Somebody prepared and patient and dogged (ideally you, Jessica) needs to sit down and talk to Kory face to face. He is not a writer; he cannot compose his thoughts without indulging in intemperate language and expressions of anger. He chose to make these video replies precisely because of his stark inadequacies as a writer and thinker. A human, in-person interaction might encourage him to consider more rationally and carefully what he is avoiding. And he is avoiding some mighty big matters. Examples: 1) you don’t have to be an epidemiologist to see that the death explosion in those six 2020 weeks in NY is fishy and that on-the-ground clinical impressions can’t make that fishy smell disappear; 2) he thinks he is a diagnostic genius (his UW bio called him a real-life Dr. House)--but his actual experience and knowledge, if he were firmly confronted with it, would help him to see that utter confidence in the new disease diagnosis is in fact crap, unworthy of the talents he ascribes to himself; 3) he parrots PCR and variant and pandemic “wave” propaganda mindlessly--and the video format allows him to do that without challenge. Does he not know he is disseminating junk science? (Like his endorsement of worthless masks. He read the question you asked about his public mask statements out loud but then didn’t answer.) He needs to face some informed, civilized, unfazed challenges to his shaky assertions--and in a format that would make his desperate hand waving look like what it is: ridiculous and unscientific; he strikes me as someone who hasn’t admitted error in a LONG time.

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Better that he's cross-examined in a courtroom under oath.

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Yes, even better.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

You strike me as someone who enjoys argument more than arriving at the truth. Kory may be incorrect about the identity of the illness he was treating but I believe he made a good faith attempt to provide his best answers to JH questions. I believe collaborating further with Kory in search of epidemiologic answers could bear fruit. Your snide assessment of Kory's literary and cognitive skills is amusing. Hopefully the next time you present to an icu in acute respiratory failure you will have time to demand Shakespeare and Einstein as your treating physicians before you take your last breath.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10Author

You sound like the spring of 2020 doctors who were demanding that I be quiet about my kids being shut out of school and my spouse's company being ordered to shutter restaurants.

That's not your intent, I'm sure, but Dr. Kory's story has multiple timeline holes and raises many questions about what he actually saw/didn't see.

My primary interest in him regards his New York experience. He has used that experience to confirm government's claims about a novel spreading disease and establish himself as a credible physician on matters COVID.

By his own admission, he arrived very late in the event, came on the scene to observe a living morgue, and does not appear concerned about the fact that what was reported by his NYC ICU doctor friends was wildly different than what doctors anyplace else in the U.S. were reporting.

He also failed to answer the question about the young COVID deaths he previously claimed to observe or be familiar with.

I agree with you that it's good that he took the time to respond via video, but let's not pretend Dr. Kory wants to "collaborate" with me or my colleagues in a search for answers. Indeed, he is very satisfied with his own answers, dismissive of the idea that there could be other explanations for what he saw, and stands far more to lose than average people like myself who want accountability and truth about the first 5 months of 2020.

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Agree with all your points except: 1) Kory could ignore your questions if he didn't want to collaborate 2) It is presumptuous of you to say what "I sound like". You have no idea of my statements and conduct vs hospital admins, former colleagues, NYC municipal unions, school officials, NYC DOH, CDC and others in the Spring of 2020. Nor do you have any idea of the personal costs and risks I incurred. I think your work is valuable and I do agree with your suspicions about 2020 in NYC. The lust to accuse and prosecute evident in comments like Rob's is unhelpful. We are all still learning. Nobody has all the answers yet. To alienate a possible ally (like Kory) because his tone is self satisfied is just short sighted. He is just a doctor. I commend you for successfully securing his answers to your questions. (He said you were nice). If you focus on his dismissive comments and on the assumption that his bias overwhelms his desire for accountability then the useful dialogue may be over. Thanks for your work.

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"Hopefully the next time you present to an icu in acute respiratory failure you will have time to demand Shakespeare and Einstein as your treating physicians before you take your last breath" reminds me of the kinds of things we heard from Social Media Influencer doctors for at least two years.

