At what point will politicians if influence starting addressing these questions? Will it happen at all? Too many politicians on “both sides” of the Covid debate made out like bandits.

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They won’t. Anyone who was in power in 2020 has zero incentive for the full truth to be exposed.

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Good question that doesn't get asked often enough.

When it suddenly dawns on them that there are quite a lot of people out there who really mean to hold them personally accountable and have figured out a way to do that.

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Oh the tangled web! Someones are not telling the truth, methinks…

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Thanks for your continued great work on this! A couple of thoughts:

Regarding OCME's "expanded jurisdiction"....maybe you could submit a FOIL request asking for any documents OCME relied on for exercising expanded jurisdiction during a public health emergency, including management of all naturally occurring deaths during a PI event. If OCME provides those documents, great. If OCME says it has no such documents in its possession, that's also informative.

Regarding that possibility that they blame errors on electronic reporting, §17-207 of the NYC Administrative Code requires a "root cause analysis" of "an act, error or omission that affects the accuracy, reliability and integrity of the reported results of evidence examination or reported results of analysis." It would be interesting to know if any root cause analysis was done or proposed in connection with the mortality data during this period.

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Thanks for your feedback.

I have ~15 records requests into various city, state, and federal agencies right now, with 4 more to submit today. OCME is on the list. :)

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One report every 20 seconds.

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That assumes they're open 24 hours.

I guarantee you they work 9 to 5 or close to it. Bureaucrats always do. 8 hours per day, three days, 24 hours tops.

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This why it's already been dubbed the fraud of the century.

Why Did the New York City Medical Examiner Process 11,000 Deaths in Three Days?

I'm thinking how.

11000 reports over 3 days requires 153 reports to be completed every hour with no breaks.

Perhaps I made a mistake but according to my calculations that works out at One report every 20 seconds.

How many people were involved?

One person would to have to be working 3 consecutive 12 hour shifts and process over 300 reports an hour or 5 reports per minute or 1 every 20 seconds without taking any breaks and all this while wearing a scientifically meaningless facemask and maintain social distancing and lets not forget the gloves and safety glasses.

There would have to be quite a number of people involved or it becomes quite simply unbelievable.

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Automated rubberstamping.

A long time ago I had to process patient records. And it was a simple task enough, barcoded paper, associate to patient record.

It took three computers using a spoofed "manual" entry (clinical system didn't permit any direct interfaces) 22 days to automatically input ~90K patient records. It took between 10 to 30 seconds for each record (to load onscreen, then update). This was 9 to 5 and sometimes even 9 to 7. And this was 'by the skin of my teeth' stuff; this wasn't even with proper validation, and we're talking extremely optimised data entry.

So it isn't just merely rubberstamp instantly: you have to factor in the real world, naturally occurring delays. Digital page loading, physically shifting the documents (if they're paper), letting the data save. Any centralised database will be online and prone to slowdowns and outages and service delays. Even if it works fine, it won't be always speedy or responsive.

3 days for 11k records, just short of it being a spreadsheet where every entry was set to 'true' would be, in my humble opinion, improbable, even with automation. I don't know if NYC death certificates use paper, but the UK death certs do and it takes weeks and weeks for a death to be processed.

I guarantee you there was fraud. What kind, I don't know. Could be fabricated death certificates. Could be falsified signatures on the death certificates (deaths are real, sign-off is forged). Could be the death certificates don't even exist and some out-of-touch bureaucrat who has no idea how long paperwork processing takes gave 3 days as an unrealistic estimate for time for 11k records.

500+ autopsies in 3 days is definitely impossible.

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I recall that hospitals in the US there were provided with a financial incentive to label absolutely everything as a Covid case - however I also recall other forms of ''manipulation''.

Each person admitted to hospital and labelled as a Covid earned that hospital $13000 - if that person was placed on a ventilator, died and that death was labelled as a Covid death then there was another $39000 on offer - that's $52k all told.

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Do we know how many of these 11,049 bodies received autopsies, or some other medical examination? Given the three days of processing, and widespread fear in public health officials that April, it's easy to see how a positive test, and perhaps a note from hospital or ambulance staff about the patient was coughing before death, would satisfy the Office of the Medical Examiner's desire to confirm that the death was caused by covid.

