At what point will politicians if influence starting addressing these questions? Will it happen at all? Too many politicians on “both sides” of the Covid debate made out like bandits.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Oh the tangled web! Someones are not telling the truth, methinks…

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Thanks for your continued great work on this! A couple of thoughts:

Regarding OCME's "expanded jurisdiction"....maybe you could submit a FOIL request asking for any documents OCME relied on for exercising expanded jurisdiction during a public health emergency, including management of all naturally occurring deaths during a PI event. If OCME provides those documents, great. If OCME says it has no such documents in its possession, that's also informative.

Regarding that possibility that they blame errors on electronic reporting, §17-207 of the NYC Administrative Code requires a "root cause analysis" of "an act, error or omission that affects the accuracy, reliability and integrity of the reported results of evidence examination or reported results of analysis." It would be interesting to know if any root cause analysis was done or proposed in connection with the mortality data during this period.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

One report every 20 seconds.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Do we know how many of these 11,049 bodies received autopsies, or some other medical examination? Given the three days of processing, and widespread fear in public health officials that April, it's easy to see how a positive test, and perhaps a note from hospital or ambulance staff about the patient was coughing before death, would satisfy the Office of the Medical Examiner's desire to confirm that the death was caused by covid.

Edited to add that as Jessica has provided in the footnote, "out of the total 11,049 deaths, 10,500+ are accounted for the decedents whose cause of death are not determined by the medical examiner."

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"Why Did the New York City Medical Examiner Process 11,000 Deaths in Three Days?"

Perhaps you meant how? Even if you meant why, 'how' is the bigger question. How did they process 11k deaths in 3 days? Physically not possible just short of auto-mass signing off, and that isn't the job of a "medical examiner". A medical examiner isn't supposed to rapid fire bulk approve 11k deaths.

Reeks of fraud. Big fraud. Could easily bury a bunch of murders in that endless stew of 11k deaths and also cover up numerous crimes.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

other countries followed what happened in the US to model their response. I wish there'd be some accountability one day.

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Apr 7Liked by Jessica Hockett

I'm wondering if there's a provision in NY/NYC/County law (regulation, etc, whatever) to physically inspect records (even if digital) -- and more specifically re this case, to do the "impossible" task of a "manual search in order to identify and compile [the selected causes of "these deaths"]."

Maybe it's (supposedly) not doable by the OCME office, but a couple or three citizen volunteers could make quick work of it I'd expect. IDK - I'm not an (applicable) expert whatsoever. Plus, you've probably already thought of it and/or already covered it.

Ms. Hockett, I think this is (eventually/ultimately) going to end up one of the biggest stories ever told -- and your work is going to form the basis of it. I'm pretty sure you don't even want this (the glory, notoriety, recognition). That you are not motivated by receiving prominence and benefits (other than the blanking truth) will make your fame (and/or chapter in the history books) a mixed blessing. But the day will come (at least those are my odds). Your research and analysis (& your would-be book or movie😎) is the nonfiction counter-narrative to this fictional "received narrative"* (and framing/"staging" of history):


They (the producers of this^ book) have doubled down audaciously. Their fiction on top of fiction is like a hall of mirrors 😲😱😲

*h/t Nick Hudson

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They can they be sued for the information, right?

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how big would the obituary section be for this? Is that an angle you have investigated yet?

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The 'ages of decedents' statistic is distorted. The age cohorts up to the age of 24 each comprise 5 cohorts, after which the cohort doubles in size. The age cohort 25-34 years represents 10 cohorts, as do all subsequent cohorts. As a result, the number of deaths per cohort doubles from the age of 25. The results is a steadily rising curve, which creates the image of the endangered vulnerable in higher ages. From the age of 85+, the group size is no longer broken down at all. This may even include 15 or more cohorts, so the overall picture is completely distorted. This was already evident in many official statistics in the past. In order to give age cohorts a special significance, cohorts were arbitrarily grouped together that would otherwise have shown no significance at all.

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I would hope RFK is aware of this and would address it. Have you contacted him and/or anyone in his campaign?

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I learned of Denis Rancourt and Nick Hudson from Pandata that they claimed there was no pandemic. I then looked at what happened here in New Zealand and came to the same conclusion. After what I learned about New Zealand and most importantly WHERE the people died, mostly in the hospitals, I realized the same. There was no pandemic at all. The information you supply here points in that direction as well. It seems hospitals either on purpose or in absolute Hysteria caused the demise of many people. Just look at these videos from 2020. The doctor here mention ventilators. They even posted on twitter thanking Elon musk for the ventilators he sent. We all know that was the wrong thing to do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0P8KyaYuaTg

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Is it possible the medical examiner was given orders to "find some deaths" and didn't agree with what was going on, so in a subversive act of will, placed a jaw breaking shocking report (big spike), that is obviously unbelievable, as their way to shed light on the whole Covid lie? It's a theory to consider...

Thank-you for covering this!

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