Co-Authored Articles

HART’s Substack
Ethical boundaries in medical decision-making can be blurred by circumstances
By Jonathan Engler (co-chair HART) and Jessica Hockett The debate as to how much “pandemic” harm was caused not by a virus, but rather by the dystopian response to the perceived threat of a virus, has been raging for some time now. Jonathan tweeted about this last year in relation to Lombardy and that thread was turned into…
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Where are the numbers? by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
Whodunnit? {unabridged}
A whodunnit (a colloquial elision of "Who [has] done it?") is a complex plot-driven variety of detective fiction in which the puzzle regarding who committed the crime is the main focus. The reader or viewer is provided with clues to the case, from which the identity of the perpetrator may be deduced before the story provides the revelation itself at its…
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Where are the numbers? by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
An explosive discussion with ex-CDC scientist Norman Pieniazek
Dr Norman Pieniazek is a molecular biologist, geneticist, epidemiologist with 147 publications in virology and parasitology. Before he retired, he spent 24 years working at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in the USA. He has also spent time abroad including time working in Spain and Poland…
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Does New York City 2020 Make Any Sense?
by Thomas Verduyn BASc, Jessica Hockett PhD, Jonathan Engler MB ChB LLB DipPharmMed, Todd Kenyon PhD, & Martin Neil PhD This article is working document and is open to queries and corrections. Email In a previous article we discussed the large spring 2020 spike in mortality reported for New York City (NYC). This spike comprises an extra…
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Where are the numbers? by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
US covid-19 ventilation policy: made in China?
The lethal role of ventilation in treating covid-19 is a hot topic again after Elon Musk raised it in conversation with Joe Rogan on his recent Spotify podcast: Here is the discussion: 0:00 Well, 80% of the people they put on ventilators died. 0:03 Yeah…
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Wood House 76
New York COVID-19 Hospital Frontline: The Silent Witness
March 2020 heralded a new heroic figure: the doctor or nurse working on the hospital ‘frontlines’, battling a novel, untreatable and deadly coronavirus. Nowhere did this archetype emerge more suddenly and more prominently than in New York City, the so-called “epicenter” of sudden disease spread in the United States…
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Where are the numbers? by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
'Spikeopathy' does not explain the 'novel' symptoms associated with COVID-19
Summary Recently two of the authors were involved in a WhatsApp conversation with two ‘frontline’ doctors: Dr Pierre Kory and Dr Jackie Stone in which the conversation focused on differences of opinion on the topic of whether covid-19 was ‘novel and deadly’ and whether there was indeed a…
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Where are the numbers? by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
Our response to Dr Pierre Kory
A few weeks ago, we wrote an article titled “'Spikeopathy does not explain the 'novel' symptoms associated with COVID-19: An investigation into competing alternative explanations,” which was written in reaction to a WhatsApp conversation in a group containing a number of ‘frontline’ doctors including…
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Jonathan’s Substack
Ethical boundaries in medical decision-making can be blurred by circumstances
I have posted this article (which we wrote for HART last year - here) before as a cross-post, but thought I would post again, as it raises a number of issues which are very important for people to understand…
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Wood House 76
"Question Everything" (Except That Thing)
We contacted two prominent 'alternative' media outlets well-known for elevating COVID-dissident views and championing free speech/free press rights with a proposal to spark a public debate about the SARS-CoV-2 origin story and accompanying pandemic narrative. We asked if they would publish our article presenting questions to the chief proponents of the …
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Where are the numbers? by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
Claim of Function - it wasn't a lab-leak and neither was it from the wet-market
Yes, that old chestnut again…
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Wood House 76
Yes, We Believe the Bergamo (Italy) All-Cause Death Curve is Fraudulent
A few people have made us aware that a German analyst named Tom Lausen is saying he believes the spring 2020 Bergamo (Italy) death spike is “faked” (see the thread here). This is akin to, but not exactly the same as, what we have both asserted about New York City curves — and now suspect of other locations, including Bergamo…
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Wood House 76
Did the Trucks of Bergamo Carry Only One Coffin Each - and Does it Really Matter?
Military trucks rolling through Bergamo, Italy, are among the most enduring “pandemic” images of early 2020. Their message was unmistakable…
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