Jan 24·edited Jan 24Liked by Jessica Hockett

I was around droves of college students on a daily basis with extended close contact in an instructional setting. This included dozens of Chinese foreign exchange students and dozens of NYC students who attended the "elite" university were I worked.

They were often testing "positive" with "Covid" via mandatory weekly PCR testing but only getting mildly sick with the same symptoms they get every year while I never got sick.

I had been teaching at that University for 20 years and did so during three semesters of the phony "pandemic" (refused to wear a mask and other University "Covid" rules) until the vaxx mandate kicked in for staff- it kicked in earlier for students. Once the vaxx mandate kicked in I refused and was released. I could have received a religious exemption but also refused that and instead opted to fight the university- a lost cause.

I was around these students every single day- including weekends. How is it possible I never not sick during this time frame- not so much as a sniffle- given the story of "deadly virus" and "highly transmissible?"

In normal times the students routinely get sick mainly due to the fact that they eat crap, they rarely exercise, are sleep deprived, drink too much, stressed out, indoors all the time, electronics all the time, constant states of dehydration and so forth. That's not new. No need for PCR tests.

In fact during the PCR testing frenzy a large number of players from one of the sports teams all tested positive. It was a minor scandal at the school as it was discovered they held a big (illegal) party and they all got wasted then tested positive the next day for "Covid." The PCR was simply picking up on toxic "genetic" debris that their body was sloughing off- it's called a hangover.

Once the vaxx mandate kicked in the students were getting quite sick beyond the norm and directly from the shots. I know this as they would send me notices explaining their reason for being absent. It got to the point pretty quickly that they would be giving me a heads up they would likely be missing the upcoming class pre-injection, as they were all hearing about how sick people were getting from the injections.

It was a bizarre thing to see as they were all either coerced and threatened in multiple ways or they took it as a form of "duty" (almost like some ritual hazing)- most did not want to take the shots.

There is no such thing as Covid outside of propaganda.

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Jan 24Liked by Jessica Hockett

Brilliantly put, as usual. Sadly, those who have been trained only to believe what they are told and what they choose to believe will never get it. They have lost all ability to consider facts and think for themselves.

"The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie."

— Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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Jan 24Liked by Jessica Hockett

“with” or “of” rough seas

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Jan 24Liked by Jessica Hockett

I give you credit for trying. To go out fishing, that is. For me the ocean waves are the only thing that relieves my land sickness. Great analogy and I would highly recommend 3 or 4 hours of 6-8 foot seas for the cringing covid URI survivors.

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I applaud this PERFECT retort to the idiotically parroted phrase of your title. You and James Delingpole are the only writers I'm aware of who've addressed this (I have in comments but not an article) and you've nailed it. I'll try to retrieve the one by James and post a link here if I'm successful... it was quite a while back.

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Jan 24Liked by Jessica Hockett

The cause was probably the name of the boat: Diamond Princess. 😉😜 #ChangeMyMind

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You should check to make sure the captain didn’t count you in its all cause mortality records.

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Jan 24Liked by Jessica Hockett

You wrote: "I feel nauseous right now just thinking about that day."

Funny, I felt nauseous just reading about it, lol.

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Jan 24Liked by Jessica Hockett

"3-hour excursion" made me think of Gilligan's Island right away.

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Jan 24Liked by Jessica Hockett

You missed an "I" .... a still lingering result of "Long Sea Sickness" ? ("...what if said....") - para. 8.

= =

To pile anecdotal on the anecdotal, I am pretty sure that no less an astute researcher than Katherine Watt has reported that she - maybe only - her family members had a "sickest I have ever been" experience late 2020. The claim was occasionally heard on "our" side as well. Can't think where I have seen it - there is some speculation that local release of poisoning agents might have been part of the Operation - e.g. the claimed "super-spreader" event at the motorcyclist rally in South Dakota late spring 2020. It is difficult to rule anything out. And MSM went on and on and on with that for months.

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24Liked by Jessica Hockett

I would tell you: “Don’t worry Jessica it was just a ‘virus’!”

“It was just a reactivation of the sea-sickness virus that lays dormant in your body.”

“There is no treatment, so go home and isolate yourself so ‘it’ doesn’t ‘spread’ to your grandma, but if you continue to feel sick head to the hospital so they can ‘treat’ you, and with any luck they will have a ‘vaccine’ ready in a couple of months”.

“Lucky you survived - it could have been much worse!”

Just joking.

I’m no longer falling for this invisible pathogen lie, what about you?

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Jan 24Liked by Jessica Hockett

I am still stunned at what we went through, in the UK we were primed to fear each other we had posters of men and women planted everywhere telling us to look into his/her eyes and ask the "infected" "did we keep a safe distance from him?" or "tell her you never bend the rules" or look him in the eyes and "tell him it isn't real". Warped and oppressive, I will never forget. I could have ripped every single poster down, they were everywhere and it was vomit inducing. Sorry Jessica Hockett for reminding you of the traumatic event where you were the sickest you have ever been!

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Jan 26Liked by Jessica Hockett

I love your insight and conviction. And I was the first in my circle to have asked if anyone would think there was a dangerous illness circulating if they turned off the news. And COVID is not even close to the sickest I’ve ever been in my life. However, at no time in my 50 years have I been sick with something that made everything, including steak, taste like burnt bananas. For weeks. That’s weird and novel. I don’t think there was a deadly virus, but I do believe there was a toxin of some sort sporadically released and amplified with hysteria.

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Jan 24Liked by Jessica Hockett

Oh Jessica, forgive me for laughing...there is NOTHING WORSE than being seasick...you DO want to die.

Even though I grew up on the water, I KNOW what it is like...my worst time was on a cruise to Norway with my mother....and it wasn't even rough! I will never go on another cruise.

I love rough weather....about sail boat size, not motor boat. But the worst? When it is flat calm and you are slippng sideways in the sailboat.....if I am lucky, I can go to sleep before I throw up.

But I get the comparison...but my current suspicion is that we didn't ask the questions we should have...like how long has this been circulating? I think for over a year, and definitely peaked before March 2020....and we never bothered to find out which coronovirus was circulating...it could have been one of over 50 strains that ciruculate every year.

Many people I know were sick with non a non b flu so they thought.

We didn't ask the right questions.

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Jan 24Liked by Jessica Hockett

You left out the fourth word of the ‘But, what if...’ paragraph. ‘I’? ‘you’? ‘someone’? It’s important which word you meant to use here because it establishes where *that* narrative is coming from. And that is what this whole problem humanity is facing is about. Who is telling the story that makes us understand our world incorrectly? Do we end up filling in any blanks, or is someone or something else removing options for each of us to tell ourselves a different story?

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Jan 24Liked by Jessica Hockett

Looks flat calm to me. Not “snotty” at all. But I fish a lot. I have natural immunity to sea sickness. Next time you won’t catch it.

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