This is a great project. You are highlighting many anecdotes or statistics that don't make sense to many of us. For example ...

May 15, 2020 ..

Eric Burnett (NYP Columbia): “My heart sank as I scrolled the seemingly endless list of patients. ​Mr. X died 8 days ago. Alone, in an ICU bed, connected to a ventilator. ​The 36 year old father of two with no medical conditions: deceased.”

My Comment: So Mr. Burnett died on May 7, 2020. As, on average, it takes 17 to 19 days to be infected and then die from Covid, it seems clear that Mr. Burnett was infected with this virus some time in mid to late April 2020. This was well after the lockdowns had been imposed and the media coverage had been non-stop Covid, promoting all the NPIs.

Still, he allegedly "caught" Covid anyway - in the middle of the Spring well after typical ILI outbreaks had come and gone.

The Official take-away or Narrative: People were suddenly catching Covid ... in the Spring. Also, people apparently had not been catching this virus earlier in the cold and flu weeks and months (and thus developing natural immunity). Nobody was dying from a new virus in, say, January or February 2020.

And for some reason this huge spike of deaths only happens in New York City.

... Also, note that Mr. Burnett "died alone" on that ventilator in that ICU. His family or people who cared the most about him were not allowed to be with him or check on him themselves. That was a big change in medical protocols.

Nobody should "die alone."

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Do we know how Mr. X was treated? Was he put on the protocols which we know were in use at that time? Why did Mr. X. come to the hospital? Did he think he had Covid when he arrived? Was it a "positive Covid test" that put him on the road to being on a ventilator? If he had not been "Covid" how would he have been treated?

I watched the Cuomo/Smith interview today, and they were having sadly the same argument about Covid and both Cuomo and Smith agreed on the lab leak narrative. And Cuomo made the assertion of freezer trucks full of bodies. And my question is, where is the documentation of this?

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In the UK they got away without even talking about freezer trucks or overflowing morgues, just 'leaking' the news that temporary morgues were being planned by the govt.

It must be wonderful to make up reality this way.

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Leave it up to others to "fill in the conclusion." Nothing to see here, but we are going to park this "hospital ship in this harbor..." But nobody panic.

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While I applaud your humane sentiment, Bill, having been rather near death several times - due to air pollution-induced asthma - I really didn't want anyone near me, least of all those I cared about.

But I do agree, relations and friends who wish to attend and offer what they perceive as comfort, should not be kept away in this fashion. I do think it probably matters more to them than to the person who is on the way out, though.

The policy was clearly designed so they could do whatever they liked to those in care homes and hospitals.

It has been astonishing to realise one is now living in 1930's Germany as far as medical ethics are concerned.

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I agree with this: "The policy was clearly designed so they could do whatever they liked to those in care homes and hospitals."

Also, we had no "embedded" journalists - professional or citizen journalists - in the hospitals.

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The anecdotes sound to me like genuine reports of a surge in rapidly progressive respiratory failure in the hospital setting. Some of this illness likely preceded any treatment with toxic EUA drugs. I do not dismiss the likelihood that these patients could have received suboptimal care or that the official accounts of these cases were deliberately magnified. Others have raised the possibility of a deliberate mass poisoning assault for the purpose of inciting pandemic terror. The anecdotes in no way exclude that possibility.

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What were the causes of that failure?

With what did younger adults "suddenly" present which necessitated treatment?

Which EUA drug(s)?

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A bit of context: the CDC's "Guidance for Certifying Deaths Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019" document has, as one of the four example scenarios for reporting cause of death, a 34-year-old woman "with no significant past medical history" who goes to the hospital with acute respiratory distress syndrome, goes to the ICU and gets put on a ventilator, and soon dies. So, the CDC guidance helped put this scenario of a healthy, younger adult simply dying from covid in the minds of doctors.

The document is at https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvss/vsrg/vsrg03-508.pdf

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I've seen this document many times yet never caught that. Excellent observation

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The CDC wound up recording, for the entire U.S., 2,755 covid deaths in people age 15 through 34 in 2020. That's about 3 per 100,000 15-34-year-olds.