I'm not going to get into a contest about who lost how much and what because of stands they took during the Human Rights Heist of 2020-2022.

If you were in a NYC hospital and would like to speak about what you saw and heard, I and/or my. colleagues would be happy to interview you.

As for alienation, conversations between Dr. Kory and others have been ongoing for months. I directed my questions TO him but could have just as easily posed the questions ABOUT him. There are major timeline and consistency issues.

He is not "just a doctor." He is a public figure and MedCeleb BECAUSE OF spring 2020. Testifying to a Senate Committee in on 5/6/2020 is a big deal. He had influence or was selected to have influence from the beginning.

I chose to post the videos without comment so that others could react. Next, I will post a transcript. Then I will post my analysis of what he said.

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Quick reminder that Dr Kory formed FLCCC Alliance in March 2020, and received $231k from it in 2021, since when it has grown hugely.

Some of its donors are not what you’d expect.

Would you - for example - expect the top funder of FLCCC to have also donated $14.5m to Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, which according to Wikipedia was “one of a handful of institutions that played a central role in the development of molecular genetics and molecular biology”.

Would you also have expected the next 2 top funders to be stockbrokers Schwab and fund manager Fidelity?


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Feb 10Liked by Jessica Hockett

That Kory took the time to reply to so many questions is no doubt to his credit, I agree. His responses were not satisfactory, though; they were illogical, cagey, haughty, and uninformative. My remarks about his poor writing were not meant to be literary criticism or aesthetic snobbery; I was pointing to how scattered and uncoordinated Kory’s thinking is. Bad writing and incoherent speech come from intellectual confusion, not neglect of Shakespeare. (I taught writing and many other things—including often Shakespeare—at the university level for 16 years and am a professional editor now, if it matters.) But the main thing is this: Kory is not being candid about his precise role in the coordinated government virus scare of 2020. He whipped up frenzy for most of that year in ways that don’t match up with facts. One last example: if you watch his reply videos again you’ll see how flabbergasted and annoyed/amused he is by the speculation that the NY event just before he arrived might have been simulated. Why is he so dismissive and caustic about that, particularly since his memory and grasp of facts and timelines are so faulty? Google Pierre Kory and the University of Wisconsin and similation unit and you’ll see something interesting: he *led* medical simulations for years as a teacher. His response makes it look like he wants to hide that. I once trusted Kory. He is showing me now I was perhaps rash to do so.

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"Kory is not being candid about his precise role in the coordinated government virus scare of 2020. He whipped up frenzy for most of that year in ways that don’t match up with facts."

I agree

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Thanks for your reply. I come at this ongoing monstrosity as a physician with 40 years experience with "pandemics" , overloaded icus, ERs on diversion and blockheaded health administrators mandating politically motivated policies. To me, Kory is a junior colleague notwithstanding his critical care specialty expertise. He certainly doesn't know everything. He certainly has biases. There are answers he gives that beg more questions. He may be unwittingly entwined with forces and agendas of ill intent. Still my impression of the Dr. is that he is well meaning and more than most MDs in his niche, he might be amenable to altering his point of view. Barring that transformation, he could still provide JH with useful information if approached with a less prosecutorial style.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 11Liked by Jessica Hockett

He "may be", "unwittingly entwined", "my impression", "well meaning"- none of this holds any meaning or value nor can any of it be affirmed.

What's not speculative is that Kory's testimony is erratic and contradictory in many places. This is important as it pertains to the Spring 2020 event in NYC and calls into question his claimed role there and more importantly the validity of the event itself as portrayed.

You are making many assumptions yourself even as you are accusing others of being presumptuous.

Kory has been approached by others and in different ways and when not avoiding significant questions has often been rather dismissive.

We shouldn't be in such discussion- he along with many, many others should have to testify in court where there are legal repercussions. This should not be falling on a public citizen like Jessica Hockett to try to pry some facts out of individuals who claim to have played a central role in this matter.

Lastly, it can't be discounted that Kory's reaffirmation of the COVID pandemic is supremely mistaken as evidenced by mountains of data and evidence that he has blatantly ignored on multiple occasions in just about every format possible including first hand discussions;


Kory has pinned his financial well-being and entire career on one of the primary tenets of this fraudulent operation.

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You may be right about all of that.

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How do you know any of this?

How do you know Kory is acting in good faith? Not "believe" but know.

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"Ultimatel[y], and with all due respect it is my opinion that the "no new novel pathogen" theory is dead wrong but those who believe it will never ever ever admit the theory is wrong no matter how much evidence I put forward so it all seems pointless."


I don't think this is an honest recounting of your theory, which (IMO) states that the virus is real but there was no danger from it up until we reacted to it. Early spread is much much different than 'no virus'.

But let's take a look back with the benefit of hindsight: If covid is real and it WAS spreading like they said it was, WOULD IT MAKE NYC STATS LOOK LIKE THAT?

I don't believe so, because a tiny portion of the population was ever at risk of hospitalization/death.

Whatever happened in NYC, it wasn't the covid virus.

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I agree that "no new novel pathogen" was not our argument or position in the debate.

I don't think he's quite grasping the speed, magnitude, and relative scale of the New York event. The other cities he mentions - Seattle, Detroit, Milwaukee, New Orleans - don't even come remotely close.

Bergamo and some other provinces in Northern Italy are the only places that "outdid" NYC - and those numbers are similarly suspect. https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/three-cities-same-virus

If he addressed the younger adult deaths in NYC, I missed it.

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8Liked by Jessica Hockett

The bottom line to me is that the mass deaths in New York (and northern Italy) gave us the Fear Factor (fear of death) that produced all the calamitous results that followed.

Jessica is the only reporter I know of questioning the New York "Covid death" numbers. Without those deaths - accepted as gospel as being "caused by Covid" - everything might have been very different.

There was no "deadly" virus, especially for anyone under the age of, say, 60 (maybe under the age of 70).

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I believe Bergamo had many seniors in a toxic city near a river.

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In Bergamo, they (especially the old) were all jabbed for the flu.

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The Covid PCR test is/was the key to the Covid Pandemic Production. No positive PCR Covid tests = no later "Covid deaths."

The reason there was no "Covid deaths" before February or March 2020 in America is that no American had gotten a Covid PCR test before late February. The only people tested with the few available PCR tests were people who had returned from China (per the CDC-produced "testing protocols.")

IMO our trusted public health officials intentionally delayed the roll-out of the PCR tests so everyone would think there was no "early spread."

They also "throttled access" to early antibody tests for the same reason.

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Antibody tests worth nothing. Listen to Tom Cowan and the amazing late Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos.

Biology is junk science.

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If the antibody tests are "junk science," that's a huge scandal in itself because they've been used for decades to "confirm" all kinds of diseases and illnesses.

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This was a particularly informative article and timeline on the goings on in Bergamo: https://21stcenturywire.com/2023/03/07/italy-2020-inside-covids-ground-zero-in-europe/

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Excellent article.

From its conclusion:

"Three years later the indispensable truth of the Italian story is once you scratch beneath the surface of the official narrative of the Covid Pandemic it turns out to be a bottomless snake pit of distortions, manipulations and outright lies.

Any excess deaths in Spring 2020 in Northern Italy were an artifact of already existing health conditions in an aging population, the obliteration of the existing health care infrastructure, massive industrial pollution creating chronic conditions, media generated hysteria, savage government lockdowns and administrative murder of the already fragile.

These iatrogenic deaths of fragile people were the result of the social order and public health despotism and then used to give the impression that there was “a deadly virus” circulating.

The only pandemic was one of violent government and biomedical assault against people.

The evidence from Italy in 2020 exposes the official “Covid” narrative for what it is- a cold-blooded organized deception.

There was no pandemic".

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Thank you!

I have friends in Bergamo.

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A mind virus spread by the grand play showing in key cities.

Primed by movies like Contagion and Outbreak.

Propaganda used to be legit....

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Even in my little corner of the country where the outbreak 'started' (WA), we didn't notice anything out of the ordinary during winter 2020 when we KNOW (from antibody testing) the bug was going around. My county has a population of roughly 500,000 people, and spent all of spring 2020 with SINGLE-DIGIT numbers of covid patients in the hospital.

There was never any massive emergency from the bug, only our reaction to it. (Shoving covid patients into nursing homes and onto vents they didn't need)

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People need to ask themselves how many friends or family members they know who came down with ILI symptoms (bad cough, fever, chills, shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, etc) in April and May 2020?

Then we can ask the same people how many people in their network of friends and family might have had these same symptoms in November, December, January and February.

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Bingo! At the time of COVID I was talking to a nurse I wanted to date.

She claimed it was horrible. I asked her what the numbers were compared to flu season and she went off on me like I called her something bad lol.

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a floozy for sure!

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I think this is my most-significant (and original) "early spread" article. In this article, I present 27 mechanisms (yes, 27) I think officials used to conceal evidence this virus had infected millions of Americans (and people around the world) by, say, the end of 2019.

IMO the reason they HAD to do this was because definitive or "confirmed" evidence of early spread would prove that this virus was not "deadly" - thus there was no real "public health emergency."


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Feb 10Liked by Jessica Hockett

Somehow New York, not the rest of the U.S., was established as the template, the base case, that everyone fell back on. The "body bags on the streets" legend is why lockdowns continued for so long, and that's why we need a factual re-counting of those weeks.

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It could have been heavy doses of clones of the virus that put them at deaths door?

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Could have been poisons in the patients' tea.

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Feb 8Liked by Jessica Hockett

If it was a ‘contagious’ pathogenic virus that was spreading from person to person then it would have wiped out NYC, including all of the frontline workers treating these people.

It did not spread - Kory is stuck in the viral infectious disease matrix, that has never been proven.

Did any of these people who had significant clotting take the 2019 flu vaccine or any other injections that were specific to NYC that was pushed in January 2020 when word that a killer virus was on the loose?

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You are correct that the flu shot was being pushed in NY state and NYC in Jan-March 2020

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Words below are not mine but the author's...what do we know/think about this....

THIS IS THE SMOKING GUN!!!! Universal Flu Vaccine Conference with FAUCI et al: October 2019 per Fauci et al. Stick the sequence in SELF-ASSEMBLY NANO-PARTICLES, AND DE-RISK THE INVESTMENT

'We need a sense of urgency' 'We need a PR issue' ' too much complacency' https://lawyerlisa.substack.com/p/this-is-the-smoking-gun-universal

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The question is, were these flu shots or actually the first rollout of the Covid shots?

Most of us have come to the realisation that this was all planned, and ready to go, so were the flu shots the first targeted rollout using similar formulations?

Can anyone gain access to private medical information for these 40-50 yo patients and anyone else that presented with clots/atypical pneumonia that Dr Kory speaks of in NYC to investigate whether they had prior injections and then to the specific batches? There must be a link for those that were physically ill prior to any medical interventions.

I also know of someone who works in medical claims in Sydney Australia and every person claiming a diagnosis of long Covid is vaccinated. They are all adverse reactions.

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“Most of us have come to the realisation that this was all planned”

I don’t know if “most of us” is accurate. Speaking for myself, I think that it’s possible that this was pre-planned by some nefarious group…..but I need real, factual evidence in order to agree with the premise that this was pre-planned.

Most of the ‘evidence’ of pre-planning that I’ve seen so far is circumstantial in nature and reads like the plot of a spy novel.

There’s a huge difference between “come to the realization” and “proven beyond a reasonable doubt”.

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Yes you are right, I was being hopeful with my ‘most of us’ statement. However at the end of the day it doesn’t need to be proven beyond reasonable doubt as this will never see the inside of a court, those in control are making sure of that.

There is so much ‘evidence’ of pre-planning if you can allow yourself to go there….for instance take a deep dive into AIDS in the 80’s - Virus Mania (the book) is definitely worth a read.

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It’s not a matter of “if you can allow yourself to go there”, there is plenty of actual evidence that Fauci, Collins, Baric, EcoHealth and others were conducting dubious research (and skirting US laws) and that this willful disregard of the GoF moratorium and subsequent release of the man made virus resulted in the deaths of possibly millions of people (and many more from the so called vaccine).

It is possible that the whole Covid thing was pre planned.

But the actual evidence (as opposed to speculation and circumstantial evidence ) shows that Fauci was operating NIAID as his own personal fiefdom, with little regard for public safety and almost no oversight or accountability. He funded Ecohealth and the questionable research in China.

Then one of their creations got out of the lab or was released.

And that was the beginning of the ongoing coverup.

That is what the evidence shows.

There are still plenty of questions, and it’s possible that the pre-planned theory is correct. But right now it’s a mix of speculation, circumstantial evidence, and for SOME people…. wishful thinking.

And that’s why there needs to be a real investigation, so that we can find out what REALLY happened and punish the guilty.

But eventually, even without an investigation, the story will leak out. It already is. Every day more information becomes available about what happened… either about the origins of Covid or about the shots.

But no matter what happens, there will always be people who believe in narratives unsupported by facts or that are based on facts which are twisted beyond recognition.

And I don’t have the time or inclination to investigate them all.

If/when I see more real evidence, I’ll ‘allow myself to go there’.

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My elderly father had almost exact like covid symptoms of cough followed by clearing and then dangerous low oxygen in..... 2018!

But he got oxygen and steroids and got better in a few days in the hospital.

And yes, he got the stupid ass useless flu shots yearly back then.

They were testing out new sauces.


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Feb 9Liked by Jessica Hockett

The moment he laughed off the simulation exercise, it hinted strongly that what occurred was indeed a simulation. Naturally, he would be bound by a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), which he wouldn’t be able to acknowledge. The rationale behind why the U.S. or NYC would conduct such an exercise isn’t for the public to decipher, but the timing of the CARES Act and the initiation of Operation Warp Speed, coinciding with a decline in death rates, raises questions.

No other city experienced anything close to the 27,000 additional excess deaths within a less than 3 months as NYC did. Dr. Kory’s attempts to divert attention to other cities do not address the core issue, suggesting that NYC was the epicenter of the orchestrated chaos.

Moreover, the so-called worst symptom of COVID-19, ‘happy hypoxia,’ conveniently ceased to be reported after April 2020, along with the high percentage of COVID-19 deaths among those under 65.

I refuse to accept the narrative that the most devastating impact of a rapidly spreading novel virus resembles the aftermath of a nuclear explosion. This portrayal does not align with reality as I see it.

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What's interesting is that Seattle didn't see much excess at all. I can check Milwaukee, but I already know that Detroit and New Orleans pale in comparison to NYC.

Dr. Kory says there was no real surge in Madison and the NYC event was pretty much over and there wasn't much he could do when he arrived in Manhattan.

And yet he is very convinced that he witnessed a novel disease.

I agree that the Bomb Virus didn't occur as presented.

One would expect a greater sense of urgency on the part of Dr. Kory to help figure out why what he saw in Madison was so different from what he was hearing over Zoom re: New York.

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He witnessed the newest of entertainment trauma. The triage war zone ride.

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One of the primary known contributors to hypoxia is barbiturate poisoning/overdose and/or benzodiazepines ("benzos") a class of depressant drugs which are prescribed to treat conditions such as anxiety disorders.

I think that is relevant here given the protocols we know were in place and the level to which benzos are prevalent in the US as well as the known stated 2nd leading co-morbidity in "Covid deaths"- anxiety disorder.

The backdrop here is Kory is stating his patients were already at a state of extremely low oxygen levels in the blood (beyond help) by the time he is seeing them. I don't recall him saying anything about what medications these patients were given leading up to his seeing, what dosage, and for how long they were receiving said medications.

Will look at this again.

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'Happy Hypoxia' refers to awake & alert patients only. But that's a good point!

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

'Happy Hypoxia' when the pulse oximeter probe falls off the finger or ear or from wherever it's attached. As far as I know, "Happy Hypoxia' is only reported in the context of pulse oximetry; it's not discussed in regard to directly accessed arterial blood gases.

