Wow. I think you are on to something, Jessica.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

They hold all the cards, they tell us what the numbers are, they tell us what they have died of and where they died plus the added bonus - they banish all witnesses. From the beginning this has been carefully staged, the visuals and the language has been on display front and centre and constantly fed to us to ramp up shock, horror and hysteria.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

This is true.

They cook the books and manufacture the images and the stories.

Remember the coffins in Bergamo stacked up due to "Covid deaths" coming in hot and heavy?

Oops- all lies.

It was a photo from the Lampedusa Airport in 2013. The coffins in that photo were filled with Africans who died off the coast of Tunisia in a shipwreck.

The phony war on (of) terror has been replaced by phony the war on germs.

People need to wise up fast. They invent all of the diseases we are told are swirling around so as to cover up the actual causes of illness that are created from the society they have engineered AND to make money off of those illnesses on the back side.

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Time to call the bluff.

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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Don't forget: in a Long Term Care context ("nursing home") the witnesses they "banish" are family members; and that alone can often be - was - lethal. So, yes, "staged" but people did (and are) dying particularly in that context. Social Security (and Medicaid), after all, has to be "saved" and it is curious that that discussion thread - more prevalent 10-15 years ago - has completely disappeared from US public discourse.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

You left somethings out from your "Could there be fraud?" list

6 - They imported dead bodies from somewhere that has a lot of them. Like Haiti. Dead bodies don't take up a lot of space. A few C-130s could leave Haiti and be in NYC in three or four hours, with 10K+ bodies

7 - They placed bulk orders to kill people in states or countries where they don't count well. Dead bodies on demand. Then a few C-130s ...

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Yes, I've actually posited about bodies brought from elsewhere to friends in private.

There's data and records that point to that possibility

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Is there any place nearby that saw a drop in deaths?

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Sounds like how votes are counted

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Good question. Have you seen this fuckery? https://open.substack.com/pub/viralimmunologist/p/canadas-christmas-miracle

I wonder if this happened all over the place....?

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I haven’t looked at Canada, but I strongly suspect Australia and NZ are fraud-influenced

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

I finally viewed, and highly recommend, Jessica's presentation about the Spring 2020 mass-casualty event in New York City. It can be seen here on PANDA's Rumble Channel:


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has anyone surveyed cemeteries to determine the number of burials, or sales of cemetery plots?

how about crematoriums? funeral directors?

i would also wonder if the intake number at the city morgue matched up...or if their data was also falsified to fuel the illusion of a pandemic

such a huge burst of mortality would overwhelm the system and that didn't seem to happen

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I have data from the Med Examiner's office that problematic.

Hoping to share that soon.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Excellent analysis.

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Thank you. More to come...

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Regarding a comment about defense taking over nyc hospitals during that time, I hadn’t thought of that, but that would very much make sense given the 5 huge field hospitals that ran on generators for a few years (thru 22) totally empty, never a bed. At the very start bf April 2020, an indoor campus bldg was taken over by guard, an entire operation sprung up.

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The field hospitals and ships, etc. also served as a distraction from what was going on inside hospitals --and were a successful strategy for making people believe that hospitals were overrun with patients.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

That damn virus sure picked a good spot to go ballistic. So strange that we didn't see similarly extreme curves in most other highly-populated but much less notable spots that aren't home to the world's biggest media cos and the most significant financial district. Not to mention populated with wealthy folks inclined to latch onto the "latest thing", follow orders, suck up to celebrities of any type, and hate the president. Smart virus I guess.

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They don’t have the receipts.

That’s my guess.

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Very interesting. Here's another sub-theory: dates of death were shifted to disconnect them chronologically from the appalling city and state malfeasance in the elder care homes.

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That works, but only if you're talking about deaths earlier than March 2020

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

(In order to fraudulently minimise the effects of that malfeasance and blame it on something else, in case that's not obvious.)

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Jessica, you have spent so much time on this and you are so right...this stinks to high heavan.

I am glad you are screaming....we all need to.

Unfortunately, the tyranny we live under will never let i be known. They are pschopaths.

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Yes, it does.

The data don't lie...even when people use data to lie.

What they've done is blatantly deceptive; worse, paid professional journalists are either too data-dumb or too sold-out or too afraid to do their actual jobs on this. EPIC FAIL.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

True. But go look in the mirror...you are now the new kind a journalist- the independent data journalist....who actually investigates the data and rings the alarm.

You, ethical skeptic, igor chudov and a few others....and we are very grateful to you.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

After another 9/11 anniversary, it is noteworthy that we had 9/11 truthers, in various forms, be, I think, relatively tolerated by the culture and by mainstream media--more tolerated than what we've seen over the past 3 1/2 years.

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023Author

Very true.

I have no opinion on and haven't studied 9/11, but I obviously will defend anyone who wants to speak their mind about the events.

What I think most anti-mandate Americans are missing is that it's not free speech the government is fearing; it's the individual's right to free press.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Yes yes yes! Spot on.

NYC was the tip of the fear spear that pushed everything through. Thank you for taking aim at this crucial part of the myth. Mind-boggling that anything so impactful is based on virtually nothing.

Keep going ✊🏾

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Hospitals live and thrive on fraud. A brief inspection of any in-pt billing to 3rd party payers reveals padding of services and supplies which were never rendered during the episode of care. It beggars belief to think hospitals would be offered 30K per covid dx and hesitate to stretch medical truth.. The same perverse incentives invariably result in exaggerated mortality reporting. "Outcomes incentives" were flipped upside down. Murder pays.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

I agree wholeheartedly. Add to the fact that every last nickel and then some must be billed, so many hospitals -- especially "Safety Net" hospitals serving the poor and uninsured -- have undergone massive Mergers and Acquisitions during this pandemic. The wholesale restructuring of the Hospital Industry is happening before our eyes -- lead by Venture Capitalists. Could it be that, perhaps, they see the incredible profits to be made with the collusion of corrupt government agencies. Off to the races... Who is behind these hospital mergers? More to the point Who Can Afford to buy out these hospitals at incredible billions per transaction?

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That sudden peak in the curve corresponds to the rollout of the bogus PCR "test". So these are potentially deaths that were falsely attributed to covid due to false-positive test. This crime is facilitated by Drosten's fraudulent PCR.

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That's not the issue here though.

I agree and have said many times that PCR positives were used to cover up actual causes of deaths.

With New York, the first issue is whether this number of people actually died on these days in tis city.


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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Yes. Two different things. You (and we) have extensively discussed the issue of the "bogus PCRs" previously. Here you are talking about whether the number of people they are reporting actually died. This is really a major problem. Great work!

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Yes, whether they actually died AND (more importantly, because I think this is where the fraud is), WHEN they actually died and WHERE they actually died.

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All-cause death numbers simply don’t make sense. No respiratory virus would suddenly explode in April and May. And Jessica's new interpretation adds another layer to this unreported scandal.


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Not a new interpretation for me :)

Just trying to get more people to wake up and pay attention

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I added a Reader comment after my story to hopefully send more people to your provocative story. Your interpretation rings true to me. The "tell" is no "public servant" will answer your questions or provide the data you are looking for.

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