Jun 7, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

I have been following you since the very beginning and I am in awe of your dedication in the pursuit of finding the truth. Thank you!

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So kind, thank you! I have been called a pitbull more than once in my life -- which means I am relentless but sometimes bite or bite the wrong person. ๐Ÿ˜‚ working on that latter problem!

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Jun 7, 2023ยทedited Jun 7, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Like Fabian Spieker before me... it has to do with the definition of the word. I taught Epidemiology in a Health Sciences University for 30 years. Strictly speaking, the textbook definition of a pandemic is just a worldwide epidemic. The strict definition of an epidemic is when any disease occurs in eccess of the expected (endemic) level, which is also a bland definition. But, in the context of what the WHO has traditionally defined, and in order to consider "PH emergencies" the definition of a pandemic has always been as explained in the HART article. The general population does not know the definition of pandemic that I mentioned at the top. Most people never even thought of what a pandemic is. The term was used in a very inappropriate way, with the intention of provoking panic in the population, and supposedly justify all the absurd and harmful measures. I agree 100% with the article.

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And even the way the term had been used historically is more of a social science determination that an observed natural phenomenon.

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Mar 1Liked by Jessica Hockett

And Hollywood/CIA have made myriad pandemic/disease outbreak type movies and TV shows over the past 20 years that have ingrained into the public consciousness the idea that deadly global pandemics were inevitable (predictive programming) and to associate the word

'pandemic' with terror and mass death.

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Yes. I remember early during the "pandemic" (around 3/2020), a person who worked with me told me that I should see the movie "Contagion" (I believe that was the title... I don't watch movies).

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Thank you for sharing this detailed research. Your Twitter page is fantastic. So glad itโ€™s there to share

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Finally! The data has been obvious for years!

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Jun 7, 2023ยทedited Jun 7, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Thanks for all your work. With you, the Hart Group, and others constantly exposing more details our understanding of what happened during the during the last 3 years has become clearer. Let's hope that with even more researchers the exposure will continue. The more sunlight the better.

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Jun 7, 2023ยทedited Jun 7, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Thank you for making us aware of this important work. If only people would listen.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

I have a friend that wants to feature your work and get it in front of more eyeballs. How do they get in touch?

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Found you and subscribed as a result of shout out by Michael Bryant on the "End of COVID' series ...

He credits this segment to your research (at around 38:00).

โ€ข 23 The New York City Epicenter โ€“ Michael Bryant with Alec Zeck [39:25]


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My questionโ€ฆwhen does the International Tribunal begin for all those who perpetratedo this global genocide?

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As soon as We the People wake up

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The COVID phenomenon cannot be understood without understanding the un-televised 2019-2020 unprecedented financial collapse threatening the entire global financial system. The COVID fraud timing became necessary as world markets were faced with an emergency debt crisis that popped up in formerly mostly liquid markets: Repo markets, money markets and FX markets.

Covid is not an epidemiological story; Covid is a crime story.

Among other things Covid-19 is the biggest money laundering scheme in the history of the world.

There was no pandemic ever- there is no 'lab leak'- there is no unique viral pathogen- there is no "China Virus"- there is no "There" there. It is all fraud piled on top of fraud.

It is all a massive intel/military/psyop operation designed to wipe out the global economy and install a digitized control structure in the context of a 'hot' geopolitical economic war that is being waged by the West. All of this as the Western financial system was in total freefall culminating in the aforementioned Repo crisis of 2019- this is what 'triggered' the engineered pandemic in March 2020.

The Covid Operation is one of Western multinational organizations (WHO, NATO, IMF, World Bank, GAVI, US-AID, NED, etc.) attempting to halt the dissolution of the US and allies as global cop and to maintain dollar hegemony/petrodollar as the world's currency.

Even many "in the know" are still trapped in some version of the "Covid" merry-go-round. The official narrative of "Covid" is a fiction- all of it. There was no pandemic- EVER. If you view this whole 'pandemic' situation through the lens of health, safety, science and saving lives, then most of it makes little sense. If you view it through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, then all of it makes perfect sense.

Like all operations of this magnitude Covid-19 has "stacked purposes" which is to say these operations have multiple purposes.

A valid analogy is the Iraq War (it wasn't a "war" it was wholesale slughter and imperialism) where multiple reasons and desired outcomes- control of Oil/LNG contracts, elimination of non-compliant regime, strengthening of petrodollar, furthering military presence in region, military hardware sales, and much more were involved.

The "Covid Operation" has been in the works for decades and has been trialed on multiple occasions. They were forced to trigger this operation before their systems were fully set to go with the digitization and surveillance programs.

If you go back and read through financial reports/papers in 2019 you will see absolute panic throughout the Western financial world. By Feb. 2020 they were having to pump approx. $100 billion/day into the Repo markets to keep the system afloat.

"Health management" and all that that entails is the largest money spinner in the world at present and the preferred mechanism of social control.

"The Virusยฎ" is the new Al Qaeda.

If this is not highlighted and understood one will always hit a dead end in their analysis and functional response.

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Both things can be true at the same time - there certainly was a financial component - the relative global peace brought about by Trump's presidency broke a money laundering/ponzi scheme that absolutely cannot afford to be broken and so a new mechanism that was already in the works for laundering money/creating an excuse to print money was ramped up - that is certainly true - but it's also true that a HUGE amount of this was driven by simple stupidity, panic, and weakness. Both must be addressed if we're ever to find a mechanism to prevent this again. You have to first get people not to panic, and the key to that is them realizing how badly they overreacted the last time, so that they have the presence of mind to actually ask what's actually going on so they can see the underlying driving forces.

Jessica is doing incredible work on the former so that more and more can begin to analyze the latter.

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If I get too caught up in the why of it all, it hampers the inquiry. What I DO feel confident to say is that there was and still is a concerted effort to cover up what actually happened in New York City in spring 2020. I would like the city to be compelled to prove that the ACM number is real--that the number of ppl claimed to have died each day actually died on those days.

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The "why" of it all actually deepens and clarifies the inquiry and is pretty straightforward.

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There is no single why. It's more complex than that.

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There is no "single" why yes but this is not complicated at all.

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Complex, not complicated :)

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One thing I still can't figure out - what "base rate" was used in the analysis? This was a constant problem with mortality reporting in the US. Our base-rate historically removed all non-citizens from the analysis. If you read the full mortality reports the US put out, it always clarifies that distinction. When we were reporting "deaths," it appeared to just be taking anyone that died, regardless of status, and regardless of reporting entity, and reporting those deaths. My assumption is that means there was a LOT of double counting and a lot of reporting of people that did indeed die, but were being compared against a base-rate that was not apples to apples to show excess mortality that didn't actually exist. Would love your thoughts!

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

"...a HUGE amount of this was driven by simple stupidity, panic, and weakness."

100% unequivocally false if you are speaking to the forces that developed and implemented the Covid Operation. That is akin to saying the Iraq War e.g. was stupidity, a "mistake" or any other such false descriptors.

This is where understanding how these things have been playing out for years gives one a foothold on understanding the mechanisms and machinations of the Covid Operation.

The numerous incentives were set up well in advance, the propaganda machinery was set out well in advance, the plan to force mRNA into the medical model was set out well in advance- the entire Biosecurity Model has been planned for decades.

All of this is public and well documented. None of this is stupidity or weakness. That these people are currently reaping the benefits of the largest upwards transfer of wealth in the history of history is hardly stupid or weak.

Covid is the replacement for the phony "War on Terror" and has many more tentacles.

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Really interesting take here. I like and agree that there were other things driving the Govt choices against us. As some have said, there appears to be so much wrapped up in all of it. They made very deliberate choices, based on years of planning, all to control every penny from every person, in every Nation. I love this space where we get to discuss the realities of life in a crashing civilization.

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Yes. I came to his work later, after I had made a similar determination about/via New York City

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Oh, wow!

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It depends on the definition of the word. There was a virus affecting people worldwide.

It just wasn't responsible for the excess mortality.

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A virus affecting the world how?

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Simply by infecting people. Not in a way that would justify any of the measures that were taken.

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Infecting people starting when?

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Sometime mid to late 2019 I think. Depends on what country you are looking at.

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Jun 7, 2023ยทedited Jun 7, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

There wasn't "a" virus, there are literally hundreds of millions of viruses infecting humans and animals all over the globe all of the time. The saying one death is a tragedy, and 10,000 a statistic applies to all things.

I did a stack on this - https://butthedatasays.substack.com/p/are-outliers-the-new-black?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 - but the key to making the covid pandemic work was creating A covid virus. There are literally untold thousands of coronaviruses at work at any given time - the minute a coronavirus touches a host it mutates and a new strand, if not a new class entirely, is created.

Yes, there were viruses going around, and yes we took the fresh kindling of insanely healthy flu seasons (by historical standards) in '18-'19 and '19-'20 (if you look at global mortality by year, those are the years with standard deviation quantity changes in mortality - but on the GOOD side - '20-'21, less a few specific locations as noted in the research, look perfectly in line with trend and aren't even 1 standard deviation off the norm) and saw a return to normal in mortality.

This is where the testing regime was so important. By testing for "SARS-CoV-2" they could blame a single virus and thereby create panic. What they were actually testing for was ANY CoV virus, which were then lumped all together, to blame the normal flow of viral replication across the globe on a single phenomenon thereby making a total normal year appear to be an "outlier."

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cc: Jessica

You Broke The World Bob.

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You And Yours Like You.

This Is Our Home.


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deletedJun 7, 2023ยทedited Jun 7, 2023
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I've posted about the alleged disappearance of positive flu tests on Twitter and will move and expand on some of that content on Substack soon.

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The key weeks are 10-13, 2020

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