Just about everyone in an ICU is on a ventilator - and not happy at all.

Severe flu management: a point of view | Intensive Care ...

Springer Link

https://link.springer.com › Intensive Care Medicine

by A Torres · 2020 · Cited by 31 — Admission to the intensive care unit is required for patients with severe forms of seasonal influenza infection, with primary pneumonia being ...

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Feb 9Liked by Jessica Hockett

Those last two minutes are pretty wild.

That's all I'll say for now.

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So is the claim that NYC's death event is anything like what New Orleans, Milwaukee, Detroit, and Seattle reported

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I didn't get the impression he said that, but I would like to see a transcript or I'll will listen again. One pulmonologist who I knew who was working in a decent-sized community hospital in the San Diego area was telling me he was seeing patients with a clinical picture the same as Kory reports during the spring of 2000. He also reported a 30-40% mortality rate and varying ages of patients, including working age. As the patients became sicker he said they basically had the picture of ARDS. Kory is correct inasmuch as influenza pneumonia is an uncommon, if not rare, event in the adult population.

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There was another big hole in what he said as regards to the patients he allegedly saw and was treating if I am not mistaken. I will listen to it a second time before commenting on that to be sure I heard it correctly.

If there is a transcript that always helps.

Strange guy.

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I agree about strange guy. I kept trying to imagine him actually working in an ICU. All the pulmonologists/critical care doctors I've known and worked with are very low-emotional and deliberate. His style didn't fit the pattern I know. But he does have medical knowledge at the professional level, I would say.

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Feb 9Liked by Jessica Hockett

He is defensive, so maybe is missing the import, but not sure how he can pretend those other places he mentions having very sick people compares to the dramatic, short time span, spike in "covid" deaths in NYC. Has he seen your graph??? Surely, this should make him wonder what the hell happened there vs most other parts of world.

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I will analyze the content in another post.

I have a lot to say about what he has said.

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Feb 9Liked by Jessica Hockett

I don't want to be a bother, but is there any chance of a transcript? I absorb information a lot better from text.

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I do too. I am going to attempt to get that

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Maybe Heather B? I think she is a transcriber.

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transcriber b. she does great work https://transcriberb.substack.com/

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He admitted in the second video that patients were not being treated early enough in the wards so many ended up in ICU and he had complained about it. This for patients with respiratory infections will be a very fast road to severe illness it does not matter what virus is involved. Doctors are as easily manipulated as anyone. He was seeing the end result of severe respiratory infection which if not treated properly or early enough could easily cause ICU to be overwhelmed not because the virus is particularly deadly.

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Good observation.

I would suggest it is not even a case of "what virus is involved" but what medications and events were involved.

Everyone knows hospitals are killing fields. People regularly contract Bacterial pneumonia while in hospitals and the levels of sedation regularly used can and often do have devastating impacts on patients and can hamper recovery as well as make pre-existing conditions spiral out of control.

I don't believe this is a case of an external assault rather these were cases that were being worsened through internal hospital practices. Kory asserts, which we also know from the data, that he was not receiving many if any new patients- these were in-patient situations mostly.

How long had these people already been in the hospital?

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Feb 8Liked by Jessica Hockett

It is much better, when we're debating something as important as this, to have people express their opinions and emotions vigorously than to have the "I respect your right to have an opinion" and "Thank you for sharing" sorts of euphemisms.

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Your previous article made the point that all the "clinical presentations" or "markers" of a possible Covid patient were virtually the same as all ILI or flu or pneumonia patients, which is a point worth making.

My guess would be that if mad scientists made a "novel" coronavirus in some lab(s), the symptoms (and clinical presentations) it might cause would be pretty much identical to all the other coronaviruses. That is, these symptoms also wouldn't be life-threatening to the vast majority of people who contracted said new virus.

I think these mad scientists probably did create a contagious coronavirus. It just wasn't "deadly" to 99.9 percent of the people who contracted it.

This said, I think huge numbers of people became "sick" in the ILI season of 2019-2020 (before official Covid and probably some after mid-March) and some of these people were seriously sick. Some no doubt died ... but their illnesses were "missed" or attributed to other causes.

... It's a class move and good journalism to allow Dr. Kory to respond in this manner.

And keep digging on the NY City massive spike in "Covid deaths." That's a huge scandal.

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"This said, I think huge numbers of people became "sick" in the ILI season of 2019-2020 (before official Covid and probably some after mid-March) and some of these people were seriously sick. Some no doubt died ... but their illnesses were "missed" or attributed to other causes."

This is almost certainly the case, because we know that covid generally kills the old and the sick, and the old and the sick die off EVERY SINGLE WINTER.

Look at some of the covid obituaries (from any time period) and ask yourself if you'd be surprised if that person died during flu season. In the vast vast vast vast majority of cases, the answer is 'no'.

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I've collected a good number of Reader Comments and emails from people who told me they think their loved one (usually an older parent) died of Covid in late 2019 or early 2020 (in their opinion). The coroner of Shelby County, Alabama has said this (expressed her opinion) in a NY Times article and in an interview on a B'ham, Alabama TV station.

According to positive antibody results, Tim McCain (and his wife) had Covid in December 2019. Tim was hospitalized for 24 days in ICU and nearly died several times. He didn't, but there but for the Grace of God ...

My thought was always that some "early Covid" patients weren't as fortunate as Tim.

One nursing home resident in Kansas died on January 9, 2020. She was sick with all the Covid symptoms beginning in December 2019. Strangely, her doctor later changed her death certificate to say she died from Covid (as reported by the Mercury News). Reporters couldn't get the doctor to go on record as to why he changed the death certificate. He ain't talking - just like the doctors and nurses who treated Tim McCain aren't talking. Which is interesting.

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My daughter, son-in-law and their five year old son, living in NorCal, all became sick with a persistent illness that had the same clinical picture as a difficult flu in December, '19. The boy was sick enough so that they delayed a planned trip to Hawaii for two weeks. She's always attributed it to Covid, but who knows?

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Feb 9Liked by Jessica Hockett

It's good to see real investigators doing real research and asking the important questions. You've already ferreted out a lot of truth and gave us a textbook case of attempted gaslighting from Kory, and a bad one at that.

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Yes. I understand his point of view, about the NEW PATHOGEN. Yet, I have a few books about heroic doctors from the past, and their "certainties". Benjamin Rush for instance.

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Feb 29Liked by Jessica Hockett

"landing on vents" he speaks as If this wasn't a deliberate decision of someone but a force of nature or something. That's insulting to anyone's logical thinking. Here we see a guy who tries to save his skin on riding a dead horse. How arrogant.

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IMO, the vents were a cover for the heavy sedatives and were a part of a mass euthanasia plan designed to stage sudden spread of a deadly coronavirus in part by psy-oping doctors into sinking damaged ships.

I am NOT saying Dr Kory was fully aware of that, however

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He should have been aware after so many years of practice, especially after so many death casese in such a short time period. Not to be held accountable for any result is a huge problem in allopathy. Doctors are not revied by the success of saved lives or curing people, but by the costs they produce. And ventilators were the cost and profit driver. In

allopathy the thinking is that everything they do is flawless. If the patient dies, then it's despite the treatment, never because of. The first cases of patients dying on the vents should have raised his suspicion. It didn't. Other patients had better luck with their doctors. Some didn't just vent everyone who came in, and they survived.

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“When I started hearing about Seattle and NY, around February, I spent six weeks preparing…” fun fact Seattle “ground zero” confirmed “cases” back to Dec 2019. Blows entire “uber deadly super spreading thing” theory out of the water. “I’m exhausted with this topic” says he. I am exhausted listening to excuses rather than apologies and “public health” reform. Ppl like him will lead the charge for same measures, proven deadly to those of us normal ninnies at the mercy of the medical political cabal.

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He is making money off of perpetuating a certain narrative and further has pinned his career and future earnings on this narrative.

This disqualifies him from being an impartial, unbiased witness I would say.

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My main interest in Dr. Kory relates to the NYC event.

Based on timings and testimony, I can't consider him a witness to the event.

One reason that matters for everyone else - and his broader story - is because his testimony on May 6, 2020, and his USA Today article in July 2020 were (in part) rooted in his NYC experience.

Indeed, he has made being "on the ground" in NYC a key aspect of his credibility as a COVID witness, so to speak, in settings where third-party witnesses were barred.

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So how do you think that he would respond to not being considered a qualified witness to the event- speculative I know.

And if your assertion is accurate- which it appears to be- this would call into question his ability to accurately assess the NYC events as being staged- or not.

Of course it is also curious when one makes pretty bold statements about a situation while admitting they haven't looked at the data that speaks to that situation.

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The "Red Cross antibody study" published on November 30, 2020 (!) found that 2.03 percent of blood donors from Washington, California and Oregon already had Covid antibodies when they gave blood Dec. 13-16, 2019. However, it takes a week for antibodies to develop in your blood. Also, people aren't supposed to give blood if they've recently been sick.

My take-away: These 39 positive donors did not all suddenly get infected with this virus a couple of days before they donated blood. They had these antibodies in November 2019 (if not earlier for some of them).

Questions: Why was this the only CDC antibody study of "archived blood?" And why did it take 11 1/2 months to publish the results? How long does it take to test 1,900 units of blood for antibodies?

IMO our trusted public health officials intentionally delayed that study to conceal evidence of early spread.

And once they learned so many people had tested positive, why didn't they test more tranches of archived blood from different points in time and other sections of the country? In looking for "smoking guns," I always look at all the things officials should have done ... and easily could have done ... but didn't do.

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Every hospital pathology department has an archive pf biopsy specimens and the paraffin & formalin fixed histopathology slides can be probed for nucleic acids and proteins even when 100-years-old, if stored properly.

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I assume your question is rhetorical? It was clear from a very early point that the CDC was not acting to safeguard the public. Quite the opposite. Both by what they were doing and what they were not doing.

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Studies Suggesting Early Covid Spread in late 2019 to early 2020:

These studies are significant because Covid is highly infectious yet there was not a massive wave of mortality in these regions in late 2019.

"Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the prepandemic period in Italy"

Published Nov 2020

- Up to 14% of samples positive for Covid-specific antibodies, Sept 2019 to Feb 2020


"Timeline of SARS-CoV-2 Spread in Italy: Results from an Independent Serological Retesting"

- Published Dec 2021

- Follow-up and retesting of sample of the above samples in Italy to validate testing


"Evidence of early circulation of SARS-CoV-2 in France: findings from the population-based “CONSTANCES” cohort"

- Published Feb 2021

- 5% of samples Nov 2019-Feb 2020 positive for Covid-specific antibodies


"Serologic Testing of US Blood Donations to Identify Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)–Reactive Antibodies: December 2019–January 2020"

- Red Cross study noted in the comments above

- Approx 2% of samples positive for Covid-specific antibodies in western United States, Dec 2019


If anyone is aware of additional studies, please post them here.

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Red Cross study included Wisconsin.

"Sixty-seven confirmed-reactive (67/5477, 1.2%) donations were collected between 30 December 2019 and 17 January 2020 from residents of Massachusetts (18/5477), Wisconsin or Iowa (22/5477), Michigan (5/5477), and Connecticut or Rhode Island (33/5477)"

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

Where these the regions hardest hit for mortality?

You would wanna know what's killing people not just what gave them the PCR-flu!!!

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This is not a "study," it's my research of all the people I have identified who had Covid symptoms in 2019 and later tested positive for antibodies. I've identified a few more "early" cases since I wrote this summary.

"Early Cases" - Evidence in one document ...


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I appreciate him taking the time to respond—thank you for sharing it so completely.

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"Wow you guys are really suspicious" 👀 what are you hiding Pierre?!? Lol 🤔🤨🧐🥸

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Crisis actor Kory needs a refresher course in gaslighting the enemy.

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