We Think the NYC 2020 Death All-Cause Death Curve May Be False: Interview with Naomi Wolf on Daily Clout
Naomi Wolf interviews me and Jonathan Engler about why we doubt the Big Apple's Big Death Curves for 2020
Naomi Wolf interviewed me and Jonathan Engler this week on the Daily Clout podcast about our recent PANDA article “Does New York City 2020 Data Make Any Sense?” (republished on Daily Clout, Brownstone Institute, and the PANDA Substack).
Daily Clout chose the title “Were NYC COVID 2020 Deaths False?” but the key question Jonathan & I were emphasizing was really “Is the NYC 2020 Death All-Cause Death Curve False?"
We shared with Dr. Wolf some of the many signals that suggest data reported by city & federal officials have been manipulated. Besides missing, incongruent, and anomalous data of various types - and from different agencies - officials have shared no real proof the city’s death curve represents a real-time event.
We’re referring here not so much to the issue of how many deaths should be blamed on something called COVID-19, though that’s a problem too. We are questioning whether all deaths purported to have occurred on each day, in the settings they are claimed to have occurred, are legitimately represented by the daily death curve. Did anyone’s grandma die twice, for example — once in December 2019 and then again in March 2020? How do we know?
Under New York State law, death certificates are not subject to public records request, like they are in many other states.1 Journalistic efforts and a public database of city burials have identified less than 10% of the names for the ~37,000 people alleged to have died during in spring 2020. Essentially, the government is making claims — claims used to justify harmful measures and coerce millions of people to get shots they didn’t want or need — without providing evidence.
During the interview, Ms. Wolf observed,
“You’re asking for transparency from a non-transparent agency in a non-transparent city in a non-transparent state. Asking the head murderers to turn over the murder evidence.”
I agree, but we are also facing dereliction of duty on the part of the Fourth Estate. New York City is the home to some of the most widely-read and -watched news media outlets in the world — not to mention thousands of reporters who work for smaller outlets or for themselves. Besides potential fraud, the other story here is that many actually-paid-and-professionally-trained journalists apparently lack(ed) the skills or will to ask even the most basic questions about what happened in their own backyard.2
Biologist Jonathan Coeuy watched & analyzed the interview on his Gigaohm Biological livestream last night and said,
“What I find a little odd and disturbing is that somebody from Chicago is the one who’s figured it out, in 2023, and not somebody from New York in 2021…New York is not a small town. New York is not a place where people don’t know about corruption. So I am actually pretty shocked that we are in 2023 and somebody from Chicago is pushing this story forward. Isn’t there a whistleblower? Aren’t there a thousand whistleblowers in New York City who want to fight for where they grew up? What the hell is going on in New York City?”
I have not figured it out, of course - and neither has Jonathan Engler or Denis Rancourt or anyone else, for that matter.
But why do even anti-mandate New Yorkers seem to accept the Cuomo-Trump-Fauci narrative? Essentially, New York was “hit harder” by a Novel Virus but showed the rest of the world how to handle it. 🙄
It’s pretty strange that “the city that doesn’t sleep” has been not just asleep but hibernating on this for more than three years. (Omertà, anyone?)
As I said toward the end of the interview,
“We need more people who care about this. This shouldn’t be just a ‘Jessica Hockett/Jonathan Engler Thing’. This should enrage, really, every New Yorker!”
Every American too.
Ms. Wolf seemed to believe that HIPAA laws prevent line-by-line death certificate entries from being disclosed, which is not the case. Death certificates and birth certificates are vital records, not medical records per se, and should be distinguished as such in every state that does not make that distinction. Besides the fact that the dead do not have the same privacy rights as the living, the date, time, setting, location, and attributed causes of a person’s death should not be a secret — with some very limited exceptions. We entrust the stewardship of vital records to taxpayer- funded entities. In some places (the Illinois county I live in, for instance), the Medical Examiner/Coroner is an elected position. From a “constitutional principles” perspective, privatizing birth and death certificates is somewhat akin to letting government own all the guns. That’s not a statement about gun ownership as much as it is an illustration of how the government can weaponize and use against the populace that which it keeps the public from having/seeing. If 2020-2023 era has taught us anything, it’s that, given the chance, governing authorities and other entities can and do weaponize and lie about death statistics. I see no reason why virtually every death certificate in the United States shouldn’t be a matter of public record as soon as it is processed.
I exclude Bill Hammond from Empire Center from that characterization — even though I think Hammond has missed some very obvious and important questions and continues to draw errant conclusions, due in part to his assumptions that sudden spread of a novel and deadly coronavirus with unique symptoms requiring treatments not already being used with influenza-like illnesses occurred in late 2019/early 2020.
Jessica Hockett's research is quite comprehensive- this interview not only did not do it justice but Naomi Wolf seemed to micromanage and "steer" the conversation aside from the lengthy interruptions.
The problem for the likes of Naomi Wolf, RFK, Peter McCullough and most of the "established" Covid dissenters is that the evidence produced by the likes of Jessica, Jonathan, Denis Rancourt and several others disproves their fundamental assertions that there was a pandemic caused by a unique viral pathogen- it is just the source of the pathogen and the draconian responses which were problematic according to the "establishment" Covid sceptics.
The bigger problem for those who reify the big lie of there being a pandemic is that the data presented by Hockett et al is unassailable and point towards criminal actions that were enacted in order to kickstart this global operation.
A groundswell of public opinion would also change the landscape on who is or isn't interested in this information so I think that Naomi Wolf was a little disingenuous in the last segment of the interview.
How could that groundswell be created? Precisely by having some of those at the "top of the health freedom establishment" not only putting but by keeping this evidence out in front and pressuring public officials to look at it and obtain even more details.
You can't tell me that these people are not aware of this information.
I have the same chilling take-away as you, Jessica. There's several disconcerting scandals here. One is the excess deaths and the policy response that obviously cost many people their lives. But the bigger scandal might be the "watchdog press" that doesn't care an iota about this .... or else they have zero curiosity about what really happened or finding out what might explain all of these deaths.
They are either okay with what happened (which connotes a level of evil or callousness about human suffering) ... or they're too obtuse to figure out what was going on. And/or: they are too timid to challenge "authority figures."
So we've got this going for us as a nation.