Three Cities, Same Virus?
The spring 2020 daily death curves of Bergamo province, New York, and Chicago raise questions about whether the events can be reasonably blamed on sudden spread of the same pathogen
As the events of late 2019 and early 2020 leading up to a pandemic declaration and societal shutdown continue to be debated, I offer a comparison of three places that experienced considerable excess death in the “first wave”:
Bergamo Province, Italy. The Bergamo province is one of a number of areas in the Lombardy region of Italy that experienced early and extremely high deaths. Jonathan Engler observed that the synchronicity of spikes in the region defy what would be expected of disease spread — which should look more like a forest fire igniting and building gradually than a fireball or bomb drop. In terms of percent increase, Bergamo and other provinces in the region are the only locations which exceeded New York City’s mortality in the spring 2020 period.
New York City. The focus of my ongoing inquiry, the speed and magnitude of New York City’s mass casualty event is a U.S. outlier and a global outlier insofar as excess deaths among younger adults in March and April.
Chicago, Illinois. Chicago’s Wave 1 death increase was much lower than Bergamo’s or New York’s - and started later - despite announcing a COVID-19 case 4-6 weeks sooner than the other two cities.
Daily deaths in Bergamo, New York, and Chicago from January 1, 2020 through February 23, 2020 are stable and show no signs of a spreading pathogen or particularly severe flu season. Chicago announced its first COVID-19 case on January 24th; Bergamo’s was a month later
Bergamo’s deaths start to take off pretty quickly.1 New York announced its first case on March 1st, but deaths there and in Chicago stayed normal until after the U.S. announced “15 Days to Slow the Spread” is announced.
New York starts to rise on March 18th or so and skyrockets to a 1,200-death peak on April 6th.
Chicago had a slower start, with daily deaths beginning a climb to a much lower peak during a more drawn-out event.
Daily deaths for the three places from January - May 2020 present a curious picture of sequential events - as though all were “on their mark” and “set” but were given different orders to “go!”.
Bergamo “wins” the prize for highest percent increases in daily deaths, from pre-event average to event peak, at nearly 1,000%. New York had 26K-27K “extra” deaths2 in their wave, with a shorter rise to peak than Bergamo.
Chicago came nowhere near New York in percent increase and took much longer to peak. Note that Chicago isn’t as population-dense as New York but is much denser than Bergamo (and detected a case sooner than Bergamo). Like New York, Chicago is an international travel hubs, with daily flights to and from Asia, Europe, etc.
People point to New York’s subways as a vehicle for sudden spread, but Chicago has subways - and buses and trains and a major international airport with daily flights to China - too. Bergamo’s population is not dependent on the same kind of public transportation network, as far as I know.
Yet Bergamo had the highest crude rate per million by a long shot, even as southern Italy remained relatively unscathed.
I’m left wondering how these events could involve the same “spreading” virus? What is the explanation for the differential "impact" of the purported novel deadly pathogen on daily deaths in Bergamo province, New York, and Chicago?
Doesn’t an explanation for Bergamo and New York, at least, require ascribing characteristics to a pathogen that
a) weren't observed elsewhere or ever again, and
b) haven't been observed with any pathogen, insofar as the ability to create mass casualty events?3
When should we assume “spread” in each of the three cities began, exactly? If this novel deadly coronavirus spreads so fast, then why did it take so long to impact daily deaths in Chicago? Why was the pathogen nowhere, until it was everywhere, as Todd Kenyon puts it — and deadlier in New York than on a cruise ship filled with elderly passengers?
Thanks in part to missing, discrepant, and downright unbelievable data for New York hospitals, I have to ask: Was there really NO excess death prior to government interventions and hospital testing – despite reports of a rather rough flu season4 and other factors?5
Could the speed and steepness of curves in northern Italy and New York include deaths that occurred earlier in February, January, or even December 2019 and were “pushed forward” into Wave 1 deaths, possibly under the auspices of being “probable” COVID-19 deaths? Where are the death certificates that can substantiate these events? Numbers in a public data file aren’t proof, especially when government officials use the numbers to justify revocation of liberties and harms to vulnerable populations (including children).
Fraudulent schemes would not mean that thousands of iatrogenic deaths didn’t occur in the spring weeks; rather, it would mean curves were tampered with and do not accurately represent deaths that actually occurred on each day (and only on one day and/or only in one place).
At minimum, we are left with what Nick Hudson recently described as
“…completely different places with similar population characteristics [that] experienced completely different mortality outcomes…differences could not be explained by viral dynamics. Something else was at work…
I concur:
Something else was at work - something that isn’t explained by sudden spread of a novel, risk-additive coronavirus from Wuhan racing around the world at lightening speed and — possibly — something else besides the myriad contributing forces and factors already known to have been at work, in Bergamo, New York, Chicago, and elsewhere.
UPDATE, 10/15/2023: See this thread for more of my thoughts and questions about Bergamo’s daily death data.
Bergamo Hospital data shows COVID cases in hospitals rose with the announcement of the first case.
Depending on source, i.e., city or federal.
SARS and H1N1 appear to be testing phenomena. Even 1918 isn’t a definitive example. (A recent HART Group Substack article summarizes nicely)
I will add this to your excellent article- it is a very long comment with multiple links for those who wish to explore the vaccine issue re:Italy and how this was also a likely contributor to the degradation of already longstanding health problems in N Italy.
I would caution anyone to attribute any single cause- as it is with "disease" (note the quotatiuon marks) the creation of such things is almost always multi-factorial.
