Next Pandemic/No Pandemic
This page is for all of my posts related to individuals, groups, or documents that hold, represent, or lean strongly toward either a Next Pandemic view or a No Pandemic view. Other ‘No Pandemic’ statements are also featured.
Next Pandemic
I characterize the ‘Next Pandemic’ view as holding the following tenets:
There was pandemic in 2020. (The WHO’s 11 March 2020 pandemic declaration is legitimate.)
A biological and pathogenic entity called SARS-CoV-2 (née 2019-nCoV) caused that pandemic.
SARS-CoV-2 is the causal agent of a disease with unique etiology - Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) – and adds risk of severe illness or death to one or more groups of people. Its sudden presence and/or “spread” created more risk beyond other known or hypothesized causes of respiratory illness, versus displacing it.
COVID-19 does not exist without SARS-CoV-2; other pathogens do not/cannot cause COVID-19.
There will be another pandemic.
This future pandemic will be/can be caused by a pathogen with characteristics similar to SARS-CoV-2, by an influenza virus, or by another “spreading disease” threat.
No Pandemic
I reject the ‘Next Pandemic’ assertions and at this point believe the opposite:
There was no pandemic in 2020. The WHO pandemic declaration is fraudulent and criminal, even by their own bogus “redefinition” in 2009, because a newly-named coronavirus was not suddenly, quickly, or exponentially spreading from person to person or circulating “in the air”.
The biological entity called SARS-CoV-2 (née 2019-nCoV) did not cause a pandemic.
It was never demonstrated scientifically or medically that SARS-CoV-2 is the causal agent of a disease with unique etiology or that it is additive to the risk of severe illness or death for groups of people, independent of testing and maltreatment in response to a positive test results.
At most, COVID-19 is an ICD code (U07.1) and coding guidance. It is not a demonstrable “new” cause of death. The acronym may have multiple or alternate meanings (e.g., Covert Operation for Vaccine Induced Disease, Coronavirus Opioid, or Viral Infection Death)
Pandemics are not epidemiological or biological phenomena; no virus has ever been shown as the causal agent of a global disease spreading around the world over a brief period.