A couple of years ago, I boarded a deep sea fishing boat for 3-hour excursion.
Winds were moderate and the water rough.
Within the first 10 minutes, motion sickness set in. I knew the boat couldn't turn around and that I'd made a huge mistake in a) drinking a lot of coffee beforehand, and b) not taking Dramamine.
It was the worst 3 hours of vomiting in my life—indeed, the worst 24 hours of illness I've ever experienced. I said, out loud, numerous times, “I am going to die.” When dolphins were leaping out of the water, I couldn’t even look.
I puked in the car ride back to the beach house, at the house, and several times throughout the night. I feel nauseous right now just thinking about that day.
I wasn't the only one who got sick on the trip. All but a few passengers - one a cadet at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy and another my ten-year-old daughter - barfed at least once. The crew were fine (of course).
Needless to say, based on my then-new experience being on a vessel smaller than a cruise ship many miles from the coastline, I can’t recommend anyone go on deep sea fishing trip. Certainly not on a windy-ish day with choppy seas.
But what if I said that there was something unique and unusual about the ocean waters that day? Or insisted the boat had a design that spiked the propensity of passengers to retch over the rails? Or argued that the captain must have been navigating in a negligent manner, or drunk, and needs his license taken away? All because I WAS THE SICKEST I’VE EVER BEEN AND OTHER PEOPLE WERE REALLY SICK TOO, DARN IT!
What would you say to me?
If you’re my middle sister (whose child is the Coast Guard Cadet) you might say, “Caitlin and the crew were fine, so it couldn’t have been that different from the norm.”
If you’re my youngest sister (a physician and the one who paid for the trip as a gift) you might say, “That was the most motion-sick I’ve ever seen you, Jessica. Why didn’t you take Dramamine?”
If you’re my spouse (who threw up once) you might say, “No one is surprised that you were sick the whole time. You know not to drink coffee before a flight. Yet you drank a full Yeti of dark roast, no cream, on the car ride over.”
If you’re my mom (who wasn’t on the trip and heard about it later) you might say, “Oh no, I’m so sorry! Dad and I went deep sea fishing once and we were so sick. Never again!”
Whoever you are, I hope you would find a way to tell me I’m wrong.
I was around droves of college students on a daily basis with extended close contact in an instructional setting. This included dozens of Chinese foreign exchange students and dozens of NYC students who attended the "elite" university were I worked.
They were often testing "positive" with "Covid" via mandatory weekly PCR testing but only getting mildly sick with the same symptoms they get every year while I never got sick.
I had been teaching at that University for 20 years and did so during three semesters of the phony "pandemic" (refused to wear a mask and other University "Covid" rules) until the vaxx mandate kicked in for staff- it kicked in earlier for students. Once the vaxx mandate kicked in I refused and was released. I could have received a religious exemption but also refused that and instead opted to fight the university- a lost cause.
I was around these students every single day- including weekends. How is it possible I never not sick during this time frame- not so much as a sniffle- given the story of "deadly virus" and "highly transmissible?"
In normal times the students routinely get sick mainly due to the fact that they eat crap, they rarely exercise, are sleep deprived, drink too much, stressed out, indoors all the time, electronics all the time, constant states of dehydration and so forth. That's not new. No need for PCR tests.
In fact during the PCR testing frenzy a large number of players from one of the sports teams all tested positive. It was a minor scandal at the school as it was discovered they held a big (illegal) party and they all got wasted then tested positive the next day for "Covid." The PCR was simply picking up on toxic "genetic" debris that their body was sloughing off- it's called a hangover.
Once the vaxx mandate kicked in the students were getting quite sick beyond the norm and directly from the shots. I know this as they would send me notices explaining their reason for being absent. It got to the point pretty quickly that they would be giving me a heads up they would likely be missing the upcoming class pre-injection, as they were all hearing about how sick people were getting from the injections.
It was a bizarre thing to see as they were all either coerced and threatened in multiple ways or they took it as a form of "duty" (almost like some ritual hazing)- most did not want to take the shots.
There is no such thing as Covid outside of propaganda.
Brilliantly put, as usual. Sadly, those who have been trained only to believe what they are told and what they choose to believe will never get it. They have lost all ability to consider facts and think for themselves.
"The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie."
— Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn