Index of articles that address positions/views on specific events topics, questions, or events that I am continuing to investigate and opine about in 2025. Subject to ongoing updates/revisions.
Mass Casualty Events of Spring 2020
New York City (all related articles here)
New York City Spring 2020: An Unsubstantiated Mass Casualty Event That Appears Fraudulent & Staged (summary of ongoing investigation)
Eleven Serious Problems with the New York City Spring 2020 Mass Casualty Event (summary of data-related problems)
Bergamo/Lombardy, Italy (all related articles here)
Yes, We Believe the Bergamo (Italy) All-Cause Death Curve is Fraudulent (with J. Engler)
Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans versus COVID-19 in Bergamo, Italy
Did the Trucks of Bergamo Carry Only One Coffin Each - and Does it Really Matter? (with J. Engler)
Other Locations
5G and Poisoning Hypotheses About the Events of Spring 2020
Ventilator Use as a China-Directed Op
U.S. COVID-19 Ventilation Policy: Made in China? (with M. Neil and J. Engler)
Basic Formula and Metaphor for Spring 2020 Coordinated Democide
SARS-CoV-2 the Agent & COVID-19 the Disease
Origins of SARS-CoV-2/Lab Leak Hypothesis
"Question Everything" (Except That Thing) (with M. Neil and J. Engler)
Claim of Function (with M. Neil and J. Engler)
The SARS-CoV-2 Name Game (Naming of SARS-CoV-2)
WHO Claims About SARS-CoV-2/COVID and Legitimacy of 2020 Pandemic Declaration
Timeline: The "Finding" & Naming of SARS-CoV-2 and Creation of COVID-19 (U07.1)
December 31, 2019: The Global Human Rights Heist Formally Begins
Questioning the "First Known Person-to-Person Transmission of SARS-CoV-2"
What COVID-19 Is/Whether It Was a New or Unique Disease in Late 2019/Early 2020
Whodunnit: Was SARS-CoV-2 or Pneumonia the Primary Cause of Respiratory Covid-19 deaths? (with M. Neil, J. Engler, & N. Fenton)
'Spikeopathy' Does Not Explain the 'Novel' Symptoms Associated with COVID-19 (with M. Neil & J. Engler)
Early/Non/Withheld Treatments for COVID-19
The COVID-19 Shot
Chicago's Fall 2020 Deaths Peaked Prior to COVID Shot Deployment
(COVID Shot as Countermeasure) What Do I Think About the Term 'Bioweapon' & Whether the U.S. Activated Counter-Measures in Response to SARS-CoV-2?
The Disappearance of Positive Flu Tests (Incidence and Motivation)
Views of Experts, Elected Officials, & Influencers
U.S. House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic
Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Validates 'Next Pandemic' Preparedness Efforts
The Norfolk Group's Presumptive Pandemic (work of eight American doctors/scientists helped guide the Select Subcommittee)
Rand Paul
Jay Bhattacharya
26 January 2023 Interaction with Jay Bhattacharya, NIH Director Appointee
Jay Bhattacharya and the Resistance to Debating Whether There Was a Pandemic in 2020
Suneta Gupta
Jeffrey Tucker
"Question Everything" (Except That Thing) (with M. Neil and J. Engler)
Denis Rancourt
Pierre Kory
Open Letter to Pierre Kory Regarding His Spring 2020 Experiences in Madison and New York City (See also articles on Dialogue with Pierre Kory page)
John Ioannidis
Scott Atlas
Peter McCullough
Meryl Nass
Harvey Risch
Mike Yeadon