Putting aside any "no actual pandemic" arguments, if you divide 2,755 by 30, as a very rough estimate of NYC's share of the U.S. population of people age 15 through 34, you get 92 covid deaths in that group for the entire year in NYC.

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It's amazing to see how they could create a realistic environment that makes people naturally believe the lie.

It was very well crafted! However, the illusion can only last so long. I thought it was gonna be over by summer and they'll just add the vaccines to schedules.

I didn't expect them to keep driving the fear way past it's utility.

Knowing that bio weapons don't work as claimed by mythology, I suspect that this fake out plan was made to try and pull a fast one on us.

But what we got was a government that kept pumping up the fear even way after the act was done. How did they expect people to keep worried? Oh right, force mandates. But that doesn't feed the original fear of the so called deadly viruses.

I really think they intended to make a real pandemic and that would have sealed the deal, giving us the run up to the story V for Vendetta. Described here https://youtu.be/jrfm7y5nL30

But we got the fake pandemic and after the hysteria wears off, people are hard to scare. In fact, I think many in the middle became more intuitively skeptical of the news and academia.

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Yes this is right. Call them out. They said it. If they didn’t realize what they were part of they need to at least consider it. I had several friends say at the time I know it’s not dangerous for most, but with my luck… this is how they reeled in the so-called reasonable intelligent people. Nodding their way into giving up rights for the “good” of others.

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I'm not calling individuals out as much as I am drawing attention to what I believe was a script activated by the Feds under a feigned national security threat

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And what a script! Did Pierre Kory just read his lines, or was there some ad-libbing in order to make it even more dramatic - he really laid it on with a trowel. Before his move sideways into becoming a hero of 'medical freedom'.....

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They read a script, plain and simple. The complicity and coordination is as stunning as media mouthpiece silence. Thank you for your work Jessica.

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You're welcome

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Among the many things that could be said about Burnett is that he is not mentally or emotionally stable enough to be involved in the medical profession. Unfortunately the profile of part snowflake and part self-aggrandizing drama queen/king is part and parcel of the vast majority of the lunatics that comprise the medical profession.

Just imagine your life was depending on some medical procedure being carried out by a competent physician and you had Burnett show up as your doctor while he's wetting his pants.

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I suspect there many more rotten apples in the medical barrel than we might care to think, but an interesting aspect of the 'pandemic' is that some excellent doctors were completely taken in by it.

One friend in particular, a very hard working and dedicated physician and surgeon, and lecturer at a prestigious University, fell for it all hook line and sinker, and proceeded to take no less than 6 shots. I believe I can now detect some signs of mental impairment as a result.

The cleverly-devised fear campaign, peer pressure and the tendency to trust authority (regulators) made fools of many.

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There's also a lobster trap aspect to the operation. It's set up in such a way that once you first step into the scam it's not easy to back out. Which then gets ever harder the more they go along with it. At 6 shots in, it's almost now impossible to backtrack especially once your cognitive ability is now in decline.

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Yes, and when you've also endorsed the injection of your family, as their trusted medical expert.....

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Seems like a lot of propaganda. But I don't know what is like to be a doctor. I can only imagine. Thanks again, Jessica! Great post.

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Jun 1Edited

Talk about the blind leading the blind. (Autocorrect changed it to the blond leading the blond. 😆 I needed a laugh.) PBS has always been hopelessly captured. Emphasis on the BS

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Thank you for keeping this history from disappearing.

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Jessica, hopefully, you will find this useful in updating this post. https://fatherlyadviceandrants.com/covid-19-and-mrna-article-reference-list-archive-links/

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Are there things related to NYC 2020?

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My site was hacked and stuff back to 2019 was not recoverable when I moved to a new hosting site. There was for sure, before that, but now I can't say without going back and looking at everything. You can do searches for titles with New York in them, and if there are any articles they will be identified. CTL/F or CMD/F depending on what type of computer you are using. I hope this helps.

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