Sep 22, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

I love the way you put the data together in a straight no-frills manner. These are *basic* questions that point to a glaring lack of evidence to support the official narrative.

They’ll never cop to it—they’re in neck deep. One day, everyone will realize the enormity of the lies.

Keep going. Thank you for your work!

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This is great. Keep trying. They think we're all that stupid ... when only 75 percent of us are that obtuse. They also know you're the only person in the world asking these questions (Well, I've been asking the same type questions too.) Per the official narrative, we had "late spread" - but only in a few cities. And, for some reason, the virus did suddenly become much more contagious and lethal ... in April ... after the cold and flu season. The fact the excess mortality spiked through the roof 21 to 25 days AFTER the lockdowns (lockdowns designed to prevent or slow "spread") ... is some kind of crazy coincidence.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Here is a classic quote from Covid Con Job early days:

"I was not necessarily surprised by the number, the number of total positives, but rather it was the number of people who were positive that were not showing symptoms at all," said Dr. Danny Avula, the public health director for Richmond, Virginia.

Uh, so what do you think Dr. Danny that maybe the people who 'aren't sick', aren't sick?

Maybe just possibly the test that's telling you these 'not sick' people are sick is bullshit?

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Hey Jessica did you see amazing polly's elmhurst video (or were you the one who linked it? i can't keep track :)


dr colleen smith who made a video there as basis for an infamous ny times psy-op piece claimed to be on staff there but wasn't

she specialized in medical simulations at nyu , hmmm.....

the video shows ventilators just sitting there in the hospital corridor, unpacked. when they were supposedly in short supply

was it a line of crisis actors in her video who were waiting to get tested? the hospital was deserted and unguarded 4 days later

patients with stomach problems or car accident survivors were being scanned for “signs” of covid and categorized as such

the video also has a clip of trump reading a propaganda script about refrigerated trucks full of bodies at elmhurst, as if he had been there to see them

and on 3/24 cuomo was screaming for ventilators but when confronted said that hospitals didn;'t hem yet because “we haven't reached the apex yet” - what did he know that we didn't? kind of like him talking about the 26K death figures early on...

VIDEO from nyt Article: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bE68xVXf8Kw

Dana Ashlie's #FilmYourHospital compilation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pIMD1enwd4

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

I have to be honest I am not quite following what you are saying. Lots of "it wasn't this, it wasn't that" but not much "it was THIS!". Please for the sake of the hard of comprehending like me, could you do an executive summary of your negative case and your positive case? Would be appreciated!

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

thank you

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Thank you.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

The medical care is what killed them. ventilators and Remdesivir and then isolation and denial of nutrition and fluids.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

"spread with no impact"

Bear in mind we do not know, and will quite likely never know, the initial case numbers for Wuhan city, Wuhan province, and the region. So the first visible appearance in areas with tight scientific-commercial connections to China - Iran and Northern Italy - makes a certain amount of sense.

Not to disagree with the rest of your objections to the narrative (insofar as I understand those objections).

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"A pathogen leaked, jumped, and/or escaped from Wuhan, China, and “spread” person to person with lightening speed..."

This should be "lightning" not "lightening"

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It's already clear that the virus didn't come from Wuhan. There was no trace of it in China before September, 2019, by which time it was endemic in Northern Europe and the USA.

2%-4% of Americans were Covid seropositive in December, 2019 and multiple, lab-certified cases have been found from that period.

The first certified Covid death was in Kansas, not Wuhan.

By mid-2020, evolutionary biologists were convinced that the virus was most likely to have escaped in the USA, host to the richest variety of viral strains.

Refusal by US authorities to share pulmonary lavage samples from 'vaping' deaths (after the Mayo Clinic exonerated vaping) was absolute and infuriated international scholars.

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Promote More Fear - Not Less

The Vaccinated Took The Shots

Because They Were Afraid Of " Some New Virus "

- You Wiil Not Make Them Less Fearful. And Have Not.

So Make Them More Fearful Of - SOMETHING ELSE

Make Them Terrified Of Suffering From The Shots

- Like Everyone Else Who Already Has.

This Isn't Hard Folks. Taunt Them Unrelentingly.


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Yeah. It would be important to know if they actually killed all those people in the graphed "spikes" or just faked the numbers! We know the hospitals were far emptier than they said, the tents were barely used, the quickly prepared facility wasn't used, and the hospital ship wasn't used!

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