deaths that actually occurred before mid-March were pushed forward into the excess death period - anywhere from several weeks before several months or more and/or deaths that occurred in later April 2020 and/or thereafter in 2020 were “pulled back” into the excess death period.

The obits are what The City did https://projects.thecity.nyc/covid-19-deaths/

When I counted the number with deaths in March - May 2020, I got 1,620

I emailed The City and asked for dates in a spreadsheet (so I could graph), but they never responded. I could do it by hand, but it's tedious.

I've done what you're suggesting with the Hart Island burials, because I wanted to check proportion and trajectory. It's roughly the same. https://x.com/Wood_House76/status/1677749253177851907?s=20

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By the way, if the city and state aren't being honest about this, neither are the Feds.

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The city data would be biased, since it requires/presumes an attribution to covid. The NY peak though manifests profoundly in ACM — which means it should manifest as a similar timed and maybe scale peak in a raw day to day obit count. Hart Island may also be similarly biased? Bodies directed there following a policy change maybe?

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

I was not aware of those books. I wonder if you need to read all of them to "get the idea", or if everything is very much explained in the first one. I get the impression that they are a "too accurate" description of reality. The "covid pandemic" certainly fits the description of "the Emergency". I will start by ordering and reading the first one... may end up ordering a dozen to give away to people who need awakening.

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Jessica, of all the questions you have been asking, THIS one is GENIUS.

Find the answer to this, and the lies will be exposed for what they were...a racketeering and corruption global crime.

And might just help pinpoint how this was done, step by step...the fine Italian hand behind all of this...and who is really running the world's democracies.

If we know how they do it down to WHO makes the ultimate decisions....and who thought it up.

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I hadn't heard of Stewart's books. Published in 2007, or at least, the first one was. Is it kind of like Wizard of Oz meets 1984?

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Sort of. You’ll have to read and find out. :)

Or watch the series. They do a good job and the actors are excellent

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