Honestly, I'm not sure Twitter is worth it anymore. Not that we necessarily wanna concede ground, but Musk has made it clear he isn't actually committed to freedom of speech. He's one of the major players in the transhumanist movement and he's never seen government money (be it from the US, the CCP or wherever) that he didn't like.

Much of the alternative media wants him to be the champion of free speech, or at least a proponent of an alternative to the mainstream narrative on covid. But as far as I can tell it's all talk. Meanwhile, Musk HAS said that he hopes to turn Twitter into an "everything app" which you use to access all content and other things, a la the CCP's big app (called 'X' I believe).

I think we need to own up to the fact that he's severely "problematic" at best.

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Agreed on all points.

Musk is not the free speech champion we wish he were.

I care about my account being restored as a matter of principle, if nothing else, and so that I can download the archive of posts. But the removal of that misinformation policy is what's most important.

It doesn't matter if individual accounts are freed as long as the policy remains.

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Nov 22, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Relying on "one great man" to resolve our problems is wrong. It's similar to dutifully obeying the lockdown edicts set down by governors.

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Yeah, I didn't think so. He's not the hero everyone thinks he is. I'm sure he's got his own reasons for buying Twitter. But I don't think it's because he's such a huge fan of free speech.

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Same for me. I was banned for posting an scientific journal article on ivermectin. As of November 12th, they still won’t reinstate me even though a ton of science supports it. 😡

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Same here. I’m not holding my breath.

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Nov 27, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

My a/c @duzBme Permanently suspended Aug 1, 2021 my for running a poll asking

“Which COVID vaccines went through the correct extensive clinical trials and testing on animals before FDA emergency use authorization #EUA was approved on humans? #LabRats

Please vote and retweet for larger sample


Please can you explain what Twitter rule I broke?

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

I still have not gotten back on

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Tried to report the fake account (@JessicaHockett7) and when prompted to search/enter the "real" account (i.e. @ewoodhouse7), I get presented with this one: @Woodhouse7E

Is this a fake account too?

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Yes, that’s fake too. I don’t have an active account

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

2 fake accounts is pretty flattering. @jessicahockett7 is trying, but the tweets are a blend of impersonation and attempted satire, and it does not work.

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I guess Twitter have made it impossible to report a "fake" account when the "real" account has been "suspended".

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

Just tweeted this out

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Yes. Anything related to them is sus. Trump reinstatement is moot given he has his own platform I suppose

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Right -- no real controversy or risk there.

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I think I will join Twitter just to post anti vaccine information. Like the link to this film, which is required viewing: https://rumble.com/v1wac7i-world-premier-died-suddenly.html

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Follow @dizBme on GETTR #elonmusk #publishthetweets and exposethelies


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Follow @dizBme on GETTR #elonmusk #publishthetweets and exposethelies

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Not much longer. The poll is at 70-30 for a general amnesty at Twitter.

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Amnesty implies I and others suspended under the Covid misinfo policy did something wrong.

In truth, the policy was and is wrong, and needs to be abolished immediately.

It’s not about amnesty — it’s about moderating content/speech at the behest of the government.

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Perhaps I'm ignorantly optimistic. Although slow, through my rose coloured glasses I see that the TweeterSphere is moving in the "free-er" speech direction. Imagine the thousands if not tens of thousands of accounts banned in the last few years not only for the wrong words but for real criminal threats? My hopeful guess is that the Twitter employees that are still there have their plates full and the well known names that effect a flurry of Twitter use are prioritized. Hopefully, time will prove this true and we'll see the likes of Dr Malone, McCullough' etc restored. I was happy to see the Babylon Bee & even ... ... Kathy Griffin restored. Good things come to those that wait?

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I agree. I think it's odd that they haven't gotten around to that yet.

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Nov 22, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022Author

Odd, but not an oversight. Remember, that policy is at the heart of lawsuits against Twitter and the Biden Administration.

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Jessica Hockett

That might be why the policy hasn't changed (yet). Could doing so be potentially seen as an admission of "guilt" in those lawsuits?

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Im curious the logic they are following. I don't care what Trump has to say, but if they will reinstate his account, you and MANY others should've had their accounts reactivated....

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The Covid-19 misinfo policy must be removed entirely. That’s the real issue.

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