What is an unassailable fact is that the outcomes of what was witnessed in N Italy and NYC in Spring 2020 had zero to do with any unique viral pathogen, imagined or otherwise. And no sorry folks, no lab leak, no targeted aerosolized anything, no viral clones and no sci-fi movie scenarios.
Mass medical homicide, mass fraud and social devasatation wreaked upon the public via a campaign of terror waged against that public by their own governments who were doing the bidding of their masters- the financial oligarchs who run the show.
I will also add that in both NYC and N Italy it was absoutely the case that this "fast-spreading deadly virus" (RFK and many other "leaders of Covid dissent" wrongly argue that this was an actual phenomenon) amazingly steered clear of surrounding areas (suburbs and provinces) and almost exclusively impacted the poor, disabled and already institutionalized in only those specific urban locales.
Not only did this very wily and selective virus only impact specific jurisdictions but it targeted only specific places within those jurisdictions- mainly hospitals.
As well, this mercurial virii came and went like a summer storm- no lead in time and little to no residual impact.
Here's some information on Italy and vaccines in 2019. For those of us who study the history of vaccines and disease (vaccines cause disease- all of them) the patterns are easily recognizable.
In 2018 and 2019 there was an "inexplicable" rise in influenza and pneumonia cases in Lombardy.
On February 25, 2020 this article was posted in one of Italy's largest newspapers, La Repubblica.
Estimated cases of "sindrome simil-influenzale" in Italy between October 14, 2019 and mid-February 2020: 5,632,000. That is almost 10% of Italy's entire population that was supposedly sick with influenza between October, 2019 and February, 2020.
Shortly afterwards, beginning in March, as the number of "coronavirus" cases increased in Italy, the number of influenza cases decreased. I’m sure you can figure out why that happened.
Go here:
Many elderly Lombards who were vaccinated in November 2019 began getting sick within a few days, as the region began to report very severe, strange pneumonia appearing in people. In Bergamo 185,000 doses of the influenza vaccine were ordered on October 21, 2019.
The 2019-2020 anti-flu and anti-pneumococcus campaign organized by the Health Protection Agency and by the ASST of the province of Bergamo in collaboration with the Family Doctors will start on November 4th.
"The primary objective is the prevention of serious and complicated forms of influenza and the reduction of mortality in groups at increased risk of serious illness - begins the medical director of ATS Bergamo Carlo Alberto Tersalvi - Patients aged 65 or over , and those included in the ADI / ADP programs or who are bedridden / disabled, can contact their doctor for free administration of the vaccine, at the times indicated by the individual doctor. Children and adults under the age of 65, belonging to risk categories, can contact the ASST Vaccination Center of residence, at the locations and times indicated by the Center itself.
“Last year 154,000 doses of flu vaccine were purchased and about 141,000 doses of vaccine were administered, of which about 129,000 to people over 65, with a vaccination coverage of 56.2% – explains Dr. Giancarlo Malchiodi , UOC Director of Community Preventive Medicine, Department of Hygiene and Health Prevention, Bergamo ATS – 185,000 doses of vaccine were ordered this year. The calendars with places and times for vaccinations are being defined by the ASST and will soon be available on the ASST sites themselves ".
The flu vaccination is offered free of charge to the following risk groups:
Individuals aged 65 or older (born in 1954 and earlier);
Children older than 6 months and adults suffering from chronic pathologies, such as:
– chronic diseases of the respiratory system; diseases of the cardio-circulatory system; diabetes mellitus and other metabolic diseases; tumors; chronic liver disease; kidney disease with chronic renal failure;
– pathologies for which major surgical interventions are planned; chronic inflammatory diseases and intestinal malabsorption syndromes; diseases of the hematopoietic organs and hemoglobinopathies; congenital or acquired diseases involving deficient antibody production, drug-induced or HIV-induced immunosuppression;
– neuromuscular diseases associated with increased risk of aspiration of respiratory secretions;
Children and adolescents on long-term treatment with acetylsalicylic acid, at risk of Reye's syndrome in case of influenza infection;
Women who are pregnant at the beginning of the epidemic season;
People living with high-risk individuals;
People hospitalized in health and social-health facilities for long-term patients;
In addition to the Bergamo vaccines, between December 24, 2019 and January 18, 2020, Lombardy also had a free vaccination program for meningitis. Over 34,000 people were given the meningitis vaccine. It’s also worth noting that Italy had been engaged in a mass meningitis fear campaign for a few years which had been highly controversial. All of the small towns where the vaccines were administered were located generally in the same area where the 11 small towns of the first cases of "Coronavirus" were reported, in Lombardy.
Another important fact is that between December 2019 and January 2020, 1.2 million influenza vaccines of a new type were also administered in the Lombardy region.
"The widespread distribution of vaccines through pharmacies and the good adherence of general practitioners are reaping good fruits. The influenza [vaccine] campaign launched by the ATS is in fact already recording record numbers, and is not yet completed. With this new model we have dispensed 1,183,660 vaccines in the entire Lombardy Region."
In one of the first episodes of the Corona Investigative Committee, an Italian doctor was interviewed who claimed in early 2020 colleagues called him, telling him "why are all the old people dying who recently got the flu shot?" This is the link to the video:
I greatly appreciate your inquiring mind, you have asked questions that I never even thought of and it has given me a new perspective on the covid insanity that took over our world in 2020. The bad protocols and 'viral deaths' cannot make up the death numbers quoted in these surges in New York and Bergamo, they came on so fast and furious that surely the hospital system would have imploded which I don't think could have been hidden from the public. I found the video helpful, I am a slow learner so I appreciate the visual aid. Thank you!