Edited to add that as Jessica has provided in the footnote, "out of the total 11,049 deaths, 10,500+ are accounted for the decedents whose cause of death are not determined by the medical examiner."

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See footnote 5. The implication is that most weren’t autopsies, because the FOI officer said they didn’t determine cause of death and therefore couldn’t give me COD without exercising unreasonable effort

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So the question becomes, which of the 549 deaths did they perform autospies on and why?

Why did the medical examiner commit fraud with 10,500+ deaths?

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"Why Did the New York City Medical Examiner Process 11,000 Deaths in Three Days?"

Perhaps you meant how? Even if you meant why, 'how' is the bigger question. How did they process 11k deaths in 3 days? Physically not possible just short of auto-mass signing off, and that isn't the job of a "medical examiner". A medical examiner isn't supposed to rapid fire bulk approve 11k deaths.

Reeks of fraud. Big fraud. Could easily bury a bunch of murders in that endless stew of 11k deaths and also cover up numerous crimes.

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I didn’t ask how I’m the headline because I want them to have to answer how AND because the deaths are hospitals deaths AND the OCME says it didn’t determine cause, it appears to be a data dump from hospital cases.

So WHY is OCME processing those deaths electronically in its system?

The agency should have to explain what occurred.

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other countries followed what happened in the US to model their response. I wish there'd be some accountability one day.

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The real question for me is not about a response to “COVID” but “To what was COVID a response?”

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Debt Monetization→ Runaway Inflation→Destroy Currencies → Impoverish Population → CBDCs

This is The Ruling Class, through central banks (debt monetization), deliberately causing runaway inflation ("problem") to destroy their respective currencies, to impoverish the population/create desperation (“reaction”) at which point they’ll introduce CBDCs (“solution”).

Which is why every single government in the world implemented identical socially/economically destructive “public health” policies during the scamdemic and every central bank is in some phase of trialing CBDCs: to “build back better” (digital slave system) out of the wreckage.

The "Corona Crisis" was both the circuit breaker and smokescreen to implement the above.

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Yes, I agree re: financial side of the racket

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Epstein. The imminent unravelling. For one.

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My theory about the role of Epstein in all this is that certain officials and players were threatened with disclosure of their Epstein involvement if they didn’t go along with and 100% promote the coordinate plans implemented/greenlighted in 2020

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Agreed. I also think the entire scamdemic was rushed into implementation due to the strong possibility the entire Epstein house of cards was in imminent danger of being dragged into the light. Hence why many aspects of the scandemic are also unravelling. No time to dot every i or cross every t. Combine that with the blackmail to cooperate and it's quite the storm.

God is on our side.

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I'm not concerned about God being on my side; I'm concerned with being on HIS side.

No matter what happens in my lifetime or on this Earth, He knows what happens and the evildoers will NOT get away with it, even if it appears they have.

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"I'm not concerned about God being on my side; I'm concerned with being on HIS side."

Amen. Me, too. Thanks for clarifying.

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It wasn't a response it was part of something else none of which had anything to do with matters relating to improving our health and everything related to obedience training for the masses and more.

Briefly....Crowd control think of Occupy and Julian Assange] to population reduction to installing a world government and by the way that most nations responded in lockstep of each other it looked like we already have a world government in place but is hidden -

Also related to the last batch of trade agreements where ISDS provisions can be used to challenge existing health and safety standards which was mentioned by a video released by Gravitas: Revealed: How Pfizer blackmails countries for shots


Then there's the financial aspects and here's the twist even Russia and China bought into the fraud or were they part of it?

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“To what was COVID a response?”

How do you mean?

Do you mean:

1) 'how did these people actually die that COVID was the response?'

2) 'to what problem is COVID the response/solution to?'

3) 'who invented COVID and what is it trying to respond to?'

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COVID was and is, I believe, an operation

What was the operation a response to?

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Military operations aren't always 'in response' to anything, but instead have a specific goal or objective they're trying to achieve. For example, Operation Northwoods was the planned staging of a hijacking of an airline plane in order to justify the US going to war with Cuba. It wasn't in response to Cuba doing anything (unless you count simply existing as a communist nation).

