
Links to full convo are embedded in the post, but ICYMI, you can access all versions here: https://sites.google.com/housatonicits.com/live/home

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Great presentation. Keep the heat on NYC. You know they're just hiding behind excuses to conceal the record level data on death certificates for the time frames of interest. Having lived and practiced medicine in NYC all my adult life I remain convinced that the institutional debacle of March 2020 was the result of a government "coordinated response" to an exaggerated threat. The purpose was and remains the surveillance, control, and subjugation of people under bio-pharmaceutical tyranny.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

can’t have questions now can we. Shut up and never question the dear leader. Are we in pre WW2 Japan? Google is a god? That can’t allow dissent?

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Hello. Are you aware of the same massive death spike in Manaus, Brazil, similar to the one in NYC? Makes absolutely no sense, and was also subject of massive media hysteria.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

I have a deep feeling that in years to come you'll be proven to be one of the very few over the target. IMHO the only part that's yet to be seriously discussed is the why and IMHO it all started in January 2018 with Trump's war on China.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

great interview!

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Swinging by again (I really don't like using Twitter given how censorious it is). So, I had a thought; it is unlikely we're going to get them to admit the autopsy/coroner death reports are falsified.

However, what if there was some way to do it in reverse? One of my subscribers posted this article showing evidence of a murder ('forced euthanasia') in exactly the format we suspect... during the so-called COVID period:


It's a rock solid legal case with extensive details. Yes, I recognise it isn't New York, but surely out of the 20k dead in New York, there must have been at least one disgruntled family who filed suit? At least one case where someone had received a cocktail of drugs, formally on record, who was then mysteriously declared as having 'COVID-19'?

If we could punch holes in the reliability of the coroner/autopsy/death reports, by showing clear cut examples of a person dying one way (E.G. poisoning) and then being labelled another (E.G. COVID-19), we could cast doubt on the whole set of paperwork and prompt reasonable suspicion to warrant an investigation into fraud.

You'd have to compile a list of names, ages, date of births etc to 'comb through' for in obituaries, court cases and the like. It is more manual, but it would also bypass this evident stonewalling by the Department of Health. I am thoroughly convinced they did something akin to mass murder because it is extremely unusual for me to hit a complete wall of silence like this.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Yes but you did talk about the data anomalies as underlying factors to support the VAXX aka countermeasures.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Note to all, the transcripts are AI generated, so they'll have errors (probably a lot of them), but what they're REALLY useful for is searching the part you want to find (e.g. using ctrl/cmd-f or "find on page").


Now use it to search for your favourite parts. Send links directly to that time. Clip the part you want. Caption them if you want as well (there are ways -- ask here if you need help). Then share share share!

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Swinging by to give you a status update on the NY health query: they completely stonewalled my query.

This would mean Health NYC gov are also complicit in the cover-ups. In-fact, this would suggest the NYC government itself directed it. I will see if I can find an alternate way in.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

We should all get comfortable with dangerous… tends to bring with it a measure of respect.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

I heard you talk about the flu shot. That probably pissed them off. It's pretty impossible to work around their community guidelines which are just about censoring people. It's nothing to do with community.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Google's probably pulling the real-time transcription of videos to its servers and checking to see if what's said violates terms of service. Then, unless there's been a violent threat, it waits until the livestream ends to take down the video.

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Jessica, these COVID Censors are terrible.

I remember years back being leery of the acronym FAANGIT (facebook, apple, amazon, netflix, google, instagram, twitter) when it seemed like Silicon Valley billionaires and/or China had appeared to have too much influence over how they were to be used.

p.s., Can I repurpose a graph which I believe you made? It is the one at Minute Mark 50:00, with the COVID deaths, overlayed on top of the emergency room visits, and also on top of the ambulance calls in NYC?

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Please tell me you have a back up copy on Rumble or bitchute or banned video?

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thank you

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