Dr. Pierre Kory sent me video-recorded responses to the questions I posed about his spring 2020 experiences in New York City and Madison, Wisconsin. [Transcript posted 2/14/24]
On January 26, 2024, he wrote:
Here are my recorded answers to the many questions you posed which was what was requested, I trust it will help you guys in formulating what I think will be a better hypothesis in my opinion.
I was a bit troubled by the "suspicion" of my integrity and honesty (and Sen. Johnson's) in some of the questions though. If you want to release the videos in public I have no problem with that but it was not my intent. I will say I displayed exasperation with a few questions so I am not sure I was on my best behavior (was exhausted) but largely was trying to be helpful and was attempting to displace the "suspicion" element of some of the questions.
Ultimatel[y], and with all due respect it is my opinion that the "no new novel pathogen" theory is dead wrong but those who believe it will never ever ever admit the theory is wrong no matter how much evidence I put forward so it all seems pointless. The simple fact that you guys have never addressed the fact that ILI or vaping only very very rarely lands someone on a vent is what makes the hypothesis absurd.
People were developing respiratory distress and landing on vents in unprecedented numbers. Unprecedented. Even if instituted too early, indications for ventilators were present in insane amounts of people suddenly, WHO lockdown or not. Enjoy.
I appreciate the 30+ minutes Dr. Kory devoted to responding. It’s true that he comes across as exasperated. However, because I’m similarly passionate and direct person who finds it hard to hide how I’m feeling in face-to-face interactions, nothing in Dr. Kory’s delivery offends, shocks, or dismays me on a personal level. I’m glad he felt comfortable enough to express his frustrations openly. 🙂
I’ll let Dr. Kory speak for himself and return to the substance of his responses in a separate post.
Note: Throughout the video, Dr. Kory says “you guys.” For example:
What I’m really worried about is that you guys will never admit that this was a novel pathogen even though it was. You’ll never admit that it was. You’ll keep going on with your theories.
This is a reference to me
& - specifically, our Substack debate with Dr. Kory. (Us, Kory, Us again).UPDATE 2/14/24: Transcript now available
Somebody prepared and patient and dogged (ideally you, Jessica) needs to sit down and talk to Kory face to face. He is not a writer; he cannot compose his thoughts without indulging in intemperate language and expressions of anger. He chose to make these video replies precisely because of his stark inadequacies as a writer and thinker. A human, in-person interaction might encourage him to consider more rationally and carefully what he is avoiding. And he is avoiding some mighty big matters. Examples: 1) you don’t have to be an epidemiologist to see that the death explosion in those six 2020 weeks in NY is fishy and that on-the-ground clinical impressions can’t make that fishy smell disappear; 2) he thinks he is a diagnostic genius (his UW bio called him a real-life Dr. House)--but his actual experience and knowledge, if he were firmly confronted with it, would help him to see that utter confidence in the new disease diagnosis is in fact crap, unworthy of the talents he ascribes to himself; 3) he parrots PCR and variant and pandemic “wave” propaganda mindlessly--and the video format allows him to do that without challenge. Does he not know he is disseminating junk science? (Like his endorsement of worthless masks. He read the question you asked about his public mask statements out loud but then didn’t answer.) He needs to face some informed, civilized, unfazed challenges to his shaky assertions--and in a format that would make his desperate hand waving look like what it is: ridiculous and unscientific; he strikes me as someone who hasn’t admitted error in a LONG time.
"Ultimatel[y], and with all due respect it is my opinion that the "no new novel pathogen" theory is dead wrong but those who believe it will never ever ever admit the theory is wrong no matter how much evidence I put forward so it all seems pointless."
I don't think this is an honest recounting of your theory, which (IMO) states that the virus is real but there was no danger from it up until we reacted to it. Early spread is much much different than 'no virus'.
But let's take a look back with the benefit of hindsight: If covid is real and it WAS spreading like they said it was, WOULD IT MAKE NYC STATS LOOK LIKE THAT?
I don't believe so, because a tiny portion of the population was ever at risk of hospitalization/death.
Whatever happened in NYC, it wasn't the covid virus.