In my humble opinion, the big picture goal here is to 'reduce the population'. I think the operation in NYC, based on your compelling evidence, was to instil fear, not just within the populace of NYC, but the rest of the United States and the world over.

And fear is used typically to get the public to do something: stay indoors (where they can't see anything), wear masks, take experimental drugs, take shots in a blind panic without asking questions.

If the deaths never happened and they faked the numbers, then you're looking at a psychological operation (something akin to Operation Northwoods; to sway public opinion), if the deaths did happen and they killed those people, then you're looking at a "conventional" military operation (where the goal is to kill specific targets or enemies). They don't have to be mutually exclusive; they can kill actual people as a wider psychological operation.

On 9/11, a lot of whistleblowers and dissenters were supposedly on the planes or in the buildings (including the Pentagon section hit). Whether they were already dead before the planes ever hit, or they died when they planes impacted, who knows, but the intention of their deaths were clear: to stop them squealing to the public, and use their deaths to justify an overseas war.

There's only two reasons they could not order an autopsy on 10k+ bodies Jessica:

1) They already knew what the result would be if they did, and intentionally did not investigate to hide the crime (read: the people were intentionally murdered; or how they died was not consistent with what was reported to the public), or

2) There were no bodies to autopsy in the first place

Are you able to speak with some of the families of the deceased? 10k+ people, some must have families. I wonder how many were cremated if real? Families can order bodies to be exhumed, I do believe...

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We are on the same page in spirit, for sure. I have different thoughts and theories about what happened and why, but we agree that none of it adds up and there are numerous smoke signals a fraud event has occurred.

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Different angles and approaches are crucial to finding the truth, and I genuinely think you've found the achilles heel in their narrative. Too many deaths over too short a space of time much like the Midazolam murders.

I think you may find my most recent publication to be of some interest: note the NHS and military overlap coupled with the malicious denial of treatment. Who told John Burns to put that notice out?


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I'm wondering if there's a provision in NY/NYC/County law (regulation, etc, whatever) to physically inspect records (even if digital) -- and more specifically re this case, to do the "impossible" task of a "manual search in order to identify and compile [the selected causes of "these deaths"]."

Maybe it's (supposedly) not doable by the OCME office, but a couple or three citizen volunteers could make quick work of it I'd expect. IDK - I'm not an (applicable) expert whatsoever. Plus, you've probably already thought of it and/or already covered it.

Ms. Hockett, I think this is (eventually/ultimately) going to end up one of the biggest stories ever told -- and your work is going to form the basis of it. I'm pretty sure you don't even want this (the glory, notoriety, recognition). That you are not motivated by receiving prominence and benefits (other than the blanking truth) will make your fame (and/or chapter in the history books) a mixed blessing. But the day will come (at least those are my odds). Your research and analysis (& your would-be book or movie😎) is the nonfiction counter-narrative to this fictional "received narrative"* (and framing/"staging" of history):


They (the producers of this^ book) have doubled down audaciously. Their fiction on top of fiction is like a hall of mirrors 😲😱😲

*h/t Nick Hudson

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This is a great point about inspection and one that I will keep in mind when the OCME gets back to me with records for my latest request.

I appreciate your complements. I don't want glory - I want the truth. In any case, I'd prefer that people don't eventually steal my work and say it was their idea. :) Even then, I can't control what happens. No one is hiding anything from God.

Thank you for that book link. Very, very, very interesting

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Thank you for your reply -- and you are welcome (I say humbly). I just want the TRUTH, too (and my motives are of the highest purity that I can endeavor to achieve).

I guess you've figured out that "Bubblz" is @MdmStakeholder. If not, I can confirm.

P.S. I learned everything I never wanted to know about governance/civics (i.e., the right [or not] to inspect records, as well as governing bodies' propensity for collective wanton wickedness) from my (former) HOA (2013-Spring 2017, when I made my escape). I've learned to run everything through the HOA prism (and/or Rube Goldberg machine and/or torture device), which gives me enhanced perspective on almost anything (including but definitely not limited to #TRANSPARENCY).

Sincerely & Respectfully, a/k/a #HomeownersAssociationRefugee

P.S.S. One of their (governing entities'/authorities') built-in get-out-of-jail-free cards is protecting of the privacy of the governed (commonly & conveniently blessed by Statute). That's the ONE law the lawless really adhere to (even in times of crisis™)! I needn't tell you that it's all a joke on us, "the protected."

It occurs to me at this late date that the "citizen volunteer"/general populace should be entitled a means to access "classified" information -- such as a/the right to pursue/gain a security clearance (directly such as by oath, or indirectly via an officially-accepted responsible proxy/"special master"). The deference to entities/institutions over individuals given by our system (all Branches) is one of our system's Achilles' heels/inherent flaws (imo). I understand that representative governance, and (theoretical) equal access to judiciaries, were supposed to make up for our peon/nonentity status -- but if (in)corporations are persons, then I want to be a person too! Next best thing in the mousetrap is a union/association/501c3 (hmmm, this makes me think you may want to appeal to a citizen-advocate-oriented org to intervene in your quest if/as needed [stranger things have happened, though many of them are full of 💩]).

If you want a perfect view of "deference to," look up the (outrageous! and concocted out of thin air) "business judgment rule" one of these days. Also see "major questions doctrine" to realize that even if the powers-that-be "fix" "it," 99% of us will still be NPCs in their "fluid"-rules/moving-target board game.

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They can they be sued for the information, right?

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This is America. Anyone can be sued for anything. :)

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Oh and extracting the records should be a <60min thing. They're definitely hiding something.

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Perfect. So it seems that would be the next step or do you have any other idea how to proceed?

Congratulations on finding this. You seem to be on the right track there.

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You’ll see

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how big would the obituary section be for this? Is that an angle you have investigated yet?

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I have looked into that and will be posting about it soon

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Or just death notices.

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The 'ages of decedents' statistic is distorted. The age cohorts up to the age of 24 each comprise 5 cohorts, after which the cohort doubles in size. The age cohort 25-34 years represents 10 cohorts, as do all subsequent cohorts. As a result, the number of deaths per cohort doubles from the age of 25. The results is a steadily rising curve, which creates the image of the endangered vulnerable in higher ages. From the age of 85+, the group size is no longer broken down at all. This may even include 15 or more cohorts, so the overall picture is completely distorted. This was already evident in many official statistics in the past. In order to give age cohorts a special significance, cohorts were arbitrarily grouped together that would otherwise have shown no significance at all.

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I would hope RFK is aware of this and would address it. Have you contacted him and/or anyone in his campaign?

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What makes you think RFK/CHD would be interested in this?

Such evidence throws a wrench into their major presuppositions.

RFK/CHD fastidiously and programmatically avoid substantive information and overtly dismiss evidence that challenges the fundamental narratives of the phony pandemic which they adhere to and upon which they have built an entire cottage industry.

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What is CHD? Why do I think he’d be interested? Because he has based his campaign in part on corporate-govt collusion corruption.

I also don’t understand what you’re saying. Could you pls translate into plain English? I’m just a lowly physician and can’t process all those big words.

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CHD=Children's Health Defense

RFK is apprised of Denis Rancourt's work, which overlaps with mine, although my lens is set at a different "zoom level" than his is.

A lot of what I'm showing and have said about New York City contradicts the current RFK campaign narrative involving bioweaponry, etc.

I have not prioritized reaching out to presidential candidates. Their strategies are "set". None of the three main candidates challenge the govt.'s core story of a novel deadly coronavirus suddenly spreading.

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I learned of Denis Rancourt and Nick Hudson from Pandata that they claimed there was no pandemic. I then looked at what happened here in New Zealand and came to the same conclusion. After what I learned about New Zealand and most importantly WHERE the people died, mostly in the hospitals, I realized the same. There was no pandemic at all. The information you supply here points in that direction as well. It seems hospitals either on purpose or in absolute Hysteria caused the demise of many people. Just look at these videos from 2020. The doctor here mention ventilators. They even posted on twitter thanking Elon musk for the ventilators he sent. We all know that was the wrong thing to do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0P8KyaYuaTg

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Is it possible the medical examiner was given orders to "find some deaths" and didn't agree with what was going on, so in a subversive act of will, placed a jaw breaking shocking report (big spike), that is obviously unbelievable, as their way to shed light on the whole Covid lie? It's a theory to consider...

Thank-you for covering this!

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I don't think so, because the bulk of the deaths processed on those days occurred in hospitals

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