Jul 30, 2023·edited Jul 31, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

I think the "undercover epicenter nurse" Erin-Marie Olszewski is a phony whistleblower. She was previously virtually unknown, but on June 11th 2020 local time, she did her big media debut by appearing on Tucker, InfoWars, and Del Bigtree's show the day. When I searched for the earliest tweets which mentioned her, many of them were links to versions of her viral video that were reposted by David Icke's BitChute channel or by Banned​.Video, and some of the very first people who mentioned her on Twitter were David Icke and his son Gareth (https://i.ibb.co/58GZptC/early-tweets-about-undercover-nurse-erin-marie-olszewski.jpg, https://twitter.com/search?q=until%3A2020-06-12+%28%22undercover+nurse%22+OR+erin+olszewski%29&src=typed_query&f=live). Why were the first people who discovered her such big names?

Olszewski wrote that she worked "in the antiterrorism units at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa. Most of what happened there is stuff that I can't talk about. Even the fact that there is an antiterrorism unit there isn't known by many people." (https://books.google.com/books?id=Dn_rDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT91) MacDill is where the headquarters of the U.S. Special Operations Command are located, and Alex Jones has also bragged that some of his staff members have worked at USSOC at MacDill ([https://web.archive.org/web/20180523163150/https://alexjonesexposed.info/). In a talk in 2022, Olszewski said that she had been trained in psychological operations: "There's a lot of propaganda. But, I've kinda had an inkling of what was going on, because my job in the army is actually trained at the John F. Kennedy special warfare center in Fort Bragg in psychological operations and civil affairs. So I've had that figured out, and I'm looking at it and I'm like, this is exactly what the government taught us. Right. So they're using this on our own people right now." (https://gregwyatt.net/did-erin-malone-olszewski-work-undercover-at-hospitals-schools-and-orphanages-in-iraq/) Olszewski served in the 432nd Civil Affairs battallion which is a subunit of the United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command, and the emblem of the battallion features the Masonic motto "Bringing Order to Chaos" (https://www.facebook.com/FallenHeroesHonored/posts/2194515117269455, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Army_Civil_Affairs_and_Psychological_Operations_Command).

Olszewski's viral video was produced by the British company Journeyman Pictures, which used to specialize in making films about war zones, and their first films were pro-Israel propaganda about the Israel-Palestine conflict (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journeyman_Pictures). Why did some random nurse get an overseas production company to produce her film?

In 2019 in the U.S., there was a rally called "Millions March Against Mandatory Vaccination" whose main coordinators included Kevin Tuttle's organization Wisconsin United for Freedom and Erin Marie Olszewski's organization Florida Freedom Alliance (https://nationandstate.com/2019/10/12/flvaxgate-controlled-opposition-vaccine-groups-in-florida-carry-out-sophisticated-cointelpro-type-operation). Both organizations were founded in 2019, and the domain names of both of their websites were registered in April 2019. Tuttle's LinkedIn profile has now been deleted, but it used to say that he worked as a "Public Affairs Officer" in the United States Air Force from 2001 to 2007, and he used to work for a company which translated pharmaceutical inserts (https://i.ibb.co/rFdhHPM/kevin-tuttle-linkedin-public-affairs-officer.png). In 2021, Kevin Tuttle appeared on the Stew Peters Show as an "undercover dad" who used spy glasses to covertly record his visit to a vaccination clinic with his son, just like how Erin used spy glasses to record Elmhurst Hospital. A third ex-military anti-vaxxer is Dawn Jolly, whose LinkedIn profile says that she served as an "Operations Specialist" at the U.S. Navy from 2001 to 2003 and that she worked for Pfizer from 2014 to 2016 (https://www.linkedin.com/in/healthypatriot/). In 2019, Dawn Jolly founded an anti-vax non-profit called "CT Freedom Alliance", and like Olszewski, she has appeared as a guest on Fox News (https://wethepatriotsusa.org/617-2/). So I have found three different anti-vax organizations whose name features the word "Freedom" and the name of a state and that were founded in 2019 by someone who calls themselves ex-military.

In 2018, Paul Offit met with Olszewski and Tuttle along with other anti-vaxxers in the same network, like Jamie Lynn-Juarez who said that "I come from a very high-ranking military family" (https://gregwyatt.net/erin-olszewski-and-the-paul-offit-affair/, time 0:58).

The main purpose of Erin's short-lived organization Florida Freedom Alliance was to oppose Florida Senate Bill 64, which would've removed religious exemptions that allowed unvaccinated children to enter school. The bill was proposed by Senator Lauren Book, but it was originally drafted by Rabbi David Shabtai. Florida Freedom Alliance hired Ron Watson as their lobbyist. He used to be a lobbyist for the pharmaceutical industry, but his story is that he changed sides because his kid was injured by a vaccine (https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=758739677910042). However two weeks before Lauren Book proposed the bill, she was presented a Senator of the Year award by Ron Watson (https://gregwyatt.net/ron-watson-erin-olszewski-and-kevin-tuttle/). Lauren Book runs a non-profit organization called Lauren's Kids, whose stated goal is to fight against the sexual exploitation of children, but the logo of the organization features a heart and a butterfly, which are both symbols associated with pedophilic organizations according to FBI.

The ex-marine "health freedom activist" Cordie Williams spoke to a crowd on January 6th along Leigh Dundas, and he has a chiropractic practice called "Health From Within" whose logo is a butterfly that consists of two interlocking hearts (https://www.facebook.com/healthfromwithinca/). A bio of Leigh Dundas says that "Since 2013, Leigh has fought human trafficking abroad, focusing on southeast Asia - running undercover former Special Ops agents into child brothels to gather Intel" (https://freedomfighternation.org/about/). Olszewski said that she worked in orphanages while she was stationed in Iraq, Kevin Tuttle and his family traveled in Romania helping kids in orphanages, and Adam Ringham who is another ex-military anti-vaxxer in their network posted a video on Facebook where he looked for volunteers to visit orphangaes around the world (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGOtTPISC84).

Leigh Dundas is listed as having completed 9 services by the Church of Scientology (https://www.truthaboutscientology.com/stats/by-name/l/leigh-dundas.html). She is the president of an anti-vax organization called Advocates for Physicians' Rights, whose treasurer Lori Prescott has has "Silver Meritorious" status in Scientology which means she has donated at least 500,000 USD to the International Association of Scientologists, and she has also reached OT level VII (https://www.facebook.com/notes/654971248780380/, http://www.truthaboutscientology.com/stats/by-name/l/lori-prescott.html).

Olszewski wrote that she lives "right by Clearwater Beach", but the world headquarters of the Church of Scientology are located in Clearwater (https://books.google.com/books?id=Dn_rDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT136). In 2019 which was the same year when Erin founded Florida Freedom Alliance, another short-lived anti-vax organization in Florida called called Conscience Coalition was founded by Renee Bessone and her husband Greg Mitchell, who was called Scientology's main lobbyist in Washington (https://www.businessinsider.com/church-of-scientology-washington-lobbyist-2015-4). Bessone has reached OT level VIII, which is the highest possible auditing level in Scientology (https://www.truthaboutscientology.com/stats/by-name/r/renee-bessone.html). Mitchell's lobbying firm has also represented Soros's Open Society Policy Center (https://www.facebook.com/notes/4567792496626364/, https://www.opensecrets.org/Lobby/firmsum.php?id=F223880&year=2018). The domain name of Conscience Coalition was registered by Timothy Akey, who is a former pharmaceutical representative (https://www.facebook.com/notes/4567792496626364/). The excecutive director of Conscience Coalition is Jonathan Lockwood, who said on Twitter that he is a Scientologist, and who has been hanging out in the same circles as Olszewski (https://twitter.com/JNTHN_LCKWD/status/1576004158246699008).

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

"Covid" is the engineered destabilization of the global economy. "COVID-19", the operation, is essentially a cover-up for systematic debt-leveraged monetary expansion. "Covid-19", the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION to other causes.

All of the exaggerated and repeated fear-based messages from the media and government agencies this were just part of the advertising campaign for the pharmaceutical industry’s newest lucrative product- mRNA “vaccines” which they plan to roll out as the new medical “miracle cure” for a variety of “ailments”, e.g. new line of “cancer vaccines.”

The plan is for the mRNA "vaccines" to be Pharma's new cash cow and launch an entirely new Bio-Tech wave of financialized "disease management."

"Disease" has replaced war as the world's primary money spinner, the elites need continuing large-scale health crises to keep the economy going.

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Just watched ...gonna watch again. You my dear are a girl after my own heart.

This was Epatant!!

You are fabulous.

And God Bless you for saying what I hae been saying for three years....I cannot BELIEVE we did

this to children. I work at a school.

I will NEVER Get over this. And I will NEVER forgive them.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

This was a brilliant conversation. You are brimming with common sense. Loved every minute and would love to see you speak with Mark Kulacz too. Thank you

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

I love this before I even watch. Been scouting JC’s twitch for a new video for days! Thanks!

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Thank you for your sleuthing. The wall to wall lies and psyops going on in NYC since 2020 are personal to me. I hope you and Rancourt can reach a synthesis. The suspicious revelations about Erin O. are stunning in their implications for the extent of controlled opposition. I smelled the rats long ago and got booted out of my hospital career years before "Covid" because I wouldn't play ball on Flu shot mandates. I believe you are correct that BOTH institutional iatrogenic deaths AND deliberate (panic enhancing) over-counting of covid deaths took place in NYC 2020. The truth is coming out despite all the contrived disinformation. Keep up the great work.

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

I know hardly anything about these people, but there's a long series of videos called The End of Covid, and in the interview linked here there's some talk about "what happened in New York City" that you might want to read. https://simulationcommander.substack.com/p/exclusive-the-end-of-covid-interview

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Jessica's story about her father being in Haiti in September 2001, so not finding out about the 9/11 attacks until late that week, is important.

If you left "civilization" circa March 10 2020 for a 2-week hunting trip, and were out of media range for that time, you were going to come back bewildered by how much things had changed.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

I cannot access the link to JJ Couey interview either directly or via the way back machine. Also I could not find it on Gigaholm either. Please help. I would love to watch this video.

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Sailors on aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt had Covid before first “confirmed” case in America. Also, the IFR for outbreaks on 3 naval vessels is 4X lower than influenza.


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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

I listened to this podcast today and the word that came to mind concerning what occurred the last 3-1/2 years was “simulation.”

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Great interview well done

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Excellent as anticipated. Couldn’t help recalling a truism saved early in the madness:

“The death rate is a fact; anything beyond this is an inference.” —William Farr

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Good to hear you're "taking a break from Twitter," not "banned from Twitter."

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Excellent interview!

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It was disgusting listening to one of the witnesses at the recent congressional censorship hearing talk about the body bags and all the deaths in New York City. People are still buying that stuff?

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