
Why hasn't Champaign-Urbana media reported on this correspondence?

Or they have, and I missed it?

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

C-U media RARELY, if ever, reports on anything critical of UIUC. My theory on this is that it's because UIUC is their largest source of ad revenue. So UIUC holds tremendous sway over every local media outlet. If one of them would try to investigate/publish something even remotely critical of UIUC, then they threaten to withhold ad money. Nothing I can prove, but it makes perfect sense.

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Don't tip the fat cow who gives you the most milk. Simple economics + politics.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Completely Walked around free consent and justified doing so with the same "IDPH, public good, etc". Surely didn't mention using test before obtaining EUA.

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

It is exceptionally misleading to say that everyone provided samples through "free and voluntary consent and not as a condition of employment or attendance".

To quote correspondence I have from earlier this year: "All students, faculty and staff who are granted an exemption and have permission to be on campus must participate in weekly testing" and further in the email: "Failure to comply with all mitigations will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal."

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He is not telling the truth - which is particularly strange when tens of thousands of students and employees can call his bluff, and there are myriad public records that show exactly wheat did and didn't occur.

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I saved everyone of those emails, I knew the university system would lie once scrutinized to make their image and legalities look proper. I hope Tom Devore gets attorney General in November and investigates everyone of these corrupt, lying administrators

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Killeen contradicts himself multiple times in this letter. It’s horribly written for a president of a college. What an embarrassment. I hope these representatives don’t let this go!!!

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022Author

Doubtful that he (or he alone) wrote it.

IMO, the writing is poor and the content repetitive because there were multiple contributors, and no one streamlined it.

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Totally agree but in the end he’s the one whose signature is at the bottom. My 8th grader could proof read better.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Points #2 and #12 are a complete and total lie. There. was. NO. consent. After being sent home for two months in March of 2020 per Governor Buttercow's legally suspect EO's "essential" employees were brought back to work on campus in June 2020. We were told, that in order to be able to work on campus, we would have to submit to spit-testing three times a week. No choice, no "informed" or otherwise consent. Simple coercion under threat of disciplinary action that could result in termination of employment.

There was also NO "legal" mandate for the testing. UIUC did NOT (and STILL does not) follow state public health statutes pertaining to quarantining measures like masks, testing, quarantine/isolation, etc. To the best of my knowledge, NO employee has ever received a court order from a judge as requested by Champaign-Urbana Public Health District requiring them to test. At least I know I've never received anything like that.

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I’m working to confirm your perceptions (which I share, based on evidence).

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I am also collecting names/info of people that are employees/students and say the same. They are also wanting to move on prosecution/class action lawsuits... I also have a copy of the letter from U of I UC threatening disciplinary actions if not tested. That is coersion, not voluntary, and not legal under an EUA. Nuremberg code states no one may be coerced to participate in a medical experiment (this test, under an EUA, is an experiment- it qualifies) I will be compiling all into a letter and reaching out to Chapin, Mazzochi, etc. I have been trying to get a hold of DeVore for a month. We are not complying, however it may be catching up to us sooner than later, so I'm hoping we can compile all people together and move on this. I would love to touch base with you. I have signed up for your newsletters, so you should have my e-mail...sisznliz... In the meantime Children's Health Defense>legal resources> Notices>Notice for EUA PCR testing has a letter people can use in the meantime. Do not comply. Thank you, and God bless you! https://childrenshealthdefense.org/legal/legal-resources/

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Thanks. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. If needed, I can connect you with many employees who will also confirm that we never given an choice in any of this garbage, only threats.

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Ditto! Many of us in Springfield are DONE.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Excellent. Keep up the good work. Keep

Asking questions. Thank you !!!!

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If further inquiries, why contact Prof. Jay Walsh, VP of Economic Development & Innovation further? His job title surely doesn't insinuate that he has any scientific expertise, does it??? ALWAYS follow the $$$

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"we are currently testing several thousand samples each day" -$$$

the grift that keeps